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Jeopardy Topic 1Topic Q 1Q 6Q 11Q 16Q 21 Q 2Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 3Q 8Q 13Q 18Q 23 Q 4Q 9Q 14Q 19Q 24 Q 5Q 10Q 15Q 20Q 25.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Topic 1Topic Q 1Q 6Q 11Q 16Q 21 Q 2Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 3Q 8Q 13Q 18Q 23 Q 4Q 9Q 14Q 19Q 24 Q 5Q 10Q 15Q 20Q 25."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Topic 1Topic Q 1Q 6Q 11Q 16Q 21 Q 2Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 3Q 8Q 13Q 18Q 23 Q 4Q 9Q 14Q 19Q 24 Q 5Q 10Q 15Q 20Q 25

3 QUESTION 1 When simplified, equals —

4 ANSWER 1 What is ?

5 QUESTION 2 _____ are factors of.

6 ANSWER 2 What is ?


8 ANSWER 3 What is ?

9 QUESTION 4 _______is the greatest common monomial factor of

10 ANSWER 4 What is ?

11 ______ is closest to the value of q if. QUESTION 5

12 ANSWER 5 What is ?

13 QUESTION 6 The numbers in the table follow a linear pattern. The missing y value is ______.

14 ANSWER 6 What is 182 ?

15 QUESTION 7 The table at left shows the relation between the number of members in a club selling cookies and the predicted number of boxes sold. Using the data shown above, one equation could be used to predict the number of boxes of cookies that the club will sell.

16 ANSWER 7 What is ?

17 QUESTION 8 The range of the relation plotted on the graph is

18 ANSWER 8 What is ?

19 QUESTION 9 The ordered pairs in the sets shown below are of the form (x, y). In one set of ordered pairs y is a function of x.

20 ANSWER 9 What is ?

21 QUESTION 10 If y varies directly as x, _______ is the equation for the direct variation shown in the table above.

22 ANSWER 10 What is ?

23 QUESTION 11 One of these equations is a direct variation.

24 ANSWER 11 What is ?

25 QUESTION 12 ______is the range of the function when the domain is.

26 ANSWER 12 What is ?

27 QUESTION 13 _____ is a zero of

28 ANSWER 13 What is 9 ?

29 QUESTION 14 If, is _____.

30 ANSWER 14 What is 12 ?

31 QUESTION 15 The cost of fabric varies directly with the amount of fabric purchased. If yards of fabric cost $10.00, yards would cost $____.

32 ANSWER 15 What is $27.00 ?

33 QUESTION 16 If m varies directly as p, and m = 5 when p = 7, the constant of variation is ______.

34 ANSWER 16 What is ?

35 The miles per gallon, m, of an experimental car is given by where s is the car’s speed in miles per hour. The car’s miles per gallon is _____when its speed is 100 miles per hour. QUESTION 17

36 ANSWER 17 What is 45 mpg ?

37 QUESTION 18 This matrix shows the number of points scored during the regular season by the starting players on a basketball team organized by the kind of shot used to score the points. This matrix shows the number of points scored during the playoff tournament. One matrix shows the points scored by each player during the entire season, including the playoffs.

38 ANSWER 18 What is ?


40 ANSWER 19 What is ?

41 QUESTION 20 The stem-and-leaf plots show the number of miles per gallon a family’s car and truck averaged over the past few months. The difference in the median number of miles per gallon for the two vehicles is _______.

42 ANSWER 20 What is 7 ?

43 QUESTION 21 Tommy and Jeremy are pitchers for the baseball team and are being evaluated by the coach. The speeds in miles per hour of each of their practice pitches are shown at right. One of the following statements is true regarding their performances. A. Tommy has a lower mean speed. B. Tommy has a greater range of speeds. C. Tommy has a lower median speed. D. Jeremy’s median speed is higher than Tommy’s mean speed

44 ANSWER 21 What is B. Tommy has a greater range of speeds. ?

45 QUESTION 22 The box-and-whisker plot shows the heights in centimeters of high school seniors compared to their heights as freshmen. Using the median as the measure, _______ is closest to the difference in heights between the freshman and senior years.

46 ANSWER 22 What is 5 cm ?

47 QUESTION 23 The table shows the life expectancy of a person related to the year of birth. One equation would give the best estimate of life expectancy, given the year of one’s birth.

48 ANSWER 23 What is ?

49 QUESTION 24 The table below shows the number of boxes of cookies sold by members of two softball teams, the Hawks and the Tigers. _____ is the difference in the mean number of cookies sold by the two teams.

50 ANSWER 24 What is 2.5 ?

51 QUESTION 25 One scatterplot most likely has a line of best fit represented by.

52 ANSWER 25 What is ?

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