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Unit 1 We Welcome and Gather in the Spirit Prayer cloth green for ordinary time.

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1 Unit 1 We Welcome and Gather in the Spirit Prayer cloth green for ordinary time.

2 Aims: To begin to create a space where all feel comfortable To gather hopes and dreams for the year

3 Lesson 1 (80min): Welcome To You Welcome everyone to the class and to grade 3. Discuss our hopes and dreams for grade 3. Brainstorm a list on the board. Activity: Kite handout dream kite.pubdream Students are to draw and/or print a dream in each piece of the kite they have for grade 3. They will use glitter glue to connect the tail pieces together when it is complete. Activity: Terry Fox handout Terry Fox.pdfTerry Fox.pdf Students watch clips of Terry Story (t drive). Discuss what his dream was. How did he try to accomplish his dream. Terry’s message to us was “Dreams are made if people try.” Students choose a dream of their own. How will they try to make theirs come true? Draw or write in the clouds responses to each of the statements. Closing: Have students share their dreams with the class if they want to. I can demonstrate the meaning of gathering in God’s people.

4 Lesson 2 (80min): Dreaming with God Read book Please Nana, Who is God? to students. Reflect on what author’s answer is to the question. Let students share their ideas of who God is and what he may look like. Activity: Have student draw an image of God on a small medallion size piece of paper. Glue it to the end of a 2x6cm strip of paper. Have a paper plate with face drawn on it. Students staple strips of paper to radiate around it outer edge creating “God’s dream mask.” Place the dream mask on or near prayer table. Activity: making teepee 1 2 Creating a Tent (Tiipi) of Meeting.doc (FMNI connection)1 2 Creating a Tent (Tiipi) of Meeting.doc Distribute twigs and paper pattern. Students decorate, cut and glue pattern. Tie twigs together at top. Put teepee over twigs to finish teepee. Place on prayer table. Closing: Why do we have a prayer table? Why would God’s dream mask belong on the table? Why do we have a candle, bible etc. on the prayer table? Ask students if they know yet what God’s dream for us is. I can understand God’s dream of gathering all people into one family.

5 Lesson 3 (80min): Let’s Celebrate Use bibles to read Isaiah 25:6 (God’s dream) and Exodus 33:7-11 (tent of meeting) Have students share what they think each reading is about. Guide them toward their meanings. God’s dream is to gather all peoples. Activity: students perform an in class celebration. Follow Celebrating God’s Dream p. 63 and 64. Activity: Dream catcher blackline master 2 (FNMI connection) God’s dream is for us to gather together at the great banquet of love. Students create a dream catcher using thread, beads and plastic rings. As they thread the beads, give thanks for what we have, for how God has provided us and for our family and friends. Closing: Gather together at the prayer table for closing prayer of Our Father. *hyperlink blackline master 2 I can celebrate God’s dream with friends and family.

6 Summative Assessment (40min) for Outcome 2 – Understands Gods dream to gather all as one family through the Holy Spirit. Activity: Students are to draw the meeting place and explain the meaning behind the gathering place. DI strategies: students will write, draw or tell in an interview process their responses. rubric Unit 1 Review and Assessment.doc Unit 1 Review

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