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Data system and modeling Thomas Zurbuchen University of Michigan

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1 Data system and modeling Thomas Zurbuchen University of Michigan

2 Coronal &Heliospheric magnetic field and its structure and evolution How does it all hang together? The weakest link for Sun-heliosphere

3 User profile #1 Addresses coronal and space science questions. Uses FASR data in connection with other data-sets. Does not understand or want to understand the intrinsic details of radio-emissions etc. Will rely on standard products and/or their “simplified” interpretation.

4 User profile #2 Is a radio-fanatic. Knows and reads papers on radio physics of the Sun and the corona. Uses FASR data as a primary data source, but still will integrate the data with other data-sets. Has strong opinions on how FASR should be run and how data should be analyzed.

5 Typical experience Typical composition of users –70% User #1 –30% User #2 … if successful, evolving to, –90% User #1 –10% User #2

6 Conclusions Data system –Is not just a conglomerate of data with labels –Has to provide data-products which are conceptually simple and useful –Should enable integration into “traditional solar physics” data. Also, –Needs to be evolutionary –Should use modern tools that enable collaboratories and use data-tagging techniques –Should think of time-scale of 15 years..

7 Michigan data system elements Develop, analyze and archive data products Provide modeling tools that enable understanding and integration of these products into other data- sets. Work with School of Information, Computer Science and modern aspects of this problem. Student involvement allows for good and cheap operations.

8 What we don’t want to do Develop new models for FASR Develop a big operation

9 Potential Fields Solve Laplace equation for –given inner boundary –Assuming outer boundary is conductor –No currents! Intrinsically time- stationary

10 Photosphere Gilbert et al, 2005.

11 Photospheric Field

12 Linker et al., 2001.

13 Roussev et al, 2004.

14 Michigan Involvement

15 Prototyping phase The University of Michigan (UM) will develop a Digital Signal Processing Unit (DSPU) prototype to be integrated into the three-antenna prototype. UM will also support NJIT in the development of end-to-end measurements using this prototype design. UM will develop numerical simulations to be used for the analysis of the prototype data and to support the proposal for the full-scale design

16 Development phase The University of Michigan (UM) will design, construct and deliver the DSPU for the full-scale FASR system. UM will also support the integration and test of the DSPU with the entire system. UM will support code development to be used for front- end correlation and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) detection and mitigation, as well as self-calibration and autonomous health assessment of the system. UM will develop the data-base system for data and model dissemination for the science phase. UM will participate in the overall oversight of AUI as part of the leadership council, and interface with other agencies and science communities.

17 Science phase The University of Michigan (UM) will participate in the health maintenance of the FASR system through remote health tracking and repairs/improvements where needed. UM will participate in the dissemination of standardized Level 2 data products and supporting models that will bring FASR data to use. UM will participate in overall leadership and science planning of the FASR instrument.

18 Other During all phases, the University of Michigan (UM) contract will be held by Professors Zurbuchen and Ruf as joint PIs at UM. UM will support a substantial fraction of this work through the participation of graduate and undergraduate students of engineering and science.

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