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Intrapersonal Interventions Goal: Eliminate or reduce stress factors that occur between you and yourself.

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Presentation on theme: "Intrapersonal Interventions Goal: Eliminate or reduce stress factors that occur between you and yourself."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intrapersonal Interventions Goal: Eliminate or reduce stress factors that occur between you and yourself

2 Nutrition Some foods can cause stress like symptoms (pseudo-stressors) –colas, coffee, tea, other beverages containing caffeine –chocolate, other foods containing caffeine –high sugar foods Comfort foods as stress reliever

3 NOISE Excessive noise can stimulate a stress response. Typically, associated with noise registering over 85 decibels. –garbage disposals –power saws –loud music –lawn mower –gun shot

4 Spirituality and Health There are many descriptors for Spiritual Health. Some of these include: –a relationship with a supreme being –doctrine prescribed by religion –sense of purpose in life –celebration of life

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