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Transportation Planning Process Freight Transportation Planning Workshop July 11, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Transportation Planning Process Freight Transportation Planning Workshop July 11, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transportation Planning Process Freight Transportation Planning Workshop July 11, 2001

2 Transportation Planning Process Overview of transportation planning process Explanation of each step in process and connections Think about process improvements to enhance consideration of freight

3 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

4 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

5 Transportation Planning Process Goals & Objectives Reflect National, State and local values Should be specific and quantifiable Develop performance measures and evaluation criteria Used in Identification of deficiencies Evaluation of alternatives Establishment of priorities

6 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

7 Transportation Planning Process Organization No specific structure required Forum for transportation decision making Cooperative partnership among stakeholders Establish regional priorities to achieve regional goals Clearly defined rolls and responsibilities

8 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

9 Transportation Planning Process Technical Tools Aid in data analysis and forecasting of future conditions Help answer “What if” questions Provide information to the decision makers Examples travel demand forecasting models economic/land use forecasting models pavement management system air quality emissions models

10 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

11 Transportation Planning Process Public & Other Agency Involvement Early and continuous opportunities for public input average citizens affected public agencies private transportation providers transportation agency employees transportation disadvantaged Keep public informed Inform decision makers of public views Demonstrate explicit consideration of public input

12 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

13 Transportation Planning Process Financial Plan Assures that plan and program are in balance with revenues Identifies what can be built with existing revenues Identifies funding shortfall Can include strategies to meet shortfall Can include innovative funding options

14 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

15 Transportation Planning Process Data Timely and accurate data is essential to the process All of the technical tools rely on data Examples roadway inventory traffic volumes population employment travel surveys commodity flows

16 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

17 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Issues: Physical Condition Functional Usage Maintain Existing vs System Expansion Deficiencies(current and future): Capacity/Congestion Pavement Condition Safety Mobility

18 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

19 Transportation Planning Process Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Develop Alternative Solutions Evaluate Sets of Solutions Consistent with Revenues Using Goals and Objectives Establish Preliminary Priorities

20 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

21 Transportation Planning Process Prepare and Adopt LRP 20 Year Horizon - Update every 3 to 5 years “Best” long and short range improvements from alternatives analyzed Priorities consistent with Goals and Objectives Financially constrained in urbanized areas

22 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

23 Transportation Planning Process Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Prioritized list of projects to be implemented over 3 years Updated at least every 2 years Projects must be consistent with the transportation plan TIP/STIP must be financially constrained

24 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

25 Transportation Planning Process Implement Build projects in the plan and program Operating agencies are responsible Planning staffs track implementation

26 Transportation Planning Process Identify and Analyze Issues and Deficiencies (Current and Future) Develop and Evaluate Alternatives Establish Priorities Prepare and Adopt LRP Prepare and Adopt S/TIP Implement Public & Other Agency Involvement Organization Technical Tools Data Financial Plan Goals & Objectives

27 Breakout Room Assignments Team A -Superior Room Team B -Room 242 Team C -Room 342 Team D -Erie Room Team E - Concierge Room Team F -Room 424

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