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Dovetail’s Marketing Database Solution eCommerce DataWeb Analytics Data Dovetail Integrates ALL of Your Marketing Data TAFI To Ensure Your Data is Made.

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Presentation on theme: "Dovetail’s Marketing Database Solution eCommerce DataWeb Analytics Data Dovetail Integrates ALL of Your Marketing Data TAFI To Ensure Your Data is Made."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dovetail’s Marketing Database Solution eCommerce DataWeb Analytics Data Dovetail Integrates ALL of Your Marketing Data TAFI To Ensure Your Data is Made of TAFI Prospects Transactional Data Email Tracking Data Customers

2 TAFI actionableMarketing data that is actionable is: T T rustworthy A A ccessible F F resh I I ntegrated

3 Access Your Marketing Data with The Dovetail Application

4 Create a list Select list criteria

5 Create a list Run counts

6 Create a list Download a list

7 Create an Analysis

8 Substantial Cost Savings A Robust Marketing Database That Also Saves You Money

9 Outstanding Client Service Impeccable References

10 Fast Rollouts Fully Deployed in 60−120 Days

11 Dovetail Specialist The Marketing Database Specialist

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