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Published byJoella May Modified over 9 years ago
O VERVIEW OF AB 484 C ALIFORNIA M EASUREMENT OF A CADEMIC P ERFORMANCE AND P ROGRESS (CALMAPP) Assessment and Testing CTA State Council, October 2013 Vernon G. Gettone, Staff Consultant Report
T ABLE T HINK, T ABLE T ALK ! At your table, pick a partner and introduce yourself. Tell one another something you already know about AB 484. Then share a question you have about the new law.
O VERVIEW OF A SSEMBLY B ILL 484 (B ONILLA ) Governor signed AB 484 into law October 2, 2013. The intent of the legislation to provide a system with the primary purpose of: Assisting teachers, administrators, pupils and their parents Improving teaching and learning Promoting high-quality teaching and learning using a variety of assessment approaches and item types
O VERVIEW OF AB 484 Establishes the California Measurement of Academic Performance and Progress (CalMAPP) assessment system CalMAPP system replaces the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program Provisions of AB 484 take effect January 1, 2014
O VERVIEW OF AB 484 Prohibits the use of the 2013–14 field test results for accountability purposes Prohibits the comparison of results from the consortium summative assessments and California Standards Tests (CSTs)
O VERVIEW OF AB 484 Provides the State Superintendent, with the approval of the SBE, the authority to determine if API scores would be a valid measure of school and district performance in the 2013– 14 and 2014–15 school years only
O VERVIEW OF AB 484 Provides alternatives for schools and districts that do not receive an API to meet legislative requirements in one of the following ways: Use the most recent API Use an average of the three most recent annual API calculations Use alternative measures that show increases in pupil academic achievement school-wide and for all student groups
O VERVIEW OF AB 484 AYP for Elementary and Middle Schools: In addition to double-testing flexibility, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) is also providing states with determination flexibility
I MPACT OF AB 484 ON A CCOUNTABILITY AYP for Elementary and Middle Schools: Determination flexibility allows the 2014 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) reports to reflect the 2013 AYP results. Schools currently in Program Improvement (PI) will maintain their current status and will not be required to implement any new PI activities. (New schools will not be identified for PI.)
I MPACT OF AB 484 ON A CCOUNTABILITY (C ONT ) API for Elementary and Middle Schools: The State Superintendent will take a recommendation to the SBE regarding whether or not to suspend elementary and middle school API reports in spring 2014
I MPACT OF AB 484 ON A CCOUNTABILITY (C ONT ) API High Schools: Since the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) will be administered during 2013–14, the CDE could produce API reports for high schools. The API could be based on: Grade 10 CAHSEE and the California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) English- language arts (ELA) and mathematics Grade 10 CST, CMA, and CAPA Life Science
I MPACT OF AB 484 ON A CCOUNTABILITY (C ONT ) The change to the calculation methodology of the high school API is pending a recommendation by the State Superintendent and approval by the SBE
H IGH S CHOOL 2014 AYP AND PI R EPORTS 2014 AYP determinations will be made for high schools based on the 2014 CAHSEE and CAPA ELA and mathematics results High schools may be identified or advanced in PI based on 2014 AYP results
2013–14 B UDGET B ILL The Budget Bill (AB 97) amended Education Code Section 52052, which makes the following changes to the API: Reduces the numerically-significant student group threshold to 30 students
2013–14 B UDGET B ILL (C ONT ) Adds foster youth as a new student group to the API, with a student group size of 30 Requires districts to receive and meet API Growth targets
S UBJECTS AND G RADES A SSESSED IN CALMAPP 2013-14 S CHOOL Y EAR (Smarter Balanced Field Test) – English Language Arts & Mathematics, grades 3-8 & 11. Grade-level science assessments – CSTs (California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA), California Modified Assessment (CMA), grades 5, 8 and 10. CAPA for ELA & Mathematics, grades 2-11 Voluntary grade 11 – Early Assessment Program (EAP), ELA & Mathematics
CALMAPP R ESULTS C OMPARED TO S TAR R ESULTS AB 484 prohibits comparison of CALMAPP assessment results with STAR assessment results
S MARTER B ALANCED F IELD T EST Purpose: Ensure assessment items are available to all students Produce results that are valid, reliable, and fair Test performance of over 20,000 newly developed test items Populate the test item bank Place on accurate scale to determine final achievement levels (cut-scores)
S MARTER B ALANCED S PRING 2013 P ILOT T EST I NFLUENCE THE FT Pilot Test informed the development of the FT Overall test design Estimated student testing time Test and item directions Item specifications Display of test items, including associated pictures, graphs or other materials Scoring rubrics
S MARTER B ALANCED S PRING 2014 F IELD T EST Will take place March 18–June 6, 2014. Shorter windows within this time frame will be assigned to schools by the CDE and ETS. Will assess students in grades 3 through 11. –Grades 3–8: All students are expected to participate. –Grades 9 and 10: Only students selected for the scientific sample are expected to participate. –Grade 11:* Students selected for the scientific sample are expected to participate; all others may participate. * All grade 11 students may participate in the Early Assessment Program.
B ENEFITS OF S PRING 2014 F IELD T EST Students, teachers & administrators will receive valuable exposure to and experience with the future assessment system Students will gain hands-on experience with the: functionality of innovative technology-enhanced items newly designed performance tasks with related classroom activities
B ENEFITS OF S PRING 2014 F IELD T EST Teachers and administrators will gain valuable experience with administrators logistics LEAs will benefit from learning where their technology gaps may be California will benefit by having the diversity of its student population included in the analysis of test item quality and development of achievement level scores and descriptors
F IELD T EST S CHEDULE The FT will be conducted across Smarter Balanced member states between March 18 and June 6, 2014.
W HO WILL TAKE THE F IELD T EST ? Students across Smarter Balanced member will be selected to participate in the scientific sample of the FT Students will take the FT either in mathematics or English Language Arts California students will make up approximately 36% of the overall scientific sample CDE and ETS will select 681,000 students in grades 3 through 11 for the FT
M ORE ON THE F IELD T EST The only students who will not be sampled for the FT are those who take the California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines provides a list of available tools, supports and accommodations LEAs cannot volunteer to be included in the scientific sample of the FT. The sample will be determined by the CDE and ETS
T HERE IS MORE ON THE F IELD T EST Item Types Included in the Field Test Multiple-choice Matching Fill-in tables Drag and drop Graphing Short text and long essay Each FT will include a performance task
A GAIN, THERE IS MORE ON F IELD T EST Schools will not be able to select the content area(s). They will be assigned to field test either ELA or mathematics Schools have the options of paying for their students to take both subject areas during FT The FT will not be adaptive Students will encounter the same mix of content, item types and cognitive complexity that will be presented on the 2015 operational test
A ND MORE F IELD T EST There will be no paper-and-pencil version of the FT The FT is strictly a computer-based modality During the operational assessments that begin in the 2014-15 school year, a paper- and-pencil version will be available for up to three years
A ND MORE ON F IELD T EST How long will the FT take to administer? It will take approximately 3.5 hours per grade, per content This is approximately the same length as the operational assessments The FT is intended to be administered over multiple sessions of about 45 minutes each FT may be administered in shorter or longer sessions as appropriate for the students and the school
A ND MORE ON THE F IELD T EST … Minimum Technology Requirements for FT Design to operate within the technology infrastructures in most schools Windows XP and Mac OS X 10.4.4 Smarter Balanced Technology Strategy Framework and System Requirements Specifications: Technology page on the Smarter Balanced Web site
W AIT ! T HERE IS MORE ON F IELD T EST An individual student, school or district score report will not be generated from the FT A field test is not designed to be a valid and reliable measure of student achievement FT is designed to help developers evaluate whether the tests, individual test items and the technology platform work as intended before the first operational administration AB 484 prohibits the production of individual student scores from the FT FT play no role in meeting state and/or federal accountability requirements
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