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LOO #2 Meeting 24 September 2015. MISSION To provide the C&E community with the awareness, understanding and access for the many and varied programs and.

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Presentation on theme: "LOO #2 Meeting 24 September 2015. MISSION To provide the C&E community with the awareness, understanding and access for the many and varied programs and."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOO #2 Meeting 24 September 2015

2 MISSION To provide the C&E community with the awareness, understanding and access for the many and varied programs and services dedicated to the support of our C&E family of serving members, veterans and families and to advocate on their behalf by participating in the appropriate associations and groups dedicated to enhancing the prominence of military issues including those of veterans.

3 Tasks  Identify, consolidate and publish links to various programs and services related to veterans and those transitioning from military to civilian life.  Participate in Veterans’ advocacy groups such as those sponsored by the CDA, Royal Canadian Legion, and the National Council of Veterans Associations.  Identify and promote Communities of Interest (CoIs)that might have relevance to specific members from across our community.  Formally establish a service and assistance program and bursary support similar to that operated by the RCR Association and CMEA by enhancing existing programs with the community  Develop a volunteer mentorship program directed at junior officers and NCMs.  Develop a CMCEN outreach program (awards and recognition, honourary appointments, financial support of initial issue of Branch accoutrements.

4 Scope  Programs and Services  Advocacy  Mutual Support (CoI)  Soldier Emergency Assistance Program and Bursary  Mentorship

5 Next Steps  Phase 1 (Working Group) Develop a short survey (Survey Monkey) to determine the LOO 2 related issues from community Identify, consolidate and publish information links for the various veterans’ programs and services currently available. Leverage for communicating updates/news on veterans’ issues. Continue and build on relationship with CDA and pursue advocacy opportunities.  Phase 2 Develop a community of interest of people with similar experiences that will attract individuals who may feel more comfortable and secure addressing their concerns/issues. Work with current organizations to consolidate and coordinate existing service and assistance and bursary programs.  Phase 3 Develop and implement a volunteer mentorship process for junior officers and NCMs.

6 End State  An informed membership in a position to take of advantage of all available social programs and services.  An organization that provides relevant and intelligent input to future CAF capability development.  A professional association that supports the professional development, advancement and recognition of its members.  A caring organization that provides emergency funding support and educational assistance to its extended community.

7 Summary of Work  Initial meeting with Fawcett and Holt  RCL Review of existing veteran programs and services Offer to participate in future VAC/RCL focus groups on veteran issues  CDA Participation in CDA Executive Council Participation in CDA Institute briefings related to veteran and serving member transition challenges  NCVA Initiated contact leading to membership  Military – Civilian Transition Researched other agencies/organizations established to support members transitioning to civilian life…Canada Company, Treble Victor etc.

8 Resources LOO 2 Chair/Co-chair (2) Programs and Services (1-2) Advocacy (3) Mentorship (TBD) Emergency Assistance Oversight (TBD) The main challenge for LOO 2 will be in identifying the volunteer cadre to deliver its programs. Main funding requirement will be for the emergency assistance and bursary programs.

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