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Three Miracles of Jesus in John that Show Us Who He Is The Book John is truly unique among the gospels: Jesus performed some 35+ recorded miracles- John.

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2 Three Miracles of Jesus in John that Show Us Who He Is The Book John is truly unique among the gospels: Jesus performed some 35+ recorded miracles- John records about 8; and 6 of them are not recorded elsewhere. John contains no parables. John omits any details of Jesus’ first 30 years. John skips the genealogy and birth of Jesus. John passes over the scribes, Sadducees, lepers, and publicans. John doesn’t include the Sermon on the Mount. John gives no listing of the Apostles. John neither records the Temptation of Jesus.

3 On the other hand, John includes entire sections that are not otherwise found in Scripture: Such as: the Prologue, 1:1-18 the first cleansing of the Temple the interview with Nicodemus the washing of the disciple’s feet the intercessory prayer two appearances to the assembled disciples after the resurrection and probably others that could be listed.

4 Why is John so different from the synoptics? The best is probably that John’s time of writing, audience, and purpose was different from them: He wrote some 30+ years later. He wrote to a “universal audience” that was a generation removed from first-hand knowledge of Jesus. So he didn’t write to prove that Jesus was the fulfillment of prophecy; or to bear witness of the veracity of His miracles to Jews, Romans, or Gentiles; He wrote to prove that Jesus was the perfect union of God and man in order that all could believe in Him and thus be saved, cf. 21:24-25 and 20:30-31.

5 John uses signs and “I am” statements to accomplish this task. Though miracles both confirm and reveal, signs signify: Miracles were given to confirm that those performing them was doing so by the power of God, Mark 16:20. Miracles also revealed God’s will, Acts 2:1-13 > 14ff. But the signs John records prove not that God was with Jesus- they prove that Jesus was God! 8:24,28,58

6 Let’s look at 3 miracles and their associated statements to understand Jesus better: John 6:1-59: Jesus- the Bread of Life Jesus fed 5,000 (men) with five barley loaves and two fish; all ate all they wanted, and yet 12 baskets of leftovers were collected, cf. vv.9-13. The people saw the “sign” but did not believe Jesus to be God, v.14 > v.26-30. So Jesus told them that He was “the bread of life” vv.31-36 > 47-58.

7 Let’s look at 3 miracles and their associated statements to understand Jesus better: John 9:1-41: Jesus- the Light of the World Jesus gave sight to a man who was born blind, vv.1-7. He had thus been hopelessly without light his entire life, v.32! Some again saw the “sign” (or heard and believed it occurred) but did not believe Jesus to be God, vv.8-9 > vv.14-34. So Jesus told them that He was “the light of the world” v.5 > 35-41.

8 Let’s look at 3 miracles and their associated statements to understand Jesus better: John 11:1-44: Jesus- the Resurrection and Life Jesus raised His friend Lazarus who had been dead (in the tomb) four days, vv.1- 44! Some again saw the “sign” (or heard and believed it occurred) but did not believe Jesus to be God, vv.45-46 > vv.47>53,57. So Jesus told them that He was “the resurrection and the life” v.25.

9 What should be learned from all of this? Primarily 3 things: 1. We must feed on Bread of heaven to live forever, 6:51! Jesus sustains us. 2. We must see Jesus as the Son of God to truly see, 9:37-41! Jesus illumines us. 3. We must die and be resurrected by Jesus to live forever, 11:25-26! Jesus resurrects and gives life! cf. Rom.6:3-5


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