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THE GOSPEL OF JOHN III. The Opposition to the Son of God (5:1–12:50) A. At The Feast In Jerusalem (Jn 5:1-47) B.During The Passover (Jn 6:1-71) C. During.

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Presentation on theme: "THE GOSPEL OF JOHN III. The Opposition to the Son of God (5:1–12:50) A. At The Feast In Jerusalem (Jn 5:1-47) B.During The Passover (Jn 6:1-71) C. During."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE GOSPEL OF JOHN III. The Opposition to the Son of God (5:1–12:50) A. At The Feast In Jerusalem (Jn 5:1-47) B.During The Passover (Jn 6:1-71) C. During The Feast Of Tabernacles (Jn 7:1 – 10:21) D. During The Feast Of Dedication (Jn 10:22-42) E. Because Of The Death And Resurrection Of Lazarus (Jn 11:1-57)

2 1. The Report of Lazarus’ Illness (11:1-16)1. The Report of Lazarus’ Illness (11:1-16) 2. The Return of Jesus to Bethany (11:17-37) 3. The Raising of Lazarus (11:38-44)3. The Raising of Lazarus (11:38-44) a. Jesus’ Preparation (vv. 38-39a)a. Jesus’ Preparation (vv. 38-39a) b. Martha’s Doubting (vv. 39b-40)b. Martha’s Doubting (vv. 39b-40) c. Jesus’ Prayer (vv. 41-42)c. Jesus’ Prayer (vv. 41-42) d. Jesus’ Command (v. 43)d. Jesus’ Command (v. 43)  Read Jn 11:43.

3 ~ Jesus cried out so forcibly in order that everyone in the crowd might be aware of the fact that the dead would respond to His call! ~ It was His voice, the expression of His omnipotent will, which caused the dead man to come to life and to obey the command. ~ The voice of Jesus is potent and lifegiving! ~ Jn 5:25~ Jn 5:25

4  Christ’s power is more clearly seen by the fact that He did not touch the body with His hand but only called out, using His voice. ~ We are reminded of the centurion whose faith the Lord commended in Lk 7:7. ~ Here, Christ points to us the secret and wonderful efficacy of His Word.

5 ~ So in the raising of Lazarus Christ shows us a visible sign of His spiritual grace which we daily experience through the perception of faith and the knowledge and application of His Word, for Christ shows that His voice brings life. e. Lazarus’ Resurrection (v. 44)e. Lazarus’ Resurrection (v. 44)  Read Jn 11:44.

6  There was no question that a dead man had come back to life. ~ John takes pains to refer to the cloth around Lazarus’ face and to the strips of linen, to indicate to us that Lazarus came out of the tomb just as he had been laid in it. ~ Therefore, Jesus promptly gave the order, “Unbind him, and let him go.”

7  To emphasize the wonder of the miracle, all that remained was for the Jews to touch with their hands the divine deed which they had seen with their eyes. ~ Christ could have shaken off the grave clothes which bound Lazarus, or made them disappear. ~ But Christ wants to use the hands of the spectators as His witnesses. ~ Recall Thomas in Jn 20:27.~ Recall Thomas in Jn 20:27.

8  Readers cannot help but compare the resurrection of Jesus (Jn 20:7). ~ Lazarus was called to a restoration of mortal life, and, therefore, needed to be released from the graveclothes that bound him. ~ Jesus rose with what Paul calls “a spiritual body” (1Cor 15), leaving the graveclothes behind, materializing in closed rooms.

9 ~ Though His resurrected body bore the marks of His five wounds and was capable of eating and of being touched, it was raised with the power of endless life, the firstfruits of the resurrection at the end. ~ THOSE WHO HEAR JESUS’ SHOUT ON THE LAST DAY WILL PARTICIPATE IN HIS RESURRECTION.

10 Unwrap SessionUnwrap Session  Jesus was and is the giver of life. ~ He brings a second birth to those who are dead in sin. ~ But His gift of forgiveness and the indwelling Spirit do not create instant, perfect Christians. ~ We enter Christ’s kingdom with many of the old wraps still around us. ~ Old habits and sinful behaviors, painful memories – all these require gentle, loving removal.

11 ~ Like graveclothes, we no longer need them. ~ We need fellow Christians and Christ’s power to unwrap us. ~ Who can you help “unwrap”?~ Who can you help “unwrap”? ~ The power He had just used to return Lazarus to the living could have easily disintegrated or loosed the wraps without help. ~ But Jesus involved those around him in the happy labor of unwrapping Lazarus.

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