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Trends of Infocomm James Seng

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1 Trends of Infocomm James Seng

2 Disclaimer Any ideas, concepts and opinions expressed here are my own and may not reflect the opinions of Infocomm Development Authority and/or any organizations I am affiliated with.

3 Revolutions 1750 1800 1850190019502000 1770s Steam Engine 2050 1820s Railway and Telegraph 1940s Computer 1960s ARPANet 1850s Railway Boom 2100 Industry Information 1990s Internet Boom Burst

4 Internet boom and burst Burst

5 Internet growth Burst ?? Source:

6 Internet growth Burst ?? Source:

7 Telecomm crisis? Source:

8 Where do we go from here? 1860sNow 2100

9 Generation Revolution Next Generation (N-Gen)  Born after 80s “Nintendo Generation” First generation to grew up with digital and infocomm technology Use technologies in ways we cannot envision

10 The N-Gen… is unimpressed with technology not afraid of technology the authority in technology uses technology with ease

11 Convergence IP device

12 Convergence or Collision? Philosophy: Smart Network, Dumb Device Philosophy: Dumb Network, Smart Device Bang AT&T is investing 3B USD to move from circuit-switch network to an IP packet. 1,000TB of traffic on the IP network compared with the equivalent of 450TB a day moving on the voice switches.

13 Internet Boom and Burst Many companies crashed and burned. Too much bandwidth  Cheap bandwidth It is from the ashes of the burned Phoenix that a phoenix is reborn.

14 Learn from the N-Gen Future

15 Trends: Gartner Hype Chart Visibility Peak of inflated expectations Trough of disillusionment Slope of enlightenment Plateau of productivity Emerging trends

16 Trend 1: Peer-to-Peer Problem or opportunity?

17 Trend 2: IP Telephony 2.7M IP Telephony users in Japan as of 2002 “All the calls you want to make for only US$9.99 a month!” from ITU Newsblog Technology Standards: SIP, ENUM “1,736,247 download since 2th Oct launch”

18 Trend 3: Blog Source: Joichi Ito

19 Trend 3: Blog Technology Standards: Semantic Web (RDF) The Growing Blogsphere Hosted Blogs CreatedGrowth Rate 2000135,731NA 2001958,182606% 20022,163,636126% 20035,007,272131% 2004(est) 10,283,687105% Source: Perseus Development Corp.

20 Crisis of the Society Real world to Cyber world  Rape -> IRC sex offenders  Robbery -> Bank hacking  Junk Mail -> Email Spam Culture Identity

21 Conclusion This is only the beginning! We live in very interesting time…

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