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 Good  LARP has grown significantly in size since it started  Gained credibility both here and at CERN US Labs like it as a way to support work CERN.

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Presentation on theme: " Good  LARP has grown significantly in size since it started  Gained credibility both here and at CERN US Labs like it as a way to support work CERN."— Presentation transcript:

1  Good  LARP has grown significantly in size since it started  Gained credibility both here and at CERN US Labs like it as a way to support work CERN is admitting they’ve bitten off more than they can chew Reports are visitors are integrating well at CERN  Poised to play an increasingly important role in the future  Needs improvement  Magnet effort needs a clear path to convergence  Accelerator physics effort needs alignment with CERN priorities  “Process” growing baroque Too many committees, reviews, and org chart boxes!  Integrated project management tools  Challenge  Maintain R&D strength while insuring success in designated deliverables 5/7/08 LARP Meeting

2  Why was I picked (my opinion)?  Two years as LARP reviewer Pretty good “big picture”  Structured similar to Proton Plan Management structure outside of line authority  Have successfully made correct, but unpopular decisions  Guidance from DOE (LK Len and Bruce Strauss)  Lots of autonomy  Need a solid plan to make magnet effort converge Can’t support two paths indefinitely  Get a handle on accelerator physics effort Growing out of control  Keep R&D component Avoid “works projects” for labs 5/7/08 LARP Meeting

3  Insure the near term deliverables and commissioning effort go well, and make sure LARP gets credit.  Schottky detector  Luminosity monitor  Tune tracker  LTV program  Make sure the significant projects have a high probability of success  Ni 3 Sn for Phase II  Rotatable collimators for Phase I  Integrate accelerator effort with CERN planning  Become players in IR upgrade planning  Articulate goals of electron cloud effort  Take a lead role in injector chain. 5/7/08 LARP Meeting

4  Components  NbTi separation dipoles, based on RHIC Nb 3 Sn out. NbTi quads not well meshed (maybe make plug compatible Nb 3 Sn for later installation?).  Collimators  SLAC prototype vs. two nonexistent CERN designs  Instrumentation  Laser profile monitors  Linac LLRF  My goal is to decouple LAUC from LARP as much as possible. 5/7/08 LARP Meeting

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