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Presentation of the monthly mean CM-SAF products Didier Caprion RMIB.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of the monthly mean CM-SAF products Didier Caprion RMIB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of the monthly mean CM-SAF products Didier Caprion RMIB

2 Averages within the RMIB CM-SAF machine Designed and built by: B Nicalu, N. Clerbaux, S. Dewitte and D. Caprion

3 Overview: What do we want ? What do we have ? Spatial integration of CERES and GERB data (« regridding ») Time integration of GERB data Building final averages of GERB data Merging of CERES and GERB data What’s left to do ?

4 What do we want ? Monthly Mean, Daily Mean and Monthly Mean Diurnal Cycle of the TOA flux radiations for: Incoming Solar Flux (TIS)Emitted Thermal Flux (TET) Reflected Solar Flux (TRS) (images from

5 What do we have ?  TIS: pre-existing Total Solar Irradiance measurements  TRS/TET: CERES (ES9 data): Polar satellite – data already averaged GERB: Geostationary over Europe + Africa Data every 15 minutes … … (10th March 2004 - TRS) 14:1514:3014:45 Monthly mean March 2004 (TRS)

6 Overview: What do we want ? What do we have ? Spatial integration of CERES and GERB data (« regridding ») Time integration of GERB data Building final averages of GERB data Merging of CERES and GERB data What’s left to do ?

7 Spatial integration of CERES and GERB Size 445 x 890 pixels - resolution: 45.03 km CERES GERB GERB-like (if GERB data are missing)

8 Overview: What do we want ? What do we have ? Spatial integration of CERES and GERB data (« regridding ») Time integration of GERB data Building final averages of GERB data Merging of CERES and GERB data What’s left to do ?

9 Time integration of GERB data TRS: 10th March 2004 13:4514:0014:30 14:15 15:00 14:45 offset: acquisition time different for each line Average through integration measured extrapolated 14:00

10 Time integration of GERB data what does it imply ? Weighted average  Central points always contribute to ¼  Extreme points contribute according to offset (o) and interval time (  )  e.g. when offset is equal to zero : First and last points contribute to 1/8, all others to 1/4

11 Time integration of GERB data case of missing data  No data within the interval No data in output  Just one data within the interval Final value is a copy of this unique data  More than one data within the interval integration

12 Overview: What do we want ? What do we have ? Spatial integration of CERES and GERB data (« regridding ») Time integration of GERB data Building final averages of GERB data Merging of CERES and GERB data What’s left to do ?

13 Building final averages x x xx x x xx xx x x xx x x 30/31 days 24 hours xx x x xx xx x x xx x x Monthly Mean Diurnal Cycle Monthly Mean Daily Mean x x x x

14 Overview: What do we want ? What do we have ? Spatial integration of CERES and GERB data (« regridding ») Time integration of GERB data Building final averages of GERB data Merging of CERES and GERB data What’s left to do ?

15 Merging of CERES and GERB data + = CERESGERB Applying mask

16 What’s left to do ? Launch the CM-SAF machine (operational service) Switch from CERES ES9 data to SRBAVG data (better resolution) Quantify the errors due to the missing data strategy - substitution by the GERB-like data - (better GERB-like data ?) - integration scheme with few data

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