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Week 1 2009 Rob Pooley Course structure and Project 1 introduction Lecture 0 F27EM1.

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1 Week 1 2009 Rob Pooley Course structure and Project 1 introduction Lecture 0 F27EM1

2 Week 1 2009 Rob Pooley Motivation This module allows you to work on small projects in areas of topical interest Project 1 will look at animation and how Macromedia Flash helps us to create dynamic materials Project 2 will look at how we can model systems at a very high level to allow us to understand them fully Project 3 will look at how simple applications can be developed for mobile phones, Blackberries etc.

3 Week 1 2009 Rob Pooley Objectives You should develop confidence in approaching current technologies You should discover the level of working with software systems that you find most comfortable You should achieve rewarding outcomes in three areas of technology You should gain self-awareness in individual and group working

4 Week 1 2009 Rob Pooley Assessment The course is assessed 100% on the projects you work on There is no examination As you will see attendance at labs and tutorials is compulsory Registers will be taken for these Lectures are optional

5 Week 1 2009 Rob Pooley Project 1 You should develop a short animated sequence This should contain a small story You should have completed the story board for your animation and a note of what it shows You must demonstrate the animation in the lab in week 5 along with the storyboard

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