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State and Federal Authority: 3.06  Civil Rights: Belong to an individual because of citizenship. For example, freedom of speech and freedom from discrimination.

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Presentation on theme: "State and Federal Authority: 3.06  Civil Rights: Belong to an individual because of citizenship. For example, freedom of speech and freedom from discrimination."— Presentation transcript:

1 State and Federal Authority: 3.06  Civil Rights: Belong to an individual because of citizenship. For example, freedom of speech and freedom from discrimination (race, color, creed)  Voting Rights: Refers to a person’s power to vote in an election. For example Blacks couldn’t vote during Civil War in NC, but now they can, BECAUSE of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Federal Law gave all women the right to vote in 1920.For example, Susan B. Anthony  Annexation: Surrounding areas are forced to join a municipalities (cities)

2 Susan B Anthony fought for Suffrage Civil Rights Protest

3 Services and Resources: 3.06  Balanced Budget: Legislative Mandated. The State (NC) is required not to spend more than it takes in. State law also require local governments to maintain and operate a balanced budget  The NC DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (NCDEM) handles disaster relief efforts in the State. For example: Hurricanes.

4 Education: 3.07  Charter Schools: Independent schools, free from state and local regulations. Supported by public revenue (money coming into the state), use lottery money.  Redistricting: Redraws the boundaries of districts from which public officials are elected. For example, gerrymandering maybe used to put a particular group to a disadvantage.  Political Corruption: The use of public office for private gain. All forms of governments can be affected. Degrees of corruption range from minor uses of influences to kickbacks and bribery.

5 NC’S TAXATION AND GOV’T: 3.08  State and Local Taxes: NC has state income tax.  Personal Income Tax: A person’s earnings.  Progressive Tax: High earnings for people.  Corporate Income Tax: Corporations and companies that operate in NC also pay the state 6.9% on their profits (extra money)  Sales Tax: Charged on the sale of goods and services. NC’s sale tax is 4.5%

6 Taxation Continue: 3.08  Excise Tax: Charged on the production or sale of some goods and services. For example: Beer, wine, gasoline, soft drinks, cigarettes, are subject to NC excise tax.  Property Tax: Tax on real estate (homes and land), the value of your property. This tax helps cities to fund police, fire protection, and schools.  Estate Tax: Individual property tax on a person at the time of their death.  Assessment Tax: Tax on Vehicles and real estate that is owned by citizens.

7 Non-tax Sources of State Revenue  Fines: Money paid for to the state / local government as punishment for certain violations (speeding ticket)  Licenses: fees paid to hunt / marriage.  Permits: permission to perform an action. For example,Constructing a building.  User Fee: payment to use a public service (water, lights, dumping trash-disposal fees)  Impact Fee: Fees to create services.

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