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Enabling ActiveX® in your Internet Explorer Futures Tech KG Department Academic Year 2014/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Enabling ActiveX® in your Internet Explorer Futures Tech KG Department Academic Year 2014/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enabling ActiveX® in your Internet Explorer Futures Tech KG Department Academic Year 2014/2015

2 Step Open your Internet Explorer. Tip: It is preferred to update your browser to version 8. Previous versions may contain little difference than the listed steps. Futures Tech KG Department Academic Year 2014/2015

3 Step Click on “Tools”, then “Internet Options”. As shown in shots a and b. Futures Tech KG Department Academic Year 2014/2015 a b

4 Step When the dialog box appears, click on the “Security” Tab. Futures Tech KG Department Academic Year 2014/2015 a

5 Step Click “Custom Level”. Futures Tech KG Department Academic Year 2014/2015 a

6 Step Scroll down the “Setting” pan till you find [ActiveX controls and plug-ins] (a) On “Display video and animation on a page” choose “Enabled” (b) Futures Tech KG Department Academic Year 2014/2015 On “Download unsigned ActiveX Controls” choose “Prompt” (c) a b c

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