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MONITORING & EVALUATION FRAMEWORKS FOR THE APRM-NPOA IMPLEMENTATION Presentation by Samuel Cudjoe at the Expert Group Meeting on “Harmonizing APRM- NPoAs.

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Presentation on theme: "MONITORING & EVALUATION FRAMEWORKS FOR THE APRM-NPOA IMPLEMENTATION Presentation by Samuel Cudjoe at the Expert Group Meeting on “Harmonizing APRM- NPoAs."— Presentation transcript:

1 MONITORING & EVALUATION FRAMEWORKS FOR THE APRM-NPOA IMPLEMENTATION Presentation by Samuel Cudjoe at the Expert Group Meeting on “Harmonizing APRM- NPoAs and other National Development Plans (NDP) into a Common Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) in Kampala, Uganda on 29 – 30 Sept., 2010

2 Outline of Presentation APRM M&E Framework Aligning APRM M&E Framework with existing M&E frameworks Role of District Oversight Committees in NPoA Monitoring Challenges in developing APRM M&E system

3 1. Ghana APRM M&E Framework Ghana’ APRM M&E Framework developed to conform to APRM Guidelines on M&E Ghana’s APRM M&E Framework aims to track: – Activities implemented under the NPoA – Resources invested in the implementation – Outcomes achieved in the implementation And Provide “non-political” platform for national discourse

4 1. Ghana’s APRM M&E Framework To achieve the objectives we needed to address: – Mechanisms to improve data collection to ensure quality, valid and accurate data – Existing data collection mechanisms are being enabled and new systems are being developed to respond to the data needs imposed by the APRM – Who uses the data collected, where the data would be stored, etc.


6 1. Ghana’s APRM M&E Framework Ministries, Depts & Agencies: report on progress of implementation of activities as indicated in NPoA ACTIVITYMILES TONE PROGRESS TO DATE CHALLENGES IN IMPLENTATION NEXT STEPS

7 1. Ghana’s APRM M&E Framework CSOs; Technical/Research Inst; Experts: provide independent assessment on progress of implementation. CSOs provide annual reports to Secretariat (free of charge) Technical Institutions & Experts are contracted to assess progress of implementation

8 1. Ghana’s APRM M&E Framework Citizens (Beneficiaries) provide information about the relevance and quality of output and services Resource Allocation: track resources allocated through the national budget under the MDBS. Secretariat does not track “funds provided directly by DPs to CSOs)|

9 2. APRM M&E and other M&E systems Ministries, Depts and Agencies have Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Departments (PPMEDs) APRM Secretariat collects data/information generated by the PPMEDs National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) tracks progress on implementation of national development agenda Citizens Citizen Report Cards

10 2. APRM M&E and other M&E systems Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) assist Secretariat with methodology in conducting Citizen Reporting. Secretariat has been unable to link up with GSS’s M&E system. Governance Forum debate on developing and harmonizing national governance indicators

11 3. Role of DOCs What is the role of ordinary citizens in M&E? District Oversight Committees (DOCs) represent CS perspective on governance and service delivery at local level DOCs are local representatives of recognizable CSOs Role in APRM is to (1) educate and sensitize (2) monitor implementation of NPOA at district level Monitoring done through Citizen Report Cards and Focus Group Discussions

12 3. Role of DOCs Validation exercises DOC Reports are discussed at the District Assemblies It identifies gaps and weaknesses in governance and service delivery Influencing district planning, prioritizing and allocation of resources

13 4. Challenges in developing APRM M&E Indicator alignment with existing M&E systems Aligning with existing M&E systems (timing of reporting and capacity of MDAs) Tracking resource allocations Funding for Technical Institutions and Experts and DOC monitoring


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