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ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 20111 The Budget Situation David Morse, Long Beach, Secretary Phil Smith, Los Rios, At Large Ian Walton, Mission, Past President.

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Presentation on theme: "ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 20111 The Budget Situation David Morse, Long Beach, Secretary Phil Smith, Los Rios, At Large Ian Walton, Mission, Past President."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 20111 The Budget Situation David Morse, Long Beach, Secretary Phil Smith, Los Rios, At Large Ian Walton, Mission, Past President “A budget is just a method of worrying before you spend money, as well as afterward.”--Unknown

2 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 20112 Today’s Agenda As a Senate leader Why should you care about budget ? What do you need to know ? How can you use it effectively ? Skeptical cheerleading (Ian) Local Examples What if you identify a problem ? (Phil) What if you’re not a math person? (David) ?

3 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 20113 THE BUDGET IS… Opportunity for IMPACT

4 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 20114 Out in Left Field Source: Hittelman, CCCCO Data, February 2003 We Have Too Many Full-Time Faculty ?? FALSE F2003 Faculty Obligation Number WVM: needs to hire 10.9 Statewide average: OK to lose 1.9 WVM Rank: 7th from bottom

5 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 20115 Out in Left Field Source: CCCCO Fiscal Data Abstract, June 2002 We Spend too much on Salaries and Benefits FALSE Total Sal/Ben vs Expenditures Ob 1-5000 WVM: 83.3 % Statewide Average: 83.7 %

6 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 20116 Out in Left Field Source: Unknown Where are you Spending the Money ?? Think Again !!

7 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 20117 Really… 10% Accounting and…

8 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 20118 90% Politics

9 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 20119 Budget Leadership You can do it….. What it is – and is not….. ? Math Politics Senate President Credibility Persistence Tracking Patterns Changes

10 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201110 Create Climate for Questions and Conversations Create Culture of Collaboration

11 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201111

12 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201112 Academic Senate’s Role Processes for institutional planning and budget development. —Title 5, 53200(c), a.k.a. the “10+1.”

13 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201113 Academic Senate’s Role Question: Does the senate get to sign off on the actual budget?


15 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201115 Role of the Academic Senate in Discovering the Real Budget Situation

16 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201116 Finding Budget Help

17 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201117 Where to Start Read the Senate paper (F09) Budget Considerations: A Primer For Senate Leaders - pick a number - don’t be afraid - keep track - three simple examples

18 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201118 Year $ in thousands 94959697989900 Restricted 61886536930075077936546714107 Un restricted 8301599151246927050101414417 Total 701881351081212199149861560818524 Total Fund Balance (Page 9)

19 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201119 Year05-0606-0707-0808-09 Budget Value $-500,201-450,324-236,778-712,533 Actual Value $105,132450,337872,445962,338 Budget Value – Actual value 605,333900,661 1,109,2231,674,871 Compare Budget to Actual (Page 10)

20 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201120 Year979899 District53.97%51.04%51.09% State Average 52.94%52.89%52.15% Rank in State 155450 50 % Trends (Page 11)

21 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201121 Homework: Not Just for Students Finding Accurate Data 311 Form Online at CCCCO Initial and Final Local Budget

22 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201122 What to Do During a Bad Budget Situation

23 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201123 First, Don’t Panic WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!

24 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201124 Ensure the Senate is Part of the Discussion

25 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201125 Think for the long-term

26 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201126 Not Alone: Union Colleagues

27 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201127 Senate-Union: Working Together

28 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201128 Scope of Practice Senate Responsibilities Union Responsibilities

29 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201129 Making Hard Choices

30 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201130 Our Mission

31 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201131 Be Wary of Easy Solutions

32 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201132 Look for Strategic, Targeted, Surgical Cuts

33 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201133 Who else?

34 ASCCC - Leadership Institute - 201134 In Conclusion…

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