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P13631 Functional Review James Brinkerhoff, Christopher Kulbago, Patrick O’Connell, Lauren Pahls, Ted Rakiewicz, Sarah Salmon.

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Presentation on theme: "P13631 Functional Review James Brinkerhoff, Christopher Kulbago, Patrick O’Connell, Lauren Pahls, Ted Rakiewicz, Sarah Salmon."— Presentation transcript:

1 P13631 Functional Review James Brinkerhoff, Christopher Kulbago, Patrick O’Connell, Lauren Pahls, Ted Rakiewicz, Sarah Salmon

2 Schedule & Planning

3 Budget & Costs

4 Customer Needs Did we meet them? Customer need:Does project fulfill need? SafetyYes ErgonomicsYes MobilityYes Teaching ManuallyYes Teaching Auto-ControlsAlmost Ease of AssemblyYes Low CostYes Use of LabVIEWYes Drained Tank DynamicsYes

5 Engineering Specifications In order to complete the project, the group had to translate customer needs into technical specifications. How well the group did in staying within the 19 specifications is summarized below:

6 Specifications Met: Part 1

7 Specifications Met: Part 2

8 Specifications Met: Part 3

9 Specification Assumed Met

10 Contingency Plan for Assumed Specification Contact 4 th year chemical engineering students to test cart after apparatus is fully assembled and connected with LabVIEW. Conduct time and operation trials on all contacted persons with cart and lab manual.

11 Electrical Issues Remaining Issues o Digital to analog converter code o I/P circuit Result: Unmet Specification o Manual P/PI control can be achieved, but complete control through LabVIEW is not yet possible.

12 Action Plan for Electrical Issues PID Automatic Control o Fix issues with digital to analog converter code. o Continue testing PID control. o Continue testing and finalize circuit.

13 Deliverables Technical Paper o Whole team will review paper and sign copyright forms before 11/22. Lab Manual o Team will turn in Lab Manual by 11/22. Assembly/Maintenance Manual o Team will turn in assembly manual by 12/12. Technical Poster o Team will turn in poster by 12/2. Edge Website o Team will complete Edge by 12/12. Final Presentation o Whole team will rehearse for presentation before 12/5.

14 Questions?

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