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Where we’ve been Attenuate, Amplify, Linearize, Filter.

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Presentation on theme: "Where we’ve been Attenuate, Amplify, Linearize, Filter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where we’ve been Attenuate, Amplify, Linearize, Filter

2 Timing limitations to making measurements Gain-Bandwidth Product, etc. Thermal Mass, For Example

3 Where we’re going Speed, Storage Issues Frequency Space

4 Some signals are like this... time voltage

5 Some signals are like this... time voltage

6 But many signals are like this... time voltage

7 Introducing imaginary numbers ? ? ?

8 Introducing “ i ” (sometimes called ‘ j ’) Any number that is a multiple of i is an imaginary number:

9 Multiplication rules A real number times a real number is a real number A real number times an imaginary number is an imaginary number An imaginary number times an imaginary number is a real number

10 Powers of i anything to the “0” power = 1 anything to the “1” power = itself

11 Introducing complex numbers Any number that is a sum of a real number and an imaginary number is a complex number: imaginary part real part NOT “ 2i ”

12 Real versus imaginary parts All of the real components of a complex number, taken together, are the real part. The same holds for the imaginary part: imaginary part real part

13 Adding/subtracting complex numbers When adding (or subtracting) complex numbers, add (or subtract) the real and imaginary parts separately:

14 Multiplying complex numbers When multiplying a complex number by any other number, multiply both the real and imaginary parts

15 Multiplying complex numbers (continued) When multiplying two complex numbers, an easy method is the “FOIL” method: FirstOuterInnerLast

16 Example Perform the following addition. Identify the real and complex parts of the answer:

17 Example Perform the following subtraction. Identify the real and complex parts of the answer:

18 Example Perform the following multiplication. Identify the real and complex parts of the answer:

19 Complex numbers as vectors real axis imaginary axis complex plane

20 Magnitude of a complex number

21 Example Sketch the following complex numbers as vectors. What are their magnitudes?

22 Direction of a complex number A

23 Example What is the phase angle of each of these complex numbers?

24 Definition of the complex exponential Re Im

25 Magnitude of the complex exponential Re Im For any  1 1

26 Magnitude of the complex exponential Re Im Amplitude A A Simple harmonic motion! A·cos(135) The real part is what we observe.

27  =  t Ae i  t is in effect a spinning complex vector that generates - a cosine function on the real axis and - a sine function on the imaginary axis re im x=Acos(  t) y=Asin(  t) F(t)= Ae i  t = A[cos(  t)+ i sin(  t)] = A  cos(  t) + iA  sin(  t) A A A A A A  t=0  t=90 0  t=180 0 Real part describes motion of mass on spring

28 Using a complex amplitude Re Im

29 Same magnitude, different phase Re Im t = 0 positions ( Ae i  t = e 0 = 1) B A

30 Using a complex amplitude Re Im Phase difference is still the same since both vectors rotated by 90 0 !

31 Real amplitude yields pure cosine wave in real space

32 Imaginary amplitude yields pure sine wave in real space

33 Complex Real amplitude = sine/cosine mixture

34 Sine waves can be mixed with DC signals, or with other sine waves to produce new waveforms. Here is one example of a complex waveform: V(t) = A o + A 1 sin  1 t + A 2 sin  2 t + A 3 sin  3 t + … + A n sin  n t --- in this case--- V(t) = A o + A 1 sin  1 t Ao Ao A1 A1 Fourier Analysis Just an AC component superimposed on a DC component

35 More dramatic results are obtained by mixing a sine wave of a particular frequency with exact multiples of the same frequency. We are adding harmonics to the fundamental frequency. For example, take the fundamental frequency and add 3rd harmonic (3 times the fundamental frequency) at reduced amplitude, and subsequently add its 5th, 7th and 9th harmonics: Fourier Analysis, cont’d the waveform begins to look more and more like a square wave.

36 This result illustrates a general principle first formulated by the French mathematician Joseph Fourier, namely that any complex waveform can be built up from a pure sine waves plus particular harmonics of the fundamental frequency. Square waves, triangular waves and sawtooth waves can all be produced in this way. (try plotting this using Excel) Fourier Analysis, cont’d

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