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CISB594 Business Intelligence Introduction. What will we look at today Lecturer Learning Outcomes Course Structure Materials Reference Texts Assessments.

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Presentation on theme: "CISB594 Business Intelligence Introduction. What will we look at today Lecturer Learning Outcomes Course Structure Materials Reference Texts Assessments."— Presentation transcript:

1 CISB594 Business Intelligence Introduction

2 What will we look at today Lecturer Learning Outcomes Course Structure Materials Reference Texts Assessments Expectations Your first assignment CISB594 – Business Intelligence

3 Your Lecturer Name:Rohaini Ramli Name:Rohaini Ramli Contact:603-8921 2020 ext 2343 Contact:603-8921 2020 ext Office:BW-4-C16 Office:BW-4-C16 CoIT Building Office Hour:9am to 5pm (Consultation by appointment only) Office Hour:9am to 5pm (Consultation by appointment only) CISB594 – Business Intelligence

4 Objectives At the end of this course, you should be able to: Explain the concept and the importance of business intelligence in contributing to the delivery of business value and competitiveness in modern organizations Describe and explain the role of data warehouses in decision support, explaining the requirement for handling its development, implementation, administration and security issues Explain the importance of business analytic (BA) and Data Visualization in organizations Describe data, text and web mining and its objectives and benefits to organizations Explain business performance management (BPM) and its objectives and benefits to organizations CISB594 – Business Intelligence

5 Course Structure WEEKActivity 2-3 Introduction to module/lecturer/students Introduction to Business Intelligence Changing Business Environments and Computerized Decision Support A Framework for Business Intelligence The major theories and characteristics of Business Intelligence Competitive Intelligence and advantages Example of successful business intelligence implementation 4-6 Data Warehousing Concept The Data Warehousing definitions and concepts Data Warehousing Process Overview Data Warehousing Architecture Data Integration and the Extraction, Transformation and Load Processes (ETL) Data Warehousing Development Data warehousing development approaches and issues Real Time Data Ware Housing Data Warehouse Administration Issues Data Warehouse Security Issues CISB594 – Business Intelligence

6 Course Structure WEEKActivity 7-8 Business Analytics Business Analytics Overview OLAP Real Time Business Intelligence Multidimensionality Data Visualization Introduction to Data Visualization Geographic Information Systems Business Analytics and the Web Usage, Benefits and Success of Business Analytics 9-10 Data, Text and Web Mining Data Mining Concepts and Applications Data Mining Techniques and Tools Data Mining Project Processes Text Mining Web Mining CISB594 – Business Intelligence

7 Course Structure WEEKActivity 11-13 Business Performance Management BPM Overview BPM Planning BPM Strategy BPM Monitoring BPM Methodologies Performance Management Architecture and Applications Performance Dashboards Business Activity Monitoring 13-14 Revision and Presentation CISB594 – Business Intelligence

8 Assessments Assignment I : Individual Assignment Assignment II : Group Assignment Mid Term (20%) – week 7 Final Exam (50%) CISB594 – Business Intelligence (30%)

9 Reference Text CISB594 – Business Intelligence

10 Materials All materials and assignment questions are available at Business Intelligence CISB594 – Business Intelligence

11 Context of this module CISB594 – Business Intelligence

12 General Learning Outcomes CISB594 – Business Intelligence

13 What is expected of you Critical reflection Critical reflection – Tertiary education work demands higher level thinking Literature & other media review Literature & other media review – Multiple inputs - from many disciplines, with correct referencing (academic writing) – Avoiding plagiarism, take note of citations & references Teamworking Teamworking – Excellence comes from interaction & sharing Problem Solving Problem Solving – Applying your knowledge You must be able to demonstrate the following : CISB594 – Business Intelligence Individual assignment Group assignment

14 What is expected of you Behavioral Code Punctuality Punctuality Electrical devices/Mobile phones – do not disrupt the class Electrical devices/Mobile phones – do not disrupt the class Adherence to UNITEN rules & regulations Adherence to UNITEN rules & regulations Timely submission of assignments / projects / homework Timely submission of assignments / projects / homework CISB594 – Business Intelligence

15 Rules and Regulations Students are advised to attend their class punctually. Any student who arrives to the class 30 minutes after the class had started and without any valid reason, is considered absent. Any student, who left the class after he/she had signed the attendance without valid reason OR without the awareness of the lecturer, is considered absent. Signing the attendance on behalf of other students who are absent from classes - both students are considered absent and the College reserves the rights to raise warning letter against both students. CISB594 – Business Intelligence

16 What support is available for you Face-to-face Meeting (through prior appointment) Face-to-face Meeting (through prior appointment) Email – to lecturer’s email address Email – to lecturer’s email address UNITEN metalab UNITEN metalab Library Resources Library Resources Internet Resources Internet Resources CISB594 – Business Intelligence

17 Assignment Overview two pieces You are to complete two pieces of course work which is worth 30 % of the module overall marks. One section is to be completed as a piece of cooperative and collaborative group work (a discussion and recommendation based on a case study). You need to work in a team of 3-4 members. Another section will require you to work individually. You are to produce an academic paper on Business Intelligence (research writing on Business Intelligence) CISB594 – Business Intelligence

18 Your task today ) Get started on your assignment (individual component) Each student is to conduct a research on Business Intelligence in general. The outcome of this research should be presented in a form of an academic paper, of not less than 1500 words (not inclusive of the list of references) in length. The scope of the research may cover the emergence of Business Intelligence, its’ importance, challenges and opportunities and planning, from the perspectives of today’s businesses. The paper is to be written complete with evidence of research and referencing. Students are advised to apply the correct use of suitable academic writing format and style throughout the paper. It is important that at this level, students do not just regurgitate the points from their reading materials. It is expected that students show overall understanding of what has been written and also to demonstrate a good level of critical thinking. CISB594 – Business Intelligence

19 Your task today Get started today Go get materials from journals/conferences proceedings (library) Start writing Bring your work to class next Thursday

20 Marking Scheme & Submission The following are the individual marks that are to be awarded to each team member. 5 PM on Monday week 5. This individual referenced research paper is to be submitted to your lecturer by 5 PM on Monday week 5. CISB594 – Business Intelligence Individual AssignmentMarks 40 Research & Referencing – Use of appropriate and credible sources to support viewpoints discussed in the paper 20 Overall understanding of Business Intelligence10 Documentation format, paper presentation and demonstration of professionalism in the submission 10

21 Academic Writing – Research and Referencing


23 The Nature Of Higher Education Learning Skills Not just taking notes and remembering – Requires independent learning and research – Learning to learn, learning to think, learning to evaluate, apply and find new ways of doing things Communication Skills – Able to present, able to justify choices and demonstrate knowledge, able to write Working with others – Group works, project management, time management

24 Plagiarism and Referencing What is plagiarism? – the use of the ideas and/or words of others without due acknowledgement. – copying material from the Internet, library books and the work of others without the use of quotation marks and/or acknowledgement of the source. – summarising or paraphrasing another person's work by simply changing a few words without acknowledgement – an assessment offence, and carries major penalties

25 Avoiding Plagiarism : Differences between References & Citations Citations According to Thomas and Watzman (2005), teenagers seem the most vulnerable to potential negative effects as they use the Internet for more hours than do adults. Reference Thomas, T.S & Watzman, A (2005) Computers and kids: Pulling the plug can protect the planet, Phi Delta Volume 84 Number 8. Retrieved May 10, 2003 from

26 Avoiding Plagiarism – some samples of citations Technology, though useful is never problem free. According to Teicher (1999), “no technology is fail-safe”. In addition, Emmans (2000) has pointed out that students must be made aware of the cyber responsibilities as the solutions designed to address the problems can only do so much as “no software and no policy can be foolproof”. Reference List at the end of the document Emmans, C. (2000). Internet Ethics. Technos: Quarterly for Education and Technology. Volume 9, Number 1. Retrieved May 10, 2003 from Teicher, J (1999) An Action Plan For Smart Internet Use. Educational Leadership. Volume 56 Number 5. Retrieved May 7, 2003 from This is your statement The green texts are your citations – to support your statement

27 Paraphrasing – Change text into your own words – Must also include citation e.g. …as stated by Kotler, 2000 According to Hoyer and MacInnis (2001), satisfied customers form the foundation of any successful business. They said that customer satisfaction is critical and it leads to repeat purchase, brand loyalty, and positive word of mouth. Reference List at the end of the document Hoyer, W. D. & MacInnis, D. J., 2001, Consumer Behaviour. 2nd ed., Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company. Avoiding Plagiarism - paraphrasing

28 Avoiding Plagiarism – copying word for word Copying word for word from a source – Only copy a small amount “Today’s companies are finding it increasingly unrewarding to practice mass marketing or product-variety marketing. Mass markets are becoming ‘demassified’. They are dissolving into hundreds of micromarkets characterised by different buyers pursuing different products in different distribution channels and attending to different communication channels ” (Kotler, 2000) Reference List at the end of the document Kotler, P., 2000, Marketing Management. 10th ed., New Jersey, Prentice- Hall.

29 The majority of literatures viewed for this research agree that the Internet in particular is reputed to be one of the reasons for social and ethical problems among school’s students. (Affonso, 1999; Davies, 2001; Piercey, 2000). On the other hand, Rahman (2002), brings up a valid point by stating that the blame for teenagers social and ethical misconducts should not be put on the technology alone, other factors like the family background and the children's upbringing should also be considered. Avoiding Plagiarism & Demonstrating Critical Thinking

30 Reference List at the end of the document Affonso, B (1999). Is the Internet Affecting the Social Skills of Our Children? Retrieved May 7, 2003 from Davis, R. (1999). Is internet addiction real? Victoria Point Multimedia. Retrieved May 7, 2003 from Piercey, D. (2000) Students' psychological well-being and the Internet.WWWise Retrieved May 7, 2003 Rahman, A. S. (2002) Blaming the Internet Unjustly.Computimes Malaysia, Jan 28, 2002. Retrieved May 7, 2003 from bin/buddy/erc

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