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Proposed Financial Plan for Fiscal 2014-2015 BUDGETED FUNDS SUMMARY 2012-20132013-20142014-2015% ACTUALREVISEDPROPOSEDInc/(Decr) BY FUND: OPERATING FUND.

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2 Proposed Financial Plan for Fiscal 2014-2015 BUDGETED FUNDS SUMMARY 2012-20132013-20142014-2015% ACTUALREVISEDPROPOSEDInc/(Decr) BY FUND: OPERATING FUND $ 121,562,123 $ 125,009,204 $ 130,953,9974.76% GRANTS FUND 11,350,936 9,105,000 11,673,59728.21% FOOD SERVICES FUND 6,868,507 7,699,013 7,478,228-2.87% $ 139,781,566 $ 141,813,217 $ 150,105,8225.85%

3 Revenue - All Funds

4 Expenditures by Major Classification

5 Expenditures by Object Code Personnel compensation and benefits make up 84.24% of the Operating fund budget.

6 History of State Funds

7 State Revenue: Basic Aid and Non-program specific $1.5m Retirement Rate adjustment.9m Program Specific.5m Total increase state revenue $2.9m

8 History of Local Appropriation of Funds Blue= SPS Requested Red = City of Suffolk Appropriated

9 Efficiencies and Reductions: Efficiency savings found from: PD360/Staff Development Financial software Purchase card rebates/PO reduction Electronic Application portal Safe Schools/Worker’s compensation benefit External review of copier equipment usage Copy cost tracking software Utility behavioral changes

10 Fiscal 2013-2014 Rates Health Keepers (HMO) 10 month Monthly 2012-20132013-2014 Increase Employee 24.30 69.30 45.00 Employee +1 293.40 354.94 61.54 Employee Both/One 24.30 69.30 45.00 Employee Family 412.50 499.14 86.64 Employee Both/Family 24.30 69.30 45.00 Health Keepers (HMO) 12 month Monthly 2012-20132013-2014 Increase Employee 24.30 57.75 33.45 Employee +1 293.40 295.78 2.38 Employee Both/One 24.30 57.75 33.45 Employee Family 412.50 415.95 3.45 Employee Both/Family 24.30 57.75 33.45

11 Other costs increased for Employees: Co-Payments $20/PCP $40/Specialist (doubled) Therapy Services $40/visit (doubled) Emergency Room visits $150 then 10% each visit (increased $50) Deductibles $100 single/$200 all other plans (new this year) Out of pocket Maximums $2000 single/$4000 all other plans (increased from $1000/$2000)

12 Proposed Budget: 3% Cost of living raise for all full-time TEACHER contracted employees 2% Cost of living raise for all full-time NON-TEACHER contracted employees 1% VRS phase-in raise (year 3 of 5) as required by law Increase in Employer share of retirement costs and group life expenses Total Personnel Costs of $4,469,289

13 P roposed Budget : Increased Budget –Joint Operations Software Renewal Increases Homeless Transportation Increase School Resource Officers (Grant ended) IT infrastructure Replacement Costs Grant matches –Algebra Readiness and IT grants Transportation Fuel Increased Costs Total Non-personnel Costs: $1,475,504

14 City Appropriation Request: Increased Appropriation Request $3.0 million Appropriation Request for HVAC.5 million Total $3.5 million


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