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General presentation NL Agency ORIO Infrastructure for Development.

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1 General presentation NL Agency ORIO Infrastructure for Development

2 >> Focus on international business and cooperation The Facility for Infrastructure Development (ORIO) Reliable infrastructure is of vital importance for human development and private sector development, which in turn are expected to promote sustainable growth and improve the position of the poor. The ORIO grant facility enables the Dutch government to contribute to the development, construction/expansion, operation and maintenance of public infrastructure in developing countries. ORIO is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by NL Agency.

3 The objectives of ORIO To stimulate human development in developing countries. To stimulate private sector development in developing countries. To stimulate the involvement of international business in the development and implementation of projects in order to benefit from the private sector’s expertise.

4 Examples of selected projects Treatment and distribution of drinking water in rural areas (DRC, Ghana, Kenya, Vietnam) Waste water collection and treatment (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Vietnam) Flood control and irrigation (Mozambique) Road construction and rehabilitation (Bhutan, Ghana, Moldova) Expansion of lake transport infrastructure (Ethiopia) Rural electrification (Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda) Urban waste treatment (Burundi) Maternal and child health care (Ethiopia, Ghana, Macedonia, Malawi, Palestinian Territories, Peru, Tanzania) Accelerating tuberculosis case detection (Ghana)

5 61 projects in 25 countries

6 Sectors

7 Results of the 7 calls for proposals Calls for proposals (year-Call) 2009-I2009-II2010-I2010-II2011-I2011-II2012Total Applications901275466414547470 Selected projects910899111066 Budget (in mln. Euro)101798810156137178740

8 7 ORIO Calls for proposals (2009-2012) 470 applications 179 fully assessed EUR 5,400 mln. total project costs EUR 2,225 mln. grant applied 66 selected EUR 2,100 mln. total project costs EUR 740 mln. grant applied

9 >> Focus on international business and cooperation ORIO characteristics (1/2) ORIO funds public, commercially non-viable infrastructure, relating to drinking water, irrigation, wastewater, environment, (renewable) energy, transport, health, education, etc. Contributes to the development and implementation of projects, and the operation and maintenance of infrastructure Approximately 50 countries on the country list Maximum project budget EUR 60 million, minimum EUR 2 million Various grant percentages

10 >> Focus on international business and cooperation ORIO characteristics (2/2) Untied aid A central government authority in recipient country is applicant Government authority in recipient country is owner of the project Private parties may initiate project proposals Call for proposals to submit grant applications, selection on a ‘first- come, first-served’ basis

11 >> Focus on international business and cooperation ORIO project cycle Development phaseImplementation phase Operation & maintenance phase ACORIO Assessment I First grant arrangementSecond grant arrangement Application Assessment II status selected projectsnumber rejected or withdrawn5 selected, no signing of grant arrangement12 development phase42 implementation phase7 total66

12 Evaluation procedure for applications  Grant applications: - A central government authority submits an application - Applications dealt with on ‘first-come, first-served’ basis - Assessment against ORIO requirements and criteria - Selection until the available budget is exhausted (assessment I)  Development phase: - Preparation of project plan - Assessment of project plan (assessment II) Grant arrangement for the development phase  Implementation phase: - Procurement and project implementation One grant arrangement for both the implementation and the operation & maintenance phases  Operation & maintenance phase: - Max. 10 years

13 Formal requirements The applicant is a central government authority in a country on the ORIO country list Applications only during application period Between EUR 2 million and EUR 60 million All phases of the project cycle are covered: development, implementation, operation & maintenance In English, using the most recent version of the application form Complete, clear and concise Commercially non-viable Complies with the definition of a project Procurement complies with the legislation of the recipient country and with the OECD’s Good Procurement Practices

14 Criteria  Relevance  Efficiency  Effectiveness  Impact  Sustainability (social and environmental factors, financial viability, capacity of parties involved, consistency with policy, end-user involvement, technology)

15 Project budget Inputs ActivitiesOutputsOutcomesImpacts Develop infrastructure Construct infrastructure Operate infrastructure Maintain infrastructure Well- functioning public infrastructure Private sector: improved access and use of infrastructure Households: improved access and use of infrastructure Private sector development Human development No, or mitigated, negative social and environmental consequences Financial viability Parties involved have the capability and capacity to carry out the project Suitable technology Consistent with national/regional development policy Institutional, economic and legal factors have been taken into account End users are involved ORIO Project Result Chain and Evaluation Criteria Efficiency Effectiveness Impact Problem Causes of the problem Relevance Sustainability

16 >> Focus on international business and cooperation Calls for proposals Deadlines published at All information, including application form, available at Intake form available at for discussing project with project consultant Contact: or tel. +31 88 602 80

17 Thank you for your attention

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