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US & Liberia Trade & Investment Forum 2015

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Presentation on theme: "US & Liberia Trade & Investment Forum 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 US & Liberia Trade & Investment Forum 2015
Session 2: Infrastructure & Tourism A Presentation on Investment Opportunities in Infrastructure & Tourism by Hon. Roland Layfette Giddings Deputy Minister of Public Works Republic of Liberia

2 Infrastructure & Tourism Outline
Roads Transport Services Sea Ports ICT Tourism

3 Overview of Road Infrastructure
$1.4bn invested by Govt & partners in roads since 2007 Partners in road development: SIDA, EU, JICA, World Bank, AfD, USAID National Road Infrastructure Strategic Goals: Connect all (15) county capitals to Monrovia with paved roads Prepare detail engineering designs as the basis to attract construction funding Plans to establish road maintenance fund & establish Roads Authority Total Paved Roads are now 734km in Liberia Primary Laterite Roads 1,423 km Secondary Laterite Roads 2,350 km Feeder Roads 5,410 km The New Road from Monrovia to Nimba

4 Road Infrastructure Priorities
Buchanan (Grand Bassa County) to Greenville (Sinoe County) – 320 kms Gbarnga (Bong County) to Medikorma (Sierra Leone Border) – 281 kms Part-Financing construction of primary highway from Ganta – Tappita (World Bank providing part financing already): 100 kms Financing construction of primary highway from Tappita – Fish Town: 238 kms Rehabilitation of Monrovia to Bo-Waterside border & Sanniquelle to Cote d’Ivoire (Danane) ELWA (Monrovia) to Roberstfield International Airport road

5 Transport Corridor Expansion Plan
Next paving extensions to major road corridors Main connections to neighbouring economic hubs

6 Linking Somalia Drive to Sinkor in Monrovia
Connecting Somalia Drive to Tubman Blvd

7 Transport Services Priorities
Agricultural transport services linking prime growing areas to Monrovia & ports New paved road completed to most populous county outside Monrovia & agricultural belt, travel time now less than 4 hours Coastal & Inland Water Transport: 6 major rivers, also in Monrovia PPP Opportunities: Provision Of Mass Transport Services Public Parking Facilities Construction of bus stations & bus services Construction & management of road links (toll road system) as reform progresses for fair payments for road users. Long term road maintenance initiatives

8 Sea Port Infrastructure Overview
Liberia has 4 ports: Freeport of Monrovia is main port & handles over 91% of Liberia’s vessel traffic. Port of Buchanan handles 60% of NPA’s Summer Dead Weight & 65% of Authority’s throughput. Port of Greenville saw 470% vessel traffic increase from 2012 to 2013 by 47 vessels. Port of Harper is smallest port, handling domestic trade only National Port Authority is Govt enterprise established by 1967 Port Act. Responsible to plan & develop ports. Bomboja NPA conducting feasibility study in Bomboja to gain approval for 5th port. NPA became ISPS Compliant in Monrovia and Buchanan in 2010.

9 Sea Port Infrastructure Priorities
Planned projects at Freeport of Monrovia: Project M1: Marginal Wharf Extension by 200 meters, presently 600 meters Project M2: One new berth and reclamation for container and general cargo 300 meters LOA. Project M3: Coastal vessel terminal – to enhance the distribution and movement of cargoes along the coast of Liberia and sub region Project M4: Dredging of entrance channel (widening) to 250 meters Project M5: Fishing Harbour Pier – Local and international fishing activities, 150—200 meters LOA Planned projects at Port of Buchanan: Project B1: Iron Ore Quay Expansion Project B2: Extension of Fuel Quay Project B3: Commercial Berth Expansion from 326 to 400m Project B4: Logistical Shore base (Phases 1 & 2): supply boats & waste management reception facility operations & warehousing, open yard Top Priorities: Projects M1, M5 & B4

10 Buchanan Onshore Logistics Base
Third Party Services Area (Mud Processing, Chemical Blending, Sewage treatment, Drilling Waste treatment, etc ) Maintenance Shed for Equipment / Tools Fresh Water Tanks STACKING AREA Oil Tanks Safety Services Helipad Hotel & Accommodation

11 Sea Port Infrastructure Priorities
Planned projects at Port of Greenville: Project G1: Construction of Liquid Bulk Pier (200m to 250m long) pier for crude palm oil (Golden Veroleum Liberia - potential of 300,000 tons of crude palm oil per year) Project G2: Construction of dry bulk (200 to 250m long) quay and breakwater (south) Main Clients: GVL, Hummingbird & logging 400m breakwater protects harbour. 2 quays at present (70m & 180m) on inner side of breakwater for berthing facilities, with existing depth of 8/9m below chart datum. Planned projects at Port of Harper: Project H1: Marginal Wharf Expansion Project H2: Oil Palm Quay Main clients: Maryland Oil Palm, Cavalla Rubber, logging

12 ICT Infrastructure Priorities
Why ICT in Liberia? 60% of population inclined to use ICT services Establishment of Liberia Internet Exchange Point Undersea Fiber Optic Cable Landing accessible Partial Roll-out of Monrovia Fiber Ring Gov’t willing to further divest part of its 55% share in Cable Consortium Liberia Major Investment Opportunities in Liberia’s ICT Sector: National Backbone: $67m Digital Migration Platform: $48m National Postal Addressing System: $13.7m

13 Thank you! Hon. Roland Layfette Giddings
NIC Focal Person for Investment Inquiries: Paye Gbelayan:

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