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PARTNER: Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon Pilot Project: Agro and Eco tourism in Deir El Ahmar Area 2 nd Countryside Exchange, Tuesday 10 th June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "PARTNER: Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon Pilot Project: Agro and Eco tourism in Deir El Ahmar Area 2 nd Countryside Exchange, Tuesday 10 th June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARTNER: Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon Pilot Project: Agro and Eco tourism in Deir El Ahmar Area 2 nd Countryside Exchange, Tuesday 10 th June 2014 Deir El Ahmar - Lebanon

2 A GRO AND E CO TOURISM IN D EIR E L A HMAR A REA 3.1 PILOT PROJECT/S Pilot Project(s). Agro and Eco tourism in Deir El Ahmar Area as a tool for Sustainable Rural Development The project includes 3 components: 1- Restoration of Apia road(ancient Roman Road) and the forest of Junipers and Oak. 2- Involvement of the local communities through building their capacity and the establishment of organic Farms. 3- Collaboration with the touristic agencies that are interested in the development of the rural areas

3 A GRO AND E CO TOURISM IN D EIR E L A HMAR A REA 3.2 PILOT PROJECT/S 1- Restoration of Apia road and the forest of junipers and oak : - Improvement of the ancient roman road by rehabilitation of the path, placing signs, establishment of structures for sports activities. -Improvement of the forest around the Apia road (pruning, notice boards.. ) - Creation of recess areas along the road (banks, tables ). - To develop an educational activities for the biodiversity of the area. - Construction of a chamber in the site for forest guard and the tourists

4 A GRO AND E CO TOURISM IN D EIR E L A HMAR A REA 3.2 PILOT PROJECT/S 2- Involvement of the local communities through the establishment of organic Farms: -Supporting farmers of the area to start organic farming - Training the local communities to offer good services for tourists - Supporting the rural communities to improve the accommodation and food services (guest houses, rest houses) - Organizing study tours for similar successful projects

5 A GRO AND E CO TOURISM IN D EIR E L A HMAR A REA 3.2 PILOT PROJECT/S 3- Collaboration with the touristic agencies that are interested in the development of the rural areas: -Bring the tourists intrested toward the environment and rural areas. - Create a website for the international marketing of the Project. -Elaborate Brochures including the available servicies in the site. -Put the Project on the national tourism marketing strategy. - Signing a convention with international tourism agencies.


7 Parcours de chênes verts

8 A GRO AND E CO TOURISM IN D EIR E L A HMAR A REA PILOT PROJECT/S The activities Supported by Village project ( field visit on Tuesday June 10, 2014) Restoration the forest of oak near the Church of St Peter and Paul – Deir El Ahmar : -Pruning the Trees of Oak - Rehabilitation 100 meter path by the coarse and installation of wood border - Establishment of 14 Banks and 7 Tables as rest area - Construction a chamber in the site for forest guard - Establishment of Informative and Educational signs of the forest

9 The project duration is set at 36 months, with a total budget of 1.7 million euroes of which 1.5 million euros from de ENPI contribution (90%). This document has been produced with the financial assistance from the European Union under the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The contents of this document are the sole responsability of ICALPE and can under no circunstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the Programme’s management structures. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION

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