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DSLT Training.

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1 DSLT Training

2 Contents Introduction to sonic logging Physics of measurement
Hardware Description Software Description Operational Hints

3 Why Sonic … ? Formation evaluation Cement bond evaluation
Porosity estimation Primary porosity Lithology identification With other tools Gas detection Fractures and permeability Mechanical properties Sanding analysis Wellbore stability Cement bond evaluation Geophysical applications Synthetic seismograms AVO

4 Why DSLT? The DSLT tool does: The DSLT tool does not:
Provide a sonic tool for FTB telemetry Provide the first fully digital sonic tool Provide Dt and CBL applications with existing sondes The DSLT tool does not: Replace the DSI for shear and Stoneley applications Replace the SDT tool for array measurement (DSI is the tool that does so)

5 DSLT Outputs DSLT with SLS-E or SLS-W 2-ft span BHC DT (3-ft to 5-ft)
6-in. span HBHC DT 16-bit VDL 3-ft dual gate CBL with fluid compensation 16-bit waveform recording (BHC and HBHC sequences)

6 DSLT Outputs DSLT with SLS-F or SLS-Z DSLT with SLS-D or SLS-C
2-ft span DDBHC DT (8-ft to 10-ft and 10-ft to 12-ft) 16-bit VDL 16-bit waveform recording (DDBHC sequence) DSLT with SLS-D or SLS-C 2-ft span DDBHC DT (3-ft to 5-ft and 5-ft to 7-ft) 3-ft dual gate CBL with fluid compensation

7 DSLC Overview MAXIS DSLC New applications: New telemetry applications
Tool Operation Recorder interface On-Board-Programming interface DSLC New telemetry applications DTS telemetry and tool control Tool Operation Recorder New sonic tool features On-Board-Programming Digital transit-time detection

8 Wave propagation A pebble dropped into the water will generate waves that propagate radially away from the source.

9 Wave propagation Pressure Wave
In a similar fashion, the transmitter emits a pressure wave which travels radially in the borehole.

10 Wave propagation Head Waves
An energy source moving through the medium will generate head waves

11 Wave propagation Pressure Wave
When the pressure wave contacts the borehole, it splits into a compressional component (green), a shear component (red) and a mud wave reflection (blue)

12 Wave propagation Head Waves
If the acoustic velocity of the wavefront in the formation is faster than the acoustic velocity of the borehole fluid, the wavefront will become perpendicular to the borehole wall. The head wave is formed when the wavefront is at right angle to the boundary.

13 Wave propagation References Acoustics Online Training
Sonic Online Training

14 Piezoelectric Receivers
When the pressure wave applies force to the piezoelectric material, it generates a potential which is proportional to the pressure applied.

15 Piezoelectric Transmitters
When voltage is applied to piezoelectric transmitters, they expand creating a pressure wave.

16 Sonic Waveform When the sonic transmitter is fired, the receiver will see the compressional arrivals first (which are usually in the range of 8-12 kHz), followed by shear arrivals (which are in the order of 1-5 kHz). The frequency of both arrivals is a function of the formation slowness. After this, Stoneley arrivals occur (which are guided waves across the borehole). In slow formations, it is possible not to be able to see the shear arrivals.

17 Dt Measurement: Single Tx-Single Rx
Knowing only the spacing between Tx and Rx, it is not possible to compute formation slowness as mud slowness is not known, and the distances traveled in the formation (b) and the borehole (a and c) are not known.

18 Dt Measurement: Borehole Compensation
TT1 = a + b + c TT2 = a + d + c TTformation = TT1 - TT2 = (b - d) Dtformation = (b - d) / 2

19 Dt Measurement: Sonde Tilt Problem
Sonde tilt will introduce errors in the measurement of Dt as a1 <> a2, and c1 <> c2. Also (b-d) is no longer equal to the distance between the two receivers of 2 ft, but will be reduced by the cosine of the tilt.

20 Dt Measurement: BHC Sonde Configuration
By adding a symmetrical transmitter and two receivers set, we compensate for both borehole and tilt effects: Dtformation = ((TT1-TT2)+(TT3-TT4))/4 This is the SLS-E sonde

21 Dt Measurement: DDBHC Sonde Configuration
The results from positions 1 and 2 are added to simulate a BHC measurement: Dtformation = ((TT1-TT2)+(TT3-TT4))/4 This is the SLS-D/F sonde

22 CBL Measurement CBL is the amplitude at the 3-ft receiver
Zero bond is like ringing a bell Loud ringing High amplitude Good bond is like a blanket on a bell Much quieter Low amplitude sound wave

23 VDL Measurement VDL is the wavetrain at the 5-ft receiver
VDL is an indication of both casing-to-cement bond and cement-formation bond.

24 Basic Sonic Measurement
An acoustic pulse is sent into the formation The time it takes to reach each receiver is measured One path is 2ft longer than the other. The extra time that sound takes to travel those 2ft is used to determine rock’s acoustic velocity 2 ft

25 Transit Time Transit time is: The time it takes sound to travel from the transmitter to the receiver Measured in s It contains : TTmud1+TTrock+TTmud2 TT3 TT4

26 Delta-T The time it takes for sound to travel through a known distance of rock measured in s/m or s/ft 2ft

27 Delta-T Calculated as the difference between two transit times.
We know the distance between the receivers 2ft

28 Open-Hole waveform shown.
Waveform vs VDL WF CVDL VDL Open-Hole waveform shown.

29 Waveforms & Transit Times
Transmitted Pulse: To Received Pulses Pulse Far Receiver TT (TT1 or TT3) Far Receiver (TT3) Near Receiver (TT4) Near Receiver TT (TT2 or TT4) TT3 - TT4 The extra travel time is caused by the longer travel path.

30 Extra time required to travel 2ft farther
Waveforms & Delta-T Transmitted Pulse: To Received Pulses Pulse Far Receiver Near Receiver DTLower2ft OR.. TT3 - TT4 Extra time required to travel 2ft farther

31 Borehole Compensated Sonic
To remove certain borehole effects, we add another transmitter/Receiver set. Now since these are identical (but upside down) we can take the average of the two This is the BHC Delta-T or just DT TT2 TT3 TT1 TT4

32 Sonde-Tilt TT’s, decreased and separated (UT TT’s will be larger)
First arrival amplitude will be dramatically smaller due to late arrivals on the long side of the borehole. Zone of investigation is larger than 2’  DTTilted will be slightly larger than DTTrue. E2 Will be slightly wider than normal. Deviated Well

33 Eccentering TT’s, decreased.
First arrival amplitude will be dramatically smaller due to late arrivals on the long side of the borehole. Low signal amplitude makes detection difficult since noise amplitude remains the same

34 Large Boreholes TT’s, Increased.
First arrival amplitude will be dramatically smaller due to increased travel time through the mud. Low signal amplitude makes detection difficult since noise amplitude could remain the same 16 in is the maximum hole size.

35 Delta-T : BHC

36 BHC & HiRes BHC 2 ft 5 in BHC CBHC HBHC

37 HiRes BHC SLS-EA (WA)’s were not designed to operate in this way.
The receivers are not exactly 5” apart. A Master-Cal is required to correct for slight differences. HRSPLTUT 5 in HRSP HBHC

38 Waveforms & Delta-T Far Receivers (TT1 & TT3)
Near Receivers (TT2 & TT4) DT2ft Extra time required to travel 2ft farther

39 Waveforms & Delta-T - Slow Formations
Far Receivers (TT1 & TT3) Near Receivers (TT2 & TT4) The slower the formation, the larger separation Faster Rock. TTnear From To to TTnear is also a factor of borehole size (TTMUD) Slower Rock DT Increases in slow formaitons

40 Waveforms & Delta-T - Borehole Size
Far Receivers Near Receivers The TT’s decrease due to a decrease in TTmud. DT is not affected. DTsmall hole. TTnear From To to TTnear is proportional to borehole size (TTmud) and formation speed DT Larger hole.

41 Detection The transit time is “detected” where the waveform amplitude becomes larger than some threshold. This is called the “First Arrival” Threshold E1 E2 Transit Time For Open-Hoe Logging, we look for the second peak(E2), since it is usually larger than the first(E1)

42 DSLT Features Summary Max temp : 300 Deg F.
Not combinable with 60 Hz telemetry frame rate tools. Digital waveform acquisition only. DSLC is combinable with SLS-W (E), SLS-Z (F), SLS-C (D) modified sondes (FTB through wired). CTS telemetry or DTS telemetry (both DTB and FTB interfaces are available in DSLC).. Fixed digital sampling rate : 10 us. A/D converter resolution for digital waveform : 16 bits. Memory size for digital waveform : 510 words (1020 Bytes). Variable telemetry frame size defined by the user : - 26 words for the header. - 0 to 510 words ( 1 word = 2 bytes) of data for 2 digital waveforms. - Max of 536 words. (DTFS). Telemetry frame rate = 15 Hz. Firing rate = RATE (15Hz or 7.5Hz …). 2 waveform are acquired per sonic firing. 2 digital waveforms are sent uphole per frame. TT detection done either downhole by the DSP or uphole by the HOST (DFAD). 2 acquisition modes (WMOD) : DETECTION (digitization interval centered on TT) or FULL (fixed digitization interval). 2 gains : hardware downhole gain and a software surface gain. Amplitude normalization of the raw waveforms for VDL and waveform presentation. 2 type of waveform recorded : raw and normalized.

43 This is Noise Detection
Dt Detection Problems Low amplitude of E2 may cause detection to occur on E4 This is Cycle Skipping High noise may cause early detection This is Noise Detection

44 CBL Good Bond Response In excellent bond conditions, CBL amplitude may be too low that cycle skipping occurs to detect TT on E3. In good bond conditions, TT may exhibit what is called TT shrinking

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