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Welcome Wildcats! Please find your name & have a seat. Do not open the folders until you are instructed to do so. Begin completing the Facebook handout.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Wildcats! Please find your name & have a seat. Do not open the folders until you are instructed to do so. Begin completing the Facebook handout."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Wildcats! Please find your name & have a seat. Do not open the folders until you are instructed to do so. Begin completing the Facebook handout on your desk.

2 Agenda In your agenda write: Your name Grade Homeroom: Nama Bus # Slot # Load #

3 Important Information The folders on your desk contain important information that MUST be returned. The items that must be returned include: – Vital Checklist – Student information card (PLEASE BE SURE TO MAKE CORRECTIONS) – Section 1 Coupons – Weather Emergency Dismissal – Student Health – Scoliosis Screening – Sex Education permission form – Pages 14 & 19 remain in the agenda – Page 17 & 21 is returned to me – PLEASE PUT THE NUMBER I HAVE GIVEN YOU ON ALL FORMS!

4 Lockers Lockers will not be issued until EVERYONE from homeroom returns all information that must be returned. No exceptions. Due to the number of students, each homeroom only has 26 lockers. Some students will have to share lockers. Pick partners wisely! Lockers are a privilege and can be taken away if used improperly. There will be no decorating of lockers.

5 Backpacks? NO!! Because classes are full, you are not allowed to carry backpacks between classes, nor are you allowed to carry the big Hollister or Vera Bradley type bags. Small purses and small drawstring bags are acceptable. Leave bags in your locker.

6 Behavior Card Our school wide behavior procedure will follow the points system. Once a certain grade is reached a consequence will be issued. The behavior card will be used in determining a student’s conduct grade for each class.

7 Passes – Back of Agenda Use your passes wisely. If you lose your agenda you will not have a pass. The cost to replace the agenda is $10.

8 Arrival Students are not allowed in the building before 7:50 unless being supervised by a teacher. Students should go to the gym area upon arrival and wait to be released to homeroom at 8:10. Students should go directly to lockers and collect necessary materials before homeroom/first period. If you brought your lunch, take it to your 3 rd period teacher before entering homeroom. Once you’re in the room, YOU’RE IN!

9 HOMEROOM/WILDCAT TIME- 8:10-8:50 1 ST PERIOD- 8:53-9:47 2 ND PERIOD- 9:50-10:44 -Locker break and restroom after class 3 RD PERIOD- 10:47-12:14 LUNCH- 11:40-12:10 4 TH PERIOD- 12:17-1:11 (Bathroom break during class designated by teacher) -Locker break after class 5 TH PERIOD- 1:14-2:09 -Locker break at the end of class 6 TH PERIOD- CONNECTIONS FROM 2:13-3:30 3:30-DISMISSAL 6 th Grade Academic Rotation

10 Restroom Breaks Students are allowed to use the restroom ONLY WITH A SIGNED AGENDA. Restrooms will be monitored to ensure no horse playing takes place. The entire team will take a restroom break before/after lunch. Your 4 th period teacher will have more information.

11 Media Center Mrs. Chapman (the media specialist) will be assigning days for each team to come to the media center during Wildcat Time. More information to come. When you go to the media center you MUST have your agenda with your barcode. You are only allowed in the media center with teacher supervision.

12 Schedule Inside your packet you should find your schedule. Recall you have two connections classes. Connections classes operate on an A/B day system. Today is an “A” day, so be sure to go to the class listed as 1 st period under the “A” column.

13 Connections Have your schedule with you today and tomorrow when you go to connections.


15 BYLD Bring Your Learning Device Each teacher will determine whether their classroom is a BYLD classroom. You should understand that not all classrooms will be BYLD. If one of your classrooms is a BYLD classroom you should be sure to understand the rules and consequences for inappropriate use.

16 Technology Safety Please be aware of technology violations. Cell phones should NOT be used for personal use during school. All technology should be put up during school, including headphones, unless under the supervision of a teacher during a BYLD activity. “It is a violation of District Policy for students to access the Internet through any cellular data provider or use a personal hotspot while on campus. Students are expected to follow the submitted acceptable use procedures when accessing the Internet through any device.”

17 ASPEN – Student Portal All student passwords have been reset. Student user logins did not change and teachers can find the login information in the student list provided in Aspen. Student passwords will be available at a later time. (Try ccsd2014 first.) Students will be prompted to change their password on initial login. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long.

18 Dismissal 1 st dismissal bell: 3:30 – Upper Floor 1 st Load “A” & Car Riders 2 nd dismissal bell: 3:33 – Lower Floor 1 st Load “A” & Car Riders Car Riders: Remember last year’s procedures 3 rd dismissal bell: 3:36 – Upper Floor 1 st Load “B” 4 th dismissal bell: 3:39 – Lower Floor 1 st Load “B” 5 th dismissal bell: 3:42 – Both Floors 2 nd Load (report to cafeteria)

19 Any Questions?

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