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Welcome Ms. Kline’s English Classes. Objectives I can learn the classroom rules and expectations I will know something about Ms. Kline before I leave.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Ms. Kline’s English Classes. Objectives I can learn the classroom rules and expectations I will know something about Ms. Kline before I leave."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Ms. Kline’s English Classes

2 Objectives I can learn the classroom rules and expectations I will know something about Ms. Kline before I leave class today. I will know something new about my classmates before I leave class today I will create a class mission statement I will connect the term grit to my own life

3 Agenda Warm-Up Introduce myself to the students Go over Parent Letter and Syllabus Go over classroom rules Get to know the students through an ice- breaker activity Go over mission statements Go over Grit and have students write on how they represent grit in their daily lives.

4 Warm-Up The first 10 minutes of class Pick up the Question sheet as you enter and begin answering the questions Quick Attendance Practice how to COLLECT papers. Students should place papers on the right corner of their desk. I will check them in and collect or ask them to hand it down.

5 2 Truths 1 Lie Write down 3 things and make one of them a lie. We will guess which one is the lie.

6 All About Ms. Kline Second Grace Summer Youth Program South Africa Graduation! Favorite Color: Green, Blue, or Red Favorite Sport: I played soccer and tennis in high school. I enjoy watching Spartan Football! Favorite Animal: Dogs Hobbies: Reading Books, Watching Movies and TV, Walking my dog Charley!

7 Classroom Rules RESPECT Be on-time, on-task, and prepared EVERYDAY Put away distractions (electronics, grooming supplies, and food/drink) Be responsible Do your Best!

8 Ms. Kline’s Mission Statement I want to instill in my students a sense of curiosity, empathy, social consciousness, and critical thinking. My goal is to help my students progress as people, citizens, and learners.

9 East Detroit High School Mission East Detroit High School will provide for all students, a safe environment, which supports high academic standards, opportunities for equality of learning, and positive character building. Students will become employable, socially responsible, and capable of adapting in an ever-changing world.

10 Write down your Mission (Goals) Students will take out a piece of paper and discuss with their group what should be included in their class mission statements Students will share out their ideas and will brainstorm on the board. I will take a picture of board and put together a mission statement that includes all people’s ideas and post on back board.

11 What if the Key to Success is Failure? Duckworth’s early research showed that measures of self-control can be a more reliable predictor of students’ grade-point averages than their I.Q.’s. But while self-control seemed to be a critical ingredient in attaining basic success, Duckworth came to feel it wasn’t as relevant when it came to outstanding achievement. People who accomplished great things, she noticed, often combined a passion for a single mission with an unswerving dedication to achieve that mission, whatever the obstacles and however long it might take. She decided she needed to name this quality, and she chose the word “grit.”

12 Angela Duckworth Ted Talks: GRIT

13 Fixed vs. Growth Mindsets Discussion What type of mindset do you have? What type of things can we do together to help us all have more of a growth mindset?


15 Self Portrait First brainstorm…. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What do you believe in? What do you value? What characteristics describe you?

16 Self Portrait Now that you have some ideas down….. Take these ideas and create a written piece that ties it all together and describes you. It can be creative like a poem, but it does not have to be. First written assignment: Make sure to use proper grammar and spelling.

17 Self Portrait Once you have your written ideas create an art piece that represents you. Collage: Different pictures that represent you Symbol: that ties combines different things about you A picture: that symbolizes something important in your life.

18 What is Social Studies? Students will work in a small groups (Go over Group Work Poster and Supplies) Students will present in any way their group decides. Present on What is Social Studies?

19 Analyzing a Song Listen and read over the lyrics What stands out to you What words don’t you know. Feel Free to look up a word and define it on the back of the page. What ideas are presented in this song? How does it relate to you?

20 11 Essential Traits What are positive traits in people? Give students a copy of the 11 essential traits. Go over them and have students give scenarios for all of them. 7th grade have students work in partners and get a traits and create a poster for it. Put them up in the front of the room. 8th grade students will read a passage from famous leader and pull out essential traits that are presented in the passage.

21 IF DIRECTIONS Pick a card from the deck. Say your name Answer the question Put your card back on the bottom of the deck and pass the deck to the next person. At the end see if I or someone else can name everyones name in the class.

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