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Chapter 8 Periodic Properties of the Elements

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1 Chapter 8 Periodic Properties of the Elements

2 Electron Spin Experiment

3 Electron Spin experiments by Stern and Gerlach showed a beam of silver atoms is split in two by a magnetic field the experiment reveals that the electrons spin on their axis as they spin, they generate a magnetic field spinning charged particles generate a magnetic field if there is an even number of electrons, about half the atoms will have a net magnetic field pointing “North” and the other half will have a net magnetic field pointing “South”

4 Spin Quantum Number, ms spin quantum number describes how the electron spins on its axis clockwise or counterclockwise spin up or spin down spins must cancel in an orbital paired ms can have values of ±½

5 Pauli Exclusion Principle
no two electrons in an atom may have the same set of 4 quantum numbers therefore no orbital may have more than 2 electrons, and they must have with opposite spins knowing the number orbitals in a sublevel allows us to determine the maximum number of electrons in the sublevel s sublevel has 1 orbital, therefore it can hold 2 electrons p sublevel has 3 orbitals, therefore it can hold 6 electrons d sublevel has 5 orbitals, therefore it can hold 10 electrons f sublevel has 7 orbitals, therefore it can hold 14 electrons

6 Quantum Numbers of Helium’s Electrons
helium has two electrons both electrons are in the first energy level both electrons are in the s orbital of the first energy level since they are in the same orbital, they must have opposite spins n l ml ms first electron 1 second

7 Electron Configurations
the ground state of the electron is the lowest energy orbital it can occupy the distribution of electrons into the various orbitals in an atom in its ground state is called its electron configuration the number designates the principal energy level the letter designates the sublevel and type of orbital the superscript designates the number of electrons in that sublevel He = 1s2

8 Orbital Diagrams we often represent an orbital as a square and the electrons in that orbital as arrows the direction of the arrow represents the spin of the electron unoccupied orbital orbital with 1 electron orbital with 2 electrons

9 Sublevel Splitting in Multielectron Atoms
the sublevels in each principal energy level of Hydrogen all have the same energy – we call orbitals with the same energy degenerate or other single electron systems for multielectron atoms, the energies of the sublevels are split caused by electron-electron repulsion the lower the value of the l quantum number, the less energy the sublevel has s (l = 0) < p (l = 1) < d (l = 2) < f (l = 3)

10 Penetrating and Shielding
the radial distribution function shows that the 2s orbital penetrates more deeply into the 1s orbital than does the 2p the weaker penetration of the 2p sublevel means that electrons in the 2p sublevel experience more repulsive force, they are more shielded from the attractive force of the nucleus the deeper penetration of the 2s electrons means electrons in the 2s sublevel experience a greater attractive force to the nucleus and are not shielded as effectively the result is that the electrons in the 2s sublevel are lower in energy than the electrons in the 2p

11 6d 7s 5f 6p 5d 6s 4f 5p 4d 5s 4p 3d Energy 4s 3p 3s 2p 2s 1s
Notice the following: because of penetration, sublevels within an energy level are not degenerate penetration of the 4th and higher energy levels is so strong that their s sublevel is lower in energy than the d sublevel of the previous energy level the energy difference between levels becomes smaller for higher energy levels 2s 2p 1s

12 Filling the Orbitals with Electrons
energy shells fill from lowest energy to high subshells fill from lowest energy to high s → p → d → f Aufbau Principle orbitals that are in the same subshell have the same energy no more than 2 electrons per orbital Pauli Exclusion Principle when filling orbitals that have the same energy, place one electron in each before completing pairs Hund’s Rule

13 Chapter 5: Periodicity and Atomic Structure
4/24/2017 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.

14 Electron Configurations of Multielectron Atoms
Chapter 5: Periodicity and Atomic Structure Electron Configurations of Multielectron Atoms 4/24/2017 H: 1s1 1 electron s orbital (l = 0) n = 1 He: 1s2 2 electrons s orbital (l = 0) n = 1 Lowest energy to highest energy Electron configurations show the distribution of the electrons between the subshells. Li: 1s2 2s1 1 electrons s orbital (l = 0) n = 2 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.

15 Valence Electrons the electrons in all the subshells with the highest principal energy shell are called the valence electrons electrons in lower energy shells are called core electrons chemists have observed that one of the most important factors in the way an atom behaves, both chemically and physically, is the number of valence electrons

16 Examples For the following atom, write:
the Ground State Electron Configuration Use short hand notation to write orbital Diagram Determine the core electrons and valence electrons Carbon Sulfur Potassium

17 Electron configuration of transition metal and atoms in higher energy state
For the following atom, write: the Ground State Electron Configuration Use short hand notation to write orbital Diagram Determine the core electrons and valence electrons Cr Br Bi

18 Trend in Atomic Radius – Main Group
Different methods for measuring the radius of an atom, and they give slightly different trends van der Waals radius = nonbonding covalent radius = bonding radius atomic radius is an average radius of an atom based on measuring large numbers of elements and compounds Atomic Radius Increases down group valence shell farther from nucleus effective nuclear charge fairly close Atomic Radius Decreases across period (left to right) adding electrons to same valence shell effective nuclear charge increases valence shell held closer

19 Effective Nuclear Charge
in a multi-electron system, electrons are simultaneously attracted to the nucleus and repelled by each other outer electrons are shielded from full strength of nucleus screening effect effective nuclear charge is net positive charge that is attracting a particular electron Z is nuclear charge, S is electrons in lower energy levels electrons in same energy level contribute to screening, but very little effective nuclear charge on sublevels trend, s > p > d > f Zeffective = Z - S

20 Screening & Effective Nuclear Charge

21 Trends in Atomic Radius Transition Metals
increase in size down the Group atomic radii of transition metals roughly the same size across the d block must less difference than across main group elements valence shell ns2, not the d electrons effective nuclear charge on the ns2 electrons approximately the same

22 Example – Choose the Larger Atom in Each Pair
N or F C or Ge N or Al, N or F C or Ge, N or F C or Ge N or Al Al or Ge? N or F,

23 Ionization Energy minimum energy needed to remove an electron from an atom gas state endothermic process valence electron easiest to remove M(g) + IE1  M1+(g) + 1 e- M+1(g) + IE2  M2+(g) + 1 e- first ionization energy = energy to remove electron from neutral atom; 2nd IE = energy to remove from +1 ion; etc.

24 General Trends in 1st Ionization Energy
larger the effective nuclear charge on the electron, the more energy it takes to remove it the farther the most probable distance the electron is from the nucleus, the less energy it takes to remove it 1st IE decreases down the group valence electron farther from nucleus 1st IE generally increases across the period effective nuclear charge increases

25 Trends in Ionic Radius Ions in same group have same charge
Ion size increases down the group higher valence shell, larger Cations smaller than neutral atom; Anions bigger than neutral atom Cations smaller than anions except Rb+1 & Cs+1 bigger or same size as F-1 and O-2 Larger positive charge = smaller cation for isoelectronic species isoelectronic = same electron configuration Larger negative charge = larger anion for isoelectronic series


27 Electron Configuration of Cations in their Ground State
cations form when the atom loses electrons from the valence shell for transition metals electrons, may be removed from the sublevel closest to the valence shell Al atom = 1s22s22p63s23p1 Al+3 ion = 1s22s22p6 Fe atom = 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6 Fe+2 ion = 1s22s22p63s23p63d6 Fe+3 ion = 1s22s22p63s23p63d5 Cu atom = 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d10 Cu+1 ion = 1s22s22p63s23p63d10

28 Example 8.8 – Choose the Atom in Each Pair with the Higher First Ionization Energy
Al or S As or Sb N or Si O or Cl? Al or S As or Sb N or Si, Al or S As or Sb, Al or S,

29 Irregularities in the Trend
Ionization Energy generally increases from left to right across a Period except from 2A to 3A, 5A to 6A  N 1s 2s 2p O Be  1s 2s 2p B Which is easier to remove an electron from B or Be? Why? Which is easier to remove an electron from N or O? Why?

30 Irregularities in the First Ionization Energy Trends
  Be Be+ 1s 2s 2p 1s 2s 2p To ionize Be you must break up a full sublevel, cost extra energy B  1s 2s 2p B+  1s 2s 2p When you ionize B you get a full sublevel, costs less energy

31 Irregularities in the First Ionization Energy Trends
 1s 2s 2p N+  1s 2s 2p To ionize N you must break up a half-full sublevel, cost extra energy  O 1s 2s 2p O+  1s 2s 2p When you ionize O you get a half-full sublevel, costs less energy Tro, Chemistry: A Molecular Approach

32 Trends in Successive Ionization Energies
removal of each successive electron costs more energy shrinkage in size due to having more protons than electrons outer electrons closer to the nucleus, therefore harder to remove regular increase in energy for each successive valence electron large increase in energy when start removing core electrons

33 Trends in Electron Affinity
energy released when an neutral atom gains an electron gas state M(g) + 1e-  M-1(g) + EA defined as exothermic (-), but may actually be endothermic (+) alkali earth metals & noble gases endothermic, WHY? more energy released (more -); the larger the EA generally increases across period becomes more negative from left to right not absolute lowest EA in period = alkali earth metal or noble gas highest EA in period = halogen

34 Metallic Character Metals malleable & ductile
shiny, lusterous, reflect light conduct heat and electricity most oxides basic and ionic form cations in solution lose electrons in reactions – oxidized Nonmetals brittle in solid state dull electrical and thermal insulators most oxides are acidic and molecular form anions and polyatomic anions gain electrons in reactions – reduced metallic character increases left metallic character increase down


36 Example – Choose the More Metallic Element in Each Pair
Sn or Te P or Sb Ge or In S or Br?

37 Trends in the Alkali Metals
atomic radius increases down the column ionization energy decreases down the column very low ionization energies good reducing agents, easy to oxidize very reactive, not found uncombined in nature react with nonmetals to form salts compounds generally soluble in water  found in seawater electron affinity decreases down the column melting point decreases down the column all very low MP for metals density increases down the column except K in general, the increase in mass is greater than the increase in volume

38 Trends in the Halogens atomic radius increases down the column
ionization energy decreases down the column very high electron affinities good oxidizing agents, easy to reduce very reactive, not found uncombined in nature react with metals to form salts compounds generally soluble in water  found in seawater reactivity increases down the column react with hydrogen to form HX, acids melting point and boiling point increases down the column density increases down the column in general, the increase in mass is greater than the increase in volume

39 Trends in the Noble Gases
atomic radius increases down the column ionization energy decreases down the column very high IE very unreactive only found uncombined in nature used as “inert” atmosphere when reactions with other gases would be undersirable melting point and boiling point increases down the column all gases at room temperature very low boiling points density increases down the column in general, the increase in mass is greater than the increase in volume

40 Example– Write a balanced chemical reaction for the following.
reaction between potassium metal and bromine gas K(s) + Br2(g)  (ionic compounds are all solids at room temperature) reaction between rubidium metal and liquid water Rb(s) + H2O(l)  reaction between chlorine gas and solid iodine Cl2(g) + I2(s) 

41 Magnetic properties electron configurations that result in unpaired electrons mean that the atom or ion will have a net magnetic field – this is called paramagnetism will be attracted to a magnetic field electron configurations that result in all paired electrons mean that the atom or ion will have no magnetic field – this is called diamagnetism slightly repelled by a magnetic field

42 Examples Al and Al3+ O and O-2 Ag and Ag+
Write the Electron Configuration and Determine whether the following atoms or their ions are Paramagnetic or Diamagnetic Al and Al3+ O and O-2 Ag and Ag+

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