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English Composition II: ENGL 112 Tuesday, February 1, 2011.

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1 English Composition II: ENGL 112 Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2 Plan for Today  Section 1 (5:15-6:45) –Submit Paper Copy of Essay 1 –Week 4 Quiz –Lecture on Character and Drama –Begin Discussion of A Raisin in the Sun, Act 1  Section 2 (7:00-8:30) –Discussion of A Raisin in the Sun, Act 1 –Read section of A Raisin in the Sun aloud  Section 3 (8:45-10:15) –Essay 2 Assignment and Prewriting –Assign Homework

3 Week 4 Quiz

4 Character

5 Character and Characterization (p 254)  Character: a fictional representation of a person  Characterization –way writers develop characters and reveal those characters’ traits to readers –can be through comments by narrator or other characters the character’s actions, reactions, speech, thoughts

6 Types of Characters (pp 254-255)  Round Character: –well developed and closely involved in and responsive to action –often flaws make them more believable  Flat Character: barely developed or stereotypical  Types of Flat Characters –Foil: supporting character whose role is to highlight a major character by serving as a contrast –Stock Character: easily identifiable types who behave so predictably that readers can readily recognize them

7 Types of Characters (pp 255)  Dynamic Character: –grows and changes in the course of a story –develops as s/he reacts to events and to other characters  Static Character: may face same challenges as dynamic character but remains essentially unchanged  Connections between Types of Characters –Often, but NOT always, characters are both round/dynamic or flat/static –Sometimes a lack of change is important in the presentation of a round character –Minor characters often static because we don’t know enough to know if they change

8 Drama Reading and Writing About Drama

9 Literary Terms Related to Drama (pp 1249-1250)  Divisions –Acts: –Scenes:  Stage Directions –specify characters’ entrances and exits –describe what settings look like and how characters look and act  Main difference from fiction –no narrator to tell us what characters think or to give background –only know what characters reveal

10 Literary Terms Related to Drama (pp 1249-1250)  Dialogue: lines spoken by the characters, bulk of the content in drama  Monologue: extended speech by one character  Soliloquies: monologue in which a character expresses private thoughts while alone on stage  Aside –brief comment by character –reveals his/her thoughts by speaking directly to the audience –comments not heard by the other characters

11 A Raisin in the Sun Discussion of Act 1

12 A Raisin in the Sun, Act 1  How was the experience of reading drama different from fiction?  How did the stage directions impact your reading?  Read “Harlem” by Langston Hughes (pp 924-925). How does it relate to the play?  How does the setting (historical, geographical, and physical) impact the plot?  Which character did you identify with the most? Which was most sympathetic? Were there any you didn’t identify with or find sympathetic?  What symbols appear in the story? How do you know they’re symbols? What does each symbolize?

13 Paper 2 – Literary Analysis Assignment and Prewriting

14 Essay 2 Assignment  Two Options –Literary Devices and Theme –Film Adaptation  In both –Choose one story (can’t be one you discussed in Essay 1) –Choose three literary devices –Discuss the way the literary devices contribute to larger meaning For option 1: theme For option 2: larger meaning/point of film –Use text as only source –Length: 4-6 pages

15 Essay 2 Prewriting  Choose which option you will write about: [1] Literary Devices and Theme OR [2] Film Adaptation  Select story (can be anything we’ve read so far this semester, but can’t be one of the stories you discussed in Essay 1)  Determine your thoughts about the larger meaning: [1] What is the theme of the story? [2] What will be the larger meaning/point of your film version?  Decide which three literary devices you will use as support: setting, point of view, style, tone, symbolism, allegory, myth, characterization, foreshadowing, and flashback  Write about how each of those three literary devices [1] contributes to the reader’s understand of the theme you identified [2] will appear/be modified in film version to support the larger meaning

16 Homework  Reading (always including textual introductions): –Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun (remainder of text from where we finished in class to p 1400) –"Character," 1459-1469 –"Theme," 1851-1855  Assignment –Bring 2 copies of Essay 2 (first draft) to class for Writing Workshop –Email your draft and a question to me by noon next Tuesday if you want feedback on your draft

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