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Intro to A Raisin in the Sun Journal Entry:

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to A Raisin in the Sun Journal Entry:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to A Raisin in the Sun Journal Entry:
Respond to ONE of the following scenarios in a one-page journal entry: (You may write this in narrative format) Imagine that your family suddenly wins the lottery. What does it feel like to have all that money? What will you do with it? What conflicts might arise among family members and others? Your family moves into a new neighborhood, but your neighbors don't want you living there. They do everything to make your life unpleasant in your new home. Do you put up with it or move out?

2 A Raisin in the Sun Journal Entry: Act II
Write a five sentence summary for each scene in this Act. (There are 3 scenes). Choose a character from this Act to describe (personality, role in this act compared to previous acts, etc.) Choose a quote from that character and describe what that quote means. Choose a theme that we’ve discussed and give at least one example of that theme at work in Act II. (Race/racism, Dreams, Poverty)

3 A Raisin in the Sun Journal Entry: Act III
Write a five sentence summary for Act III. Choose a character from this Act to describe (personality, role in this act compared to previous acts, etc.) Choose a quote from that character and describe what that quote means. Discuss what each of the following characters’ dreams are and if those dreams come true or not at the end of the play: Mama, Beneatha, Walter

4 Intro to A Raisin in the Sun Pair Activity
Read the poem “Harlem” by Langston Hughes. (At the front of your book before page 1) Using one sheet of paper per pair, write your names at the top. Answer the following questions: (Use your lit book to look up the poetical terms if needed.) 1. How many stanzas are in the poem? 2. There are several similes in this poem. Name them. 3. Quick write: In your own words, write about what you think Langston Hughes is comparing. Is he really talking about an actual raisin? What is the poem really about? 4. Why do you think the last line of the poem is italicized?

5 Link to intro video:

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