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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Vocabulary Qualitative Versus Quantitative Physical.

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2 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Vocabulary Qualitative Versus Quantitative Physical Or Chemical? Experiments Conserving Energy

3 What is the Law of the Conservation of Energy?

4 Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy can be transformed or changed

5 What is “matter?”

6 Anything that takes up space and has mass

7 What is energy?

8 -The ability to do work -Exists in many forms (heat, chemical, electrical, mechanical, and so on…)

9 What is an observation?

10 Using your 5 senses to gather information Two types: quantitative and qualitative

11 Explain the meanings of the following three terms: conduction, convection, and radiation

12 Conduction-a way in which solids transfer heat (molecules “bump” into other molecules, movement causes heat) Convection- occurs when hot air rises above cooler air, heat in an object makes the molecules spread out Radiation- release of invisible heat rays from a fire or from the sun

13 The thermometer indicates that the liquid has a temperature of 32 degrees.

14 Quantitative

15 Object has a shiny, black surface.

16 Qualitative

17 Mineral is greenish-blue in color.

18 Qualitative

19 An object was measured to have a mass of 23.5 grams.

20 Quantitative

21 The objects in the basket were determined to have a circumference of ten centimeters.

22 Quantitative

23 A change that is NOT reversible.

24 Chemical

25 A change that involves a change in form, size, or shape.

26 Physical

27 A change that is reversible.

28 Physical

29 Example: Crumpling or tearing paper Physical or Chemical Change?

30 Physical Change

31 Example: Burning paper

32 Chemical Change

33 What caused the kernels in the aluminum foil to pop?

34 Heat energy given off by the flame of the burning candle was absorbed by the water in the kernel. The water turned to steam, expanded and caused the kernel to “POP.”

35 What caused the dancing raisins to rise up and fall?

36 The gas created by the chemical reaction of the vinegar and baking soda caused the raisins to rise and fall. The gas is light pushing the raisins to the surface. The fact that the raisin moves up and down shows mechanical energy.

37 How do you know a chemical reaction happened between the copper chloride (blue powder) and the aluminum tin foil cup?

38 -Heat energy was given off (steam) -Aluminum fell to the bottom of the cup in small, shiny pieces (aluminum oxide) -Mixture of compounds “sizzled”

39 Was heat energy given off (felt hot) or taken in (felt cold) when we mixed calcium chloride and baking soda with phenol red solution “In the Bag?”

40 Taken in (felt cold) Endothermic reaction

41 Which aluminum rod (small, medium, or large diameter) will transfer heat energy the fastest?

42 Small rod because it has less mass

43 Why is it so important to conserve the Earth’s energy?

44 After natural resources are gone they are gone. Must begin to explore renewable energy sources to play an important role in the future of the world.

45 Share three examples of fossil fuels?

46 Oil, coal, natural gas

47 What causes air pollution?

48 Burning lots of coal and oil sends smoke and other gases into the air

49 Describe how the Sun is used for energy on Earth.

50 Solar power is generated from light from the Sun. Visible light is changed into electricity by a solar cell.

51 Nuclear energy involves fission and fusion. Explain the difference between the two terms.

52 Fission-The splitting of uranium atoms, when atoms split energy can be turned into electricity Fusion-The joining of two atoms. A lot of energy is given off as they combine.

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