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The ‘A’ Level Route 24 April 09. ADMISSION TO JUNIOR COLLEGES (2-YEAR COURSES) Total aggregate obtained for First Language & 5 Relevant subjects (L1 +

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Presentation on theme: "The ‘A’ Level Route 24 April 09. ADMISSION TO JUNIOR COLLEGES (2-YEAR COURSES) Total aggregate obtained for First Language & 5 Relevant subjects (L1 +"— Presentation transcript:

1 The ‘A’ Level Route 24 April 09

2 ADMISSION TO JUNIOR COLLEGES (2-YEAR COURSES) Total aggregate obtained for First Language & 5 Relevant subjects (L1 + R5 excluding CCA) 6 – 20 R1 1st subject from Humanities (H) Group R2 2nd subject from Maths (M) or Science (S) Group R3 3rd subject from H or M or S Group R4 } 4th & 5th subjects can be chosen from all subjects R5 } offered at ‘O’ level except Religious Knowledge & CCA

3 In addition, the following are required for individual subjects: English Language (EL1) Higher MTL or MTL as a 2nd language or MTL ‘B’ Mathematics or Additional Mathematics A1 – C6 A1 – E8 A1 – D7 Merit or Pass A1 – D7

4 Example of Qualification for JC admission English Language Mother Tongue Mathematics Science (Phy/Chem) A.Maths Combined Humanities B3 Total points for L1R5 = 18 Mean Subject Grade (MSG) = 3

5 ADMISSION TO MILLENIA INSTITUTE (3-YEAR COURSE) Total aggregate obtained for First Language & 4 Relevant subjects (L1 + R4 which may include CCA) 5 – 20 R1 } 1st & 2nd subjects must be from Humanities, Maths R2 } or Science Group R3 } 3rd & 4th subjects can be chosen from all subjects R4 } offered at ‘O’ level. CCA can also be included in R3 or R4.

6 In addition, the following are required for individual subjects: English Language (EL1) Higher MTL or MTL as a 2nd language or MTL ‘B’ Mathematics or Additional Mathematics A1 – C6 A1 – E8 A1 – D7 Merit or Pass A1 – D7

7 The Polytechnic Route

8 REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION TO THE POLYTECHNICS Students will be ranked according to the aggregate of English Language (EL) two relevant subjects (R2), and any other best two subjects (B2)

9 English Language Mathematics Combined Humanities Science (Phy/Chem) F & N B3 B4 Total points for L1R4 = 18 Mean Subject Grade (MSG) = 3.6 Example of Qualification for Polytechnic Diploma in Business

10 The Institute of Technical Education Route

11 REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION TO THE INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION HIGHER NATIONAL ITE CERTIFICATE (NITEC) COURSES FOR GCE ‘O’ LEVEL HOLDERS Students will be ranked according to the aggregate of English Language (L1) and Best four other subjects excluding CCA (B4)

12 English Language Mathematics Food & Nutrition A1 to C6 A1 to E8 A1 to D7 Example of Qualification for Higher NITEC in Business Studies (Sports Management) @ ITE College East


14 4Express Pupils Average T-score 202 201 198 % pupils eligible for Poly 78.8 87.2 85.7 5NA Pupils Average T-score 160 165 161 % pupils eligible for Poly 49.3 46 56.8 Northbrooks Sec Sch GCE ‘O’ Level Results 2006 2007 2008

15 NATIONAL ITE CERTIFICATE (NITEC) COURSES FOR GCE ‘N’ LEVEL HOLDERS 3 GCE ‘N’ Passes (Grade 1 – 5) in relevant subjects

16 Mathematics Science (Phy/ Chem) Combined Humanities ‘N’ Level Grade 1 to 5 Example of Qualification for NITEC in Info-Comms Tech @ ITE College East


18 Bonus points ‘A’ grade in CCA-Two bonus points ‘B’ or ‘C’ grade- One bonus point The minimum entry requirements for admission to Junior Colleges remain unchanged. Total no. of bonus points that can be used = 4 pts.


20 SECONDARY 3 EXPRESS Compulsory Subjects 1 English Language 2 Mother Tongue 3 Mathematics

21 3 Express Options A Social Studies (Geography) Social Studies (History) B Physics + Chemistry Science (Physics, Chemistry) C Pure Biology Pure Literature Food & Nutrition D&T Art D Additional Mathematics None

22 SECONDARY 3 NORMAL (ACADEMIC) Compulsory Subjects 1 English Language 2 Mother Tongue 3 Mathematics 4 Science (Physics, Chemistry)

23 3NA Options PSocial Studies (Geography) Social Studies (History) Q Art & Design Design & Tech Food & Nutrition R Additional Mathematics None

24 SECONDARY 3 NORMAL (TECHNICAL) (handout p. 16) Compulsory Subjects 1 English Language 2 Basic Mother Tongue 3 Mathematics 4 Computer Applications Options Y Science Elements of Business Studies Music Technology Z Technical Studies Food Studies Art

25 Flexibility in Subject Options in the NT Curriculum


27 MOE Latest Updates (2007) Direct School Admission (DSA) Direct Polytechnic Admission (DPA)

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