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Bacteria, Protists, Fungi.  Taxonomy is changing  DNA technology is showing relationships previously not known  You will hear the term “clade” – what.

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria, Protists, Fungi.  Taxonomy is changing  DNA technology is showing relationships previously not known  You will hear the term “clade” – what."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria, Protists, Fungi

2  Taxonomy is changing  DNA technology is showing relationships previously not known  You will hear the term “clade” – what does that mean?  Clade – any taxon that consists of all the evolutionary descendants of a common ancestor  Identified by picking any point on a phylogenetic tree and tracing all the descendant lineages

3  Binomial Nomenclature, Scientific Name  Genus species or Genus species  Genus is capitalized, species is lowercase  Italicized or underlined  Homo sapiensHomo sapiens  Tursiops truncatusTursiops truncatus  Callinectes sapidusCallinectes sapidus

4  Domain Bacteria – unicellular prokaryotes  Bacteria  Cyanobacteria  Domain Archaea – unicellular prokaryotes  Includes “extremophiles”  Domain Eukarya – eukaryotes  Kingdom Protista  Kingdom Fungi  Kingdom Plantae  Kingdom Animalia

5  Tips:  Start on Scanning objective, look for color  Center and focus  Move to the 10x objective  Center and focus  Move to the 40x objective  Center and focus  If necessary, move to oil immersion  Place drop of oil on slide and move oil lens into the oil  DO NOT get oil on any of the other lenses  Be sure to WIPE oil off of lens when done!!!!! (with lens paper!)

6  Shapes  Spirillum  Coccus  Bacillus

7  Gleocapsa  Oscillatoria  Anabaena

8 Common name Protozoa – heterotrophic, “animal-like” Algae – autotrophic Groups: Excavata – Giardia, Trichomonas, Euglena, Trypanosoma Alveolates – dinoflagellates, apicomplexans (plasmodium), ciliates (paramecium) Stramenophiles – oomycetes, diatoms, brown algae Rhodophytes – red algae Chlorophytes – green algae Rhizaria – foraminiferans, radiolarians Amoebozoans – plasmodial slime molds, Amoeba

9  Amoeba proteus – move by pseudopodia

10  Radiolarians

11  Globigerina

12  Ciliates  Paramecium  Stentor  Vorticella

13  Trypanosoma  Trichomonas Red blood cells

14  Plasmodium – no means of locomotion  Look for it inside red blood cell

15  Microscopic algae  Phytoplankton  Macroscopic algae  “seaweed”

16  Green Algae  Microscopic  Spirogyra  Look for green spirals  Volvox  Macroscopic

17  Euglena – photosynthetic flagellate  Look for flagella and chloroplasts, can be mistaken for paramecium

18  Diatoms Electron Microscope picture

19  Dinoflagellates  Ceratium

20  Brown Algae  Macroscopic examples  Sargassum  Fucus

21  Red Algae  Macroscopic examples

22  Slime Molds  Plasmodial slime molds  Physarum


24  Phylum Zygomycota – black bread molds  Rhizopus – under the microscope

25  Phylum Ascomycota

26  Phylum Ascomycota – under the microscope  Saccharomyces - yeast  Penicillium  Aspergillus  Peziza Cross section of cup seen on previous slide


28  Phylum Basidiomycota  What we think of when we say “mushrooms”

29  Phylum Basidiomycota – under the microscope  Coprina


31  On one side write:  Domain  Kingdom  Group  Genus  Characteristics  Know what is prokaryotic and what is eukaryotic!  On the other side:  Picture of the organism  On Handout  Domain is capitalized  Group is in bold print  Genus is underlined (# is the slide #)

32          https:/.../qry_media_id.php?media_id=2340          

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