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Tutorial: Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Henrick Nilsson, DYNARDO GmbH 08.07.2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorial: Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Henrick Nilsson, DYNARDO GmbH 08.07.2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutorial: Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Henrick Nilsson, DYNARDO GmbH 08.07.2008

2 2Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Contents 1.Introduction: Robustness evaluation of crash simulation 2.Process Automation 3.Parametrization 4.Robustness analysis 5.Statistical Postprocessing 6.SoS

3 1. Introduction Tutorial: Robustness evaluation of crash simulation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA

4 4Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Introduction This is a tutorial of how to perform a robustness analysis of a crash simulation in optiSLang version 3.0.0 combined with the finite element software LS-DYNA (lsprepost2_2_pc_xp32). This tutorial will include how to set up: Process Automation in optiSLang Parametrization in optiSLang Robustness analysis in optiSLang Also how to define settings in SoS version 1.0.0 and then postprocess the results. Then finally to export SoS data to optiSLang for further postprocessing. Everything is done on a windows platform (Microsoft Windows XP Proffessional 2002)

5 5Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA LS-DYNA model – Metro car model Four different parts will be analyzed: - Firewall (part 36) - Rail-FT-L (part 59) - Rail-FT-R (part 60) - Bumper-FT-1 (part 135) Firewall Rail-FT-L Rail-FT-R Bumper-FT-1

6 6Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA LS-DYNA model – Metro car model Scatter of the input parameters: - Thickness change for all four parts - Impact angle ±2°, truncated normal distribution. - Velocity ±0.2 km/h, truncate normal distribution. - Friction (wall) ±0.1, uniform distribution. Output responses: - Displacement of Rail-FT-R (Node 61038) - Displacement of Rail-FT-L (Node 60079) - Firewall intrusion Left (Node 39063) - Firewall intrusion Right (Node 39142)

7 2. Process Automation

8 8Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA optiSLang run script (Windows) Run script used in optiSLang. Make a copy of post.cfile Run the LS-DYNA analysis Run the post.cfile in LsPrepost

9 9Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Post.cfile (LS-DYNA) This post.cfile from LS-DYNA generates output results such as: - “out_internal_energy.txt“ - “out_hourglass_energy.txt“ - “out_dispx_rail_r.txt“ - “out_dispx_rail.l.txt“ - “out_firewall_int_l.txt“ - “out_firewall_int_r.txt“ These results will then be used in the parametrization procedure in optiSLang.

10 3. Parametrization optiSLang

11 11Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA optiSLang Tutorial - Parametrization Defining input parameters Defining output parameters Defining vector elements Defining signal objects

12 12Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Creating a Parametrization problem 1.Double click to create a new “Parameterize Problem“ in the workflow tree. 2.Define a workflow name: “Parametrize_Metro_Robustness 3.Define a name of the problem specification: “Parametrize_Metro_Robustness“. 4.Select “Show overview at the end“. 5.Then click “Start“. 6.The following windows will appear, a “Parameter Editor“ and a “Parameter Tree“. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

13 13Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Open an input file: MetroVO2c_wall.key 7. Click on the “Open file icon“ and browse for the file: ‘MetroVO2c_wall.key‘. 8.Then click “Open“. 9.Choose “INPUT“ to confirm that it is an input file. 7. 8. 9.

14 14Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 10.Define the first parameter. Highlight a value in the input file. 11.Click on the “parameter button“. 12.Define parameter name: “VELOCITY“. Then click “OK“. 10. 11. 12.

15 15Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 13.Double click on “VELOCITY“ parameter in the “Parameter Tree“. 14.Define settings in the “Parameter Settings“ window. Then click “OK“. 13. 14.

16 16Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 15.Define next parameter. Highlight a value in the input file. 16. Click on the “parameter button“. 17. Define parameter name: “IMPACT_ANGLE“. Then click “OK“. 15. 16. 17.

17 17Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 18. Double click on “IMPACT_ANGLE“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 19. Define settings in the “Parameter Settings“ window. Then click “OK“. 19. 18.

18 18Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 20.Highlight a value in the input file. 21. Click on the “parameter button“. 22. Define parameter name: “FRICTION_WALL“. Then click “OK“. 20. 21. 22.

19 19Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 23. Double click on “FRICTION_WALL“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 24. Define settings in the “Parameter Settings“ window. Then click “OK“. 24. 23.

20 20Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 25.Highlight a value in the input file. 26. Click on the “parameter button“. 27. Define parameter name: “YIELD_P36“. Then click “OK“. 26. 25. 27.

21 21Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 28. Double click on “YIELD_P36“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 29. Define settings in the “Parameter Settings“ window. Then click “OK“. 29. 28.

22 22Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 30.Highlight a value in the input file. 31. Click on the “parameter button“. 32. Define parameter name: “YIELD_P59“. Then click “OK“. 31. 30. 32.

23 23Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 33. Double click on “YIELD_P59“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 34. Define settings in the “Parameter Settings“ window. Then click “OK“. 34. 33.

24 24Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 35.Highlight a value in the input file. 36. Click on the “parameter button“. 37. Define parameter name: “YIELD_P60“. Then click “OK“. 36. 35. 37.

25 25Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 38. Double click on “YIELD_P60“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 39. Define settings in the “Parameter Settings“ window. Then click “OK“. 39. 38.

26 26Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 40.Highlight a value in the input file. 41. Click on the “parameter button“. 42. Define parameter name: “YIELD_P135“. Then click “OK“. 41. 40. 42.

27 27Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 43. Double click on “YIELD_P135“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 44. Define settings in the “Parameter Settings“ window. Then click “OK“. 44. 43.

28 28Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 45.Highlight a value in the input file. 46. Click on the “parameter button“. 47. Define parameter name: “THCK_P36“. Then click “OK“. 46. 45. 47.

29 29Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 48. Double click on “THCK_P36“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 49. Define settings in the “Parameter Settings“ window. Then click “OK“. 49. 48.

30 30Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 50.Highlight a value in the input file. 51. Click on the “parameter button“. 52. Define parameter name: “THCK_P59“. Then click “OK“. 51. 50. 52.

31 31Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 53. Double click on “THCK_P59“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 54. Define settings in the “Parameter Settings“ window. Then click “OK“. 54. 53.

32 32Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 55.Highlight a value in the input file. 56. Click on the “parameter button“. 57. Define parameter name: “THCK_P60“. Then click “OK“. 56. 55. 57.

33 33Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 58. Double click on “THCK_P60“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 59. Define settings in the “Parameter Settings“ window. Then click “OK“. 59. 58.

34 34Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 60.Highlight a value in the input file. 61. Click on the “parameter button“. 62. Define parameter name: “THCK_P135“. Then click “OK“. 61. 60. 62.

35 35Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 63. Double click on “THCK_P135“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 64. Define settings in the “Parameter Settings“ window. Then click “OK“. 64. 63.

36 36Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 65.Highlight a value in the input file. 66. Click on the “Dependent variable button“. 67. Define parameter name: “CURVE36_SCALE“. Then click “OK“. 66. 65. 67.

37 37Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 68. Double click on “CURVE36_SCALE“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 69. Define settings in the “Simple Dependent Variable Dialog“ window. Then click “OK“. 69. 68.

38 38Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 70.Highlight a value in the input file. 71. Click on the “Dependent variable button“. 72. Define parameter name: “CURVE58_SCALE“. Then click “OK“. 71. 70. 72.

39 39Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 73. Double click on “CURVE58_SCALE“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 74. Define settings in the “Simple Dependent Variable Dialog“ window. Then click “OK“. 74. 73.

40 40Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 75.Highlight a value in the input file. 76. Click on the “Dependent variable button“. 77. Define parameter name: “CURVE59_SCALE“. Then click “OK“. 76. 75. 77.

41 41Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 78. Double click on “CURVE59_SCALE“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 79. Define settings in the “Simple Dependent Variable Dialog“ window. Then click “OK“. 79. 78.

42 42Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 80.Highlight a value in the input file. 81. Click on the “Dependent variable button“. 82. Define parameter name: “CURVE125_SCALE“. Then click “OK“. 81. 80. 82.

43 43Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 83. Double click on “CURVE125_SCALE“ in the “Parameter Tree“. 84. Define settings in the “Simple Dependent Variable Dialog“ window. Then click “OK“. 84. 83.

44 44Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 85.Highlight a value in the input file. 86. Click on the “Copy parameter button“. 87. For “parameter reference“ choose “VELOCTY“ to create a copy of the velocity. 88. Then click “OK“. 86. 85. 87. 88.

45 45Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 89. Highlight the next velocity value. 90. Choose “VELOCITY“ as “parameter reference“. 91. Then click “OK“. 89. 90. 91.

46 46Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 92. Highlight the next velocity value. 93. Choose “VELOCITY“ as “parameter reference“. 94. Then click “OK“. 95. There are now 3 copies of the velocity in the “Parameter Tree“. 92. 93. 94. 95.

47 47Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 96. The next step is to create copies of the thicknesses. Highlight the second thickness value for part 36. 97. Choose “THCK_P36“ as “parameter reference“. 98. Then click “OK“. 96. 97. 98.

48 48Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 99. Highlight the third thickness value for part 36. 100. Choose “THCK_P36“ as “parameter reference“. 101. Then click “OK“. 100. 99. 101.

49 49Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 102. Highlight the fourth thickness value for part 36. 103. Choose “THCK_P36“ as “parameter reference“. 104. Then click “OK“. 105. There are now 3 copies of the thicknesses of part 36 in the “Parameter Tree“. 104. 102. 103. 105.

50 50Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 106. Then create copies of the thicknesses for part 59. Highlight the second thickness value. 107. Choose “THCK_P59“ as “parameter reference“. 108. Then click “OK“. 108. 106. 107.

51 51Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 109. Highlight the third thickness value for part 59. 110. Choose “THCK_P59“ as “parameter reference“. 111. Then click “OK“. 110. 109. 111.

52 52Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 112. Highlight the fourth thickness value for part 59. 113. Choose “THCK_P59“ as “parameter reference“. 114. Then click “OK“. 115. There are now 3 copies of the thicknesses of part 59 in the “Parameter Tree“. 113. 112. 114. 115.

53 53Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 116. Then create copies of the thicknesses for part 60. Highlight the second thickness value. 117. Choose “THCK_P60“ as “parameter reference“. 118. Then click “OK“. 118. 116. 117.

54 54Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 119. Highlight the third thickness value for part 60. 120. Choose “THCK_P60“ as “parameter reference“. 121. Then click “OK“. 120. 119. 121.

55 55Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 122. Highlight the fourth thickness value for part 60. 123. Choose “THCK_P60“ as “parameter reference“. 124. Then click “OK“. 125. There are now 3 copies of the thicknesses of part 60 in the “Parameter Tree“. 123. 122. 124. 125.

56 56Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 126. Then create copies of the thicknesses for part 135. Highlight the second thickness value. 127. Choose “THCK_P135“ as “parameter reference“. 128. Then click “OK“. 128. 126. 127.

57 57Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 129. Highlight the third thickness value for part 135. 130. Choose “THCK_P135“ as “parameter reference“. 131. Then click “OK“. 130. 129. 131.

58 58Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the input parameters 132. Highlight the fourth thickness value for part 135. 133. Choose “THCK_P135“ as “parameter reference“. 134. Then click “OK“. 135. There are now 3 copies of the thicknesses of part 135 in the “Parameter Tree“. 133. 132. 134. 135.

59 59Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 136. The next step is to define the first output response file. Click on the “Open“ button and browse for the “out_internal_energy.txt“ file. 137. Click on “Open“. 138. Then choose “OUTPUT“ in the “File type dialog“ window. 136. 137. 138.

60 60Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 139. Highlight the “Maxval“ value. 140. Click on the “Parameter button“. 141. Define a name: “INT_ENERGY_MAX“ and click “OK“. 140. 141. 139.

61 61Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 142. Highlight a string in the “Output File“: “Curveplot“. 143. Click on the “Add the string to repeated block marker set“ button. 144. In the “Repeated Marker“ window, set start, increment and end values. Also select to use single steps. 145. Then click “OK“ to create a repeated block marker. 142. 143. 144. 145.

62 62Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 146. Highlight a value in the first column: “0.0000000000e+00“. 147. Click on the “Add the selected string to an vector“ button. 148. In the “Vector Element Dialog“ window choose “(whole file,9,1,0)“ for the repeated block marker. 149. Define “GLSTAT_v“ as a name for the vector. Then click “OK“. 146. 147. 148. 149.

63 63Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 150. Highlight a value in the second column: “9.999996827e-21“. 151. Click on the “Add the selected string to an vector“ button. 152. In the “Vector Element Dialog“ window choose “(whole file,9,1,0)“ for the repeated block marker. 153. Define “INT_ENERGY_v“ as a name for the vector. Then click “OK“. 150. 151. 152. 153.

64 64Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 154. Click on the “Open“ button and browse for the “out_hourglass_energy.txt“ file. 155. Click on “Open“. 156. Then choose “OUTPUT“ in the “File type dialog“ window. 154. 155. 156.

65 65Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 157. Highlight the “Maxval“ value. 158. Click on the “Parameter button“. 159. Define a name: “HG_ENERGY_MAX“ and click “OK“. 158. 159. 157.

66 66Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 160. Highlight a string in the “Output File“: “Curveplot“. 161. Click on the “Add the string to repeated block marker set“ button. 162. In the “Repeated Marker“ window, set start, increment and end values. Also select to use single steps. 163. Then click “OK“ to create a repeated block marker. 160. 161. 162. 163.

67 67Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 164. Highlight a value in the second column: “0.0000000000e+00“. 165. Click on the “Add the selected string to an vector“ button. 166. In the “Vector Element Dialog“ window choose “(whole file,9,1,0)“ for the repeated block marker. 167. Define “HG_ENERGY_v“ as a name for the vector. Then click “OK“. 164. 165. 166. 167.

68 68Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 168. Click on the “Open“ button and browse for the “out_dispx_rail_l.txt“ file. 169. Click on “Open“. 170. Then choose “OUTPUT“ in the “File type dialog“ window. 168. 170. 169.

69 69Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 171. Highlight the “Maxval“ value. 172. Click on the “Parameter button“. 173. Define a name: “DISP_RAIL_L_MAX“ and click “OK“. 172. 173. 171.

70 70Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 174. Highlight a string in the “Output File“: “Curveplot“. 175. Click on the “Add the string to repeated block marker set“ button. 176. In the “Repeated Marker“ window, set start, increment and end values. Also select to use single steps. 177. Then click “OK“ to create a repeated block marker. 174. 175. 176. 177.

71 71Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 178. Highlight a value in the first column: “0.0000000000e+00“. 179. Click on the “Add the selected string to an vector“ button. 180. In the “Vector Element Dialog“ window choose “(whole file,9,1,0)“ for the repeated block marker. 181. Define “NODOUT_v“ as a name for the vector. Then click “OK“. 178. 179. 180. 181.

72 72Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 182. Highlight a value in the second column: “0.0000000000e+00“. 183. Click on the “Add the selected string to an vector“ button. 184. In the “Vector Element Dialog“ window choose “(whole file,9,1,0)“ for the repeated block marker. 185. Define “DISP_RAIL_l_v“ as a name for the vector. Then click “OK“. 182. 183. 184. 185.

73 73Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 189. Click on the “Open“ button and browse for the “out_dispx_rail_r.txt“ file. 190. Click on “Open“. 191. Then choose “OUTPUT“ in the “File type dialog“ window. 189. 191. 190.

74 74Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 192. Highlight the “Maxval“ value. 193. Click on the “Parameter button“. 194. Define a name: “DISP_RAIL_R_MAX“ and click “OK“. 193. 194. 192.

75 75Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 195. Highlight a string in the “Output File“: “Curveplot“. 196. Click on the “Add the string to repeated block marker set“ button. 197. In the “Repeated Marker“ window, set start, increment and end values. Also select to use single steps. 198. Then click “OK“ to create a repeated block marker. 195. 196. 197. 198.

76 76Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 199. Highlight a value in the second column: “0.0000000000e+00“. 200. Click on the “Add the selected string to an vector“ button. 201. In the “Vector Element Dialog“ window choose “(whole file,9,1,0)“ for the repeated block marker. 202. Define “DISP_RAIL_R_v“ as a name for the vector. Then click “OK“. 199. 200. 201. 202.

77 77Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 203. Click on the “Open“ button and browse for the “out_firewall_int_l.txt“ file. 204. Click on “Open“. 205. Then choose “OUTPUT“ in the “File type dialog“ window. 203. 205. 204.

78 78Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 206. Highlight the “Maxval“ value. 207. Click on the “Parameter button“. 208. Define a name: “FIREWALL_INT_L_MAX“ and click “OK“. 207. 208. 206.

79 79Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 209. Highlight a string in the “Output File“: “Curveplot“. 210. Click on the “Add the string to repeated block marker set“ button. 211. In the “Repeated Marker“ window, set start, increment and end values. Also select to use single steps. 212. Then click “OK“ to create a repeated block marker. 209. 210. 211. 212.

80 80Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 213. Highlight a value in the second column: “0.0000000000e+00“. 214. Click on the “Add the selected string to an vector“ button. 215. In the “Vector Element Dialog“ window choose “(whole file,9,1,0)“ for the repeated block marker. 216. Define “FIREWALL_INT_L_v“ as a name for the vector. Then click “OK“. 213. 214. 215. 216.

81 81Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 217. Click on the “Open“ button and browse for the “out_firewall_int_r.txt“ file. 218. Click on “Open“. 219. Then choose “OUTPUT“ in the “File type dialog“ window. 217. 219. 218.

82 82Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 220. Highlight the “Maxval“ value. 221. Click on the “Parameter button“. 222. Define a name: “FIREWALL_INT_R_MAX“ and click “OK“. 221. 222. 220.

83 83Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 223. Highlight a string in the “Output File“: “Curveplot“. 224. Click on the “Add the string to repeated block marker set“ button. 225. In the “Repeated Marker“ window, set start, increment and end values. Also select to use single steps. 226. Then click “OK“ to create a repeated block marker. 223. 224. 225. 226.

84 84Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Parametrize output vectors 227. Highlight a value in the second column: “0.0000000000e+00“. 228. Click on the “Add the selected string to an vector“ button. 229. In the “Vector Element Dialog“ window choose “(whole file,9,1,0)“ for the repeated block marker. 230. Define “FIREWALL_INT_R_v“ as a name for the vector. Then click “OK“. 227. 228. 229. 230.

85 85Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 231. Click on the “Open“ button and browse for the “dyna.out“ file. 232. Click on “Open“. 233. Then choose “OUTPUT“ in the “File type dialog“ window. 231. 233. 232.

86 86Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 234. Highlight the string “Elapsed time“ value. 235. Click on the “ Block marker buttom“. 236. Click on the “Parameter“ button. Define a name: “CPU_TIME“ and click “OK“. Then Highlight the string “Normal termination“ and click on the green buttom in the right corner to define a sucessful string. 235. 234. 236.

87 87Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting the output responses 237. The “Parameter Tree“ consists now of one input file and seven output files. 238. An overview of the “Parameter Tree“ with parameters and vector elements. 238. 237.

88 88Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Defining signals 239. Double click on the “signal section“ button in the “Parameter Tree“. 240. Click on “Signal Object“ and a “Signal Object“ window will appear. 241. In the “Signal Object“ window, define a name: “GLSTAT“. 242. Define a “Abscissa reference“: “GLSTAT_v“. 243. Define a “Label“: “TIME [s]“. 244. Click “Add Channel“ to add a channel to the signal object. 245. Define a “Channel Reference“, “Name“ and “Axis Label“ for every channel. 246. Then click “OK“. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246.

89 89Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Defining signals 247. Double click on the “signal section“ button in the “Parameter Tree“. 248. Click on “Signal Object“ and a “Signal Object“ window will appear. 249. In the “Signal Object“ window, define a name: “NODOUT“. 250. Define a “Abscissa reference“: “NODOUT_v“. 251. Define a “Label“: “TIME [s]“. 252. Click “Add Channel“ to add a channel to the signal object. 253. Define a “Channel Reference“, “Name“ and “Axis Label“ for every channel. 254. Then click “OK“. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254.

90 90Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Defining signals 255. The following signal objects for the parameter “GLSTAT“ are created in the “Parameter Tree“. 256. Also signal objects for parameter “NODOUT“ are created in the same way. 257. Then go to the “Tree“ menu and choose “Save“ to save the project. 255. 256. 257.

91 91Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Defining signals 258. An overview of the input parameters and the output parameters. 258.

92 4. Robustness analysis optiSLang

93 93Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Robustness analysis Running the analysis in optiSlang Distribution of the parameters (scatter) Important results

94 94Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting up a robustness analysis 259. Double click on the “Robustness_analysis“ workflow. 260. Define an “Workflow name“: “Robustness_Metro_crash“. 261. Define a name in the “Workflow identification“: “Metro_crash“. 262. Browse for the “problem specification file“: ‘Parametrize_Metro_Robust‘. 263. Use “Latin hypercube“ for “Sampling method“. 264. Number of samples will be 100. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264.

95 95Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Setting up a robustness analysis 265. Click on “Run a script“ and browse for the run script file: ‘‘. 266. Then click “Start“ to solve the robustness analysis. 265. 266.

96 5. Postprocessor optiSLang

97 97Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Result monitoring 267. Double click on the “Result monotoring“ workflow. 268. Define an “Workflow name“: “Result_Metro_Robustness“. 269. Browse for the “Result or data file“: ‘Save_Metro_ROBUST.bin‘ and click “Select“. 270. Then click “Start“ to monitor the robustness results. 267. 268. 269. 270.

98 98Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Results evaluation 271. The “Statistics“ postprocessing window for optiSLang. 272. A linear correlation matrix over all inputs and responses. 273. A quadratic correlation matrix over all inputs and responses. 274. An anthill plot for input “VELOCITY“ vs. input “IMPACT_ANGLE“. 275. A histogram for input “VELOCITY“. Shows for example mean, sigma, coefficient of variation and surves as a statistical confirmation of the sample set. 276. A histogram for input “IMPACT_ANGLE“. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276.

99 99Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Results evaluation 277. Under “Modify data“ check off the “Significance filter“ box. 278. In the “Linear correlation matrix“ the input parameter “IMPACT_ANGLE“ has the strongest influence on output “DISP_RAIL_L_MAX“ and “DISP_RAIL_R_MAX“. 279. Also in the “Quadratic correlation matrix“ you can see that the “IMPACT_ANGLE“ has a strong influence on output “DISP_RAIL_L_MAX“ and “DISP_RAIL_R_MAX“. 280. Under “Significance values“ choose “CoImportance“. 277. 279. 278. 280.

100 100Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Results evaluation 280. Click on the red box in the “Linear correlation matrix“ to select input “IMPACT_ANGLE“ and output “DISP_RAIL_L_MAX“. 281.An anthill plot over the two parameters shows an almost linear correlation. 282.The Coefficient of Importance (linear) diagram shows that the “IMPACT_ANGLE“ has 77 % of influence on “DISP_RAIL_L_MAX“. 283. Click on the orange box in the “Quadratic correlation matrix“ to select input “IMPACT_ANGLE“ and output “DISP_RAIL_L_MAX“. 284.The Coefficient of Importance (quadratic) diagram shows that the “IMPACT_ANGLE“ has 66 % of influence on “DISP_RAIL_L_MAX“. 285.This anthill plot shows an almost linear correlation between the parameters. 282. 281. 280. 283. 284. 285.

101 101Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Results evaluation 286. Under “Distribution fitting“ click on “Automatic“. Then optiSLang will automatically choose the best fit of distribution. In this case the “Normal“ distribution is the best fit. 287. A histogram of “DISP_RAIL_L_MAX“ with a normal distribution is showed. 288. To get additional information of the histogram choose “Advanced histo data“ under “Histogram info“. 289. Then click on the “i“ in the corner of the histogram. 290. A list of all histogram data will appear. The mean value is 267 and the standard deviation is 8.97. 289. 286. 287. 288. 290.

102 102Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Results evaluation 291. Select the histogram of the second variable “IMPACT_ANGLE“. 292. Click on “Automatic“ and optiSLang choose the normal distribution as best fit. 293. Under “Histogram info“ choose “Advanced histo data“. 294. Check the boxes for “Defined PDF info“ and “Fitted PDF info“. 295. Click on the “i“ to show the histogram data. 296. The “Histogram data“ shows a mean value of 0.09719 and a standard deviation of 1.285 for the “Fitted PDF“. This plot is used to check if the fitted distribution of the input parameter is equal to the defined distribution. 292. 291. 293. 294. 295. 296.

103 103Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Results evaluation 297. Select the blue box in the “Linear correlation matrix“. 298. The anthill plot shows a nearly linear correlation between “DISP_RAIL_R_MAX“ and “IMPACT_ANGLE“. 299. In the linear “Coefficient of Importance“ diagram the “IMPACT_ANGLE“ has 86 % of influence on “DISP_RAIL_R_MAX“. 300. Select the orange box in the “Quadratic correlation matrix“. 301. A nearly quadratic correlation between the parameters is showed in the anthill plot. 302. The quadratic coefficient of importance shows that the “IMPACT_ANGLE“ has a signicant influence with 71 %. 297. 299. 300. 301. 298. 302.

104 104Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Results evaluation 303. Under “Distribution fitting“ click on “Automatic“. Then optiSLang will automatically choose the best fit of distribution. In this case the “Normal“ distribution is the best fit. 304. A histogram of “DISP_RAIL_R_MAX“ with a normal distribution is showed. 305. To get additional information of the histogram choose “Advanced histo data“ under “Histogram info“. 306. Then click on the “i“ in the corner of the histogram. 307. A list of all histogram data will appear. The mean value is 257.6 and the standard deviation is 7.429. 306. 303. 304. 305. 307.

105 105Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Signal results 308. Go to the main menu under “Window“ and choose “Hide“ to hide every window. 309. Then click on “Show signal data“ six times to create six signal plot windows. 310. Under “Window“ in the main menu choose “Tile optimal“ to refit the windows in optiSLang 310. 308. 309.

106 106Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Signal results 311. Select the second signal window. 312. Under “Channel“ choose “INT_ENERGY“. 313. The signal plot of signal “GLSTAT“ and channel “INT_ENERGY“ is created. 314. Select the third signal window. 315. Choose “NODOUT“ as “Signal“. 316. The channel is set to be “DISP_RAIL_L “. Repeat this procedure for the remaining signal plots. 313. 312. 311. 315. 316. 314.

107 107Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Signal results 317. Two different signal plot windows of signal GLSTAT with two channels, INT_ENERGY and HG_ENERGY. 318. Four different signal plot windows of signal NODOUT with four channels, DISP_RAIL_L, DISP_RAIL_R, FIREWALL_INT_L and FIREWALL_INT_R. 317. 318.

108 108Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Signal results 305. The signal results of displacement of node 61038. 306. The signal results of displacement of node 60079. 305. 306.

109 109Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Signal results 307. The signal results of displacement of node 39063. 308. The signal results of displacement of node 39142. 307. 308.

110 6. SoS (Statistics on Structure)

111 111Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS (Statistics on Structure) Used as a postprocessor for visualization of statistical measures on FE-structures. Commonly used in forming simulations or crash analyses

112 112Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS From LsPrepost 10 different output files will be written out. These output files are: - 4parts_elem_node.out (Structure file) - 4parts_plast_strain_26.out (Element results, time step 26) - 4parts_plast_strain_36.out (Element results, time step 36 ) - 4parts_plast_strain_52.out (Element results, time step 52) - 4parts_vonmises_26.out (Element results, time step 26) - 4parts_vonmises_36.out (Element results, time step 36) - 4parts_vonmises_52.out (Element results, time step 52) - 4parts_xdisp_26.out (Nodal results, time step 26) - 4parts_xdisp_36.out (Nodal results, time step 36) - 4parts_xdisp_52.out (Nodal results, time step 52)

113 113Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS Design_0001 Nodal/Element results Design_0002 Nodal/Element results Design_0100 Nodal/Element results Geometry: Elements/Nodes A block scheme of the results linked to SoS. ******** Output files: 4parts_plast_strain_26.out 4parts_plast_strain_36.out 4parts_plast_strain_52.out 4parts_vonmises_26.out 4parts_vonmises_36.out 4parts_vonmises_52.out 4parts_xdisp_26.out 4parts_xdisp_36.out 4parts_xdisp_52.out Output file: 4parts_elem_node.out

114 114Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Extraction of elements and nodes LS-PREPOST -nographics c=*.cfile Output file; Elements and nodal coordinates of 4 parts Run this batch script LS-DYNA cfile created in LS-PrePost This output file will be used in SoS.

115 115Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Extraction of element/nodal results LS-DYNA cfile created in LS-PrePost LS-PREPOST -nographics c=*.cfile Run this batch script These output files will be be used in SoS.

116 116Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - Settings 1.Under “Project“, start with defining the Project name: “Metro_crash“. 2.Then choose the path for the working directory where SoS database will be stored. Click “OK“. 3.Then click “Start project“ to continue. 4.A “WARNING“ window pops up and click “OK“. 1. 2. 3. 4.

117 117Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - Settings 5.Under “Structure“, a “Structure name“ can be defined: “4_parts“. 6.An output file from LsPrepost consisting of elements and nodes has been written out, “4parts_elem_node.out“. This output file will be used as the “Structure file“ in SoS. Browse for the output file under “Structure file“. 7.Select the “LSDYNA-k-format under “Format“. 8.Check the box “Show structure“ to visualize the geometry in a window. 9.Then click “Apply“ to visualize the structure in SoS. 6. 7. 5. 8. 9.

118 118Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - Settings 10.Three different results from LsPrepost such as plastic strain, vonMises stress and displacement in x-direction have been written to output files at three different times steps, 26, 36 and 52. The total amount of output files are 9. Under “File“ browse for the first output file “4parts_plast_strain_26.out“ in the first design directory. 11.Choose the “LS-DYNA-k-format“ under “Format“. 12.Click on the positive sign at the corner and the first output file is inserted under “Files:“. 13.Then repeat steps 10-12 for the rest of the output files, “4parts_plast_strain_36.out“ “4parts_plast_strain_52.out“ “4parts_vonmises_26.out“ “4parts_vonmises_36.out“ “4parts_vonmises_52.out“ “4parts_xdisp_26.out“ “4parts_xdisp_36.out“ “4parts_xdisp_52.out“. 14.Under “Base“ the path “/home/tmp/blum1/MetroR- VO2c_wall/metro_ROBUST/Design_0001“ is automatically choosen. 10. 11. 12. 14.

119 119Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - Settings 15.Then click on the “Update parameter list“ button and the output results are listed under “Output Parameters“. 16.Check a box for every output parameter under “Select“. 17.Then click “Apply“. 15. 16. 17.

120 120Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - Settings 18.Under “Designs“, browse for the directory containing the design directories from the robustness evaluation. Directory: “C:\.....\Robustness_Metro_crash_ROBUS T“ and click “OK“. 19.Under “Numbers“ click the magnifying glass icon to automatically choose all design directories inside the “Robustness_Metro_crash_ROBUST“ directory. 20.Under “Input Parameters“ check the box to “Consider Input Parameters“. 21.Browse for the Robustness result file: “Save_Robustness_metro.bin“. 22.Then click “Apply“. 22. 18. 19. 20. 21.

121 121Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - Settings 23.Under “Node – Projection“ choose “Not desired“. 24.Under “Element – Projection“ choose “Not desired“. 25.Then click on “Apply“. 25. 23. 24.

122 122Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - Settings 26.Under “Statistic“ chech the box to show Statistic Results. 27.Under “Correlation CoD“ check the box to show Correlation and CoD. 28.Under “QCS“ check the box to show Quality Capacity Statistics. 29.Then click “Apply“ to start SoS. 26. 27. 28. 29.

123 123Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - postprocessor 30.The structure which consists of 4 parts with 786 nodes and 684 elements can be seen in SoS. 31.Click on “Statistics“ on the left. 32.Choose “Output data“ under “Palette range by“. 33.Choose “Effective Plastic Strain_26“ as “Output value“. 34.Under “Value“ choose “Maximum“. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

124 124Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - postprocessor 35. The maximum value for every element from all design directories. - Effective Plastic Strain at time step 26 35.

125 125Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - postprocessor 36.Change under “Value“ to the “Coefficient of variation“. Now you can see the coefficient of variation of every element. 37.Change again under “Value“ to “Mean“ to visualize the mean value of every element. 36. 37.

126 126Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - postprocessor 38. To visualize the standard deviation of every element change under “Value“ to “Standard deviation“. 38.

127 127Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - postprocessor 39.Click on “Correlation + CoD“. 40.Under “Coefficient“ choose “CoD“ which means to visualize the coefficient of determination for every element of the structure. 41.As “Output value“ choose “Effective Plastic Strain_26“. 42. Then choose “YIELD_P36“ as “Input value“. Here can we see that the yield stress of part 36 (firewall) is highly correlated to the plastic strain at time step 26. 39. 40. 41. 42.

128 128Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA SoS - postprocessor 43.Under “Coefficient“ choose “Correlation (lin). 44.As “Output value“ choose “X-displacement_26“. 45.Then choose “IMPACT_ANGLE“ as “Input value“. We know from the robustness analysis in optiSLang that the impact angle has a significant influence on the displacement in x-direction. In SoS we can see that impact angle is highly correlated to the displacement in x-direction on the left side of the bumper and a little part of the left rail. 43. 44. 45.

129 129Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Export SoS data to optiSLang 46.The next step is to export SoS data to optiSLang. 47.Choose “Current data“ under “Palette range by“. 48.For example choose “Effective Plastic Strain_52“ as “Output value“. 49.Under “Value“ choose “Mean“. 50.Under “Selection mode“ choose “Export Selection“. 51.Hold down the Ctrl button on the keyboard and select elements in the GUI window. A black shadow of the elements will indicate that they are selected. 52.Then go to “Export“ in the main menu and choose “OptiSLang result file“. 53.A “SLang-Question“ window pops up and click on “Yes“ to write a OSL result file. 54.In the “Save File“ window define a Filename: “eps_52.bin“ and click “OK“. 55.Click on “No“. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 47.

130 130Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA Export SoS data to optiSLang 56.Open optiSLang and double click on “Result_monotoring“. 57.Define a “Workflow name“: “Result_SoS_eps_52“ 58.Browse for the binary result file: “eps_52.bin“ and Click “Select“. 59.Then click Start“. 56. 57. 58. 59.

131 131Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA optiSLang postprocessor 60.The linear correlation matrix shows the linear correlation between all the inputs and the output “Effective Plastic Strain“ of every selected element. 61.In the “Linear correlation matrix“ we can see that input “YIELD_P60“ has the strongest influence on the plastic strain of element 61010. 62.The “Coefficient of Importance“ shows that “YIELD_P60“ has the strongest influence with 48 %. 60. 62. 61.

132 132Tutorial - Robustness evaluation using optiSLang, SoS and LS-DYNA optiSLang postprocessor 63.The histogram of output “Effective Plastic Strain“ at time step 52 of element 61010. 64.The histogram of input “YIELD_P60“. 63. 64.

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