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Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia and rest of Classification Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia and rest of Classification Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia and rest of Classification Notes

2 Kingdom Plantae Characteristics: – Eukaryote – Multicellular – Autotrophic (photosynthesis) – Cell wall – Mostly terrestrial

3 Kingdom Plantae Examples Mosses

4 Kingdom Plantae Examples Ferns

5 Kingdom Plantae Examples Conifers

6 Kingdom Plantae Example Flowering plants

7 Kingdom Animalia Characteristics – Eukaryote – Multicellular – Heterotrophic (ingest) – No cell wall – Terrestrial and aquatic

8 Kingdom Animalia Examples sponges

9 Examples Jellyfish

10 Examples Mollusks

11 Examples Round worms

12 Examples Flat worms

13 Examples Segmented worms

14 Examples Arthropods

15 Examples Starfish

16 Examples Fish

17 Examples Amphibians

18 Examples Reptiles

19 Examples Birds

20 Examples Mammals

21 Phylogeny (evolutionary history) Phylogenetic trees are branching diagrams showing how organisms are related Also called family trees Fossil records help establish relationships on a phylogenetic tree Organize living things based on their evolution

22 Phylogenic Tree Common ancestor is shown at the base of the tree Most modern organism shown at the tips of branches Each time a branch divides into a smaller branch, a new species evolves

23 Cladograms Show how organisms are related based on shared, derived characteristics such as feathers, hair, scales, etc.

24 THREE DOMAIN SYSTEM Based on comparing sequence of ribosomal RNA in different organisms to determine ancestry. All organisms placed into 3 broad groups called DOMAINS

25 Three Domain System

26 Domain Archae: (Kingdom Archaebacteria) contains chemosynthetic bacteria living in harsh environments. Domain Bacteria or Eubacteria: (Kingdom Eubacteria) contains all other bacteria including those causing diseases. Domain Eukarya or Eukaryota: (Kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia) contains all eukaryotic organisms

27 The end of these notes

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