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Blessed Are The Peacemakers Matt.5:9. Divisions & Conflicts Then and Now Jews and Gentiles Jews and Samaritans Gentiles and Jews Greeks and Barbarian.

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Presentation on theme: "Blessed Are The Peacemakers Matt.5:9. Divisions & Conflicts Then and Now Jews and Gentiles Jews and Samaritans Gentiles and Jews Greeks and Barbarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blessed Are The Peacemakers Matt.5:9

2 Divisions & Conflicts Then and Now Jews and Gentiles Jews and Samaritans Gentiles and Jews Greeks and Barbarian Bond and Free Male and Female Rich and Poor Haves and Have Nots Black and Whites Black and Latinos Rich and Poor Jews and Non-Jews Educated and Uneducated Folks at War with God Problems in Schools Problems in Homes Problems in the Workplace Problems in Churches

3 Definition of Peace Unity, Concord, Calmness, Tranquility, An Harmonious Relationship. Free from Hostility, Strife, Enmity and Division. Not Outward Only – A Mere “Cease Fire” But An Inward Serenity and Tranquility

4 A Contrast In Peace – Jn.14:27 What The World Gives Escape From Reality Mountain Retreat Get Away Vacation Drinking – Drugs Compromise Peace at Any Price Rationalize Sin and Guilt I’m Alright – You’re Alright What Jesus Gives A Cure To The Real Dilemma Reconciliation with God Fix the Problem, Not Put A Band-Aid on It The Path of Righteousness This is The Peace We Seek To Spread

5 3 Things Necessary To Be a Peacemaker Be at Peace With God Rom.5:1, Rom.8:5-7 Be At Peace With Yourself Phil.4:6-7 Col.3:15 Seek To Live Peaceably 1 Pet.3:11 Heb.12:14 Rom.12:18

6 2 Ways To Be A Peacemakers 1. Bringing People To God 2 Cor.5:17-21 Eph.2:13-17 Col.1:19-21 Gal.6:1-2 2. Mending Human Relationships Phil.4:2 Gen.13:7-9 Rom.14:19 Acts 15:36-40

7 The Promise Happy – Blessed Children of God – Sons and Daughters of God Resemble and Look like God God is a God of Peace, Rom.15:33 Jesus is the Prince of Peace, Is.9:6 The Gospel is the Gospel of Peace, Rom.10:15 The Church is the Kingdom of Peace, Rom.14:17

8 Do You Have Peace With God? 1. Hear the Gospel of Christ, Acts 18:8 2. Believe in Jesus Christ, Rom.5:1 3. Repent and Turn to God, Luke 24:47 4. Confess Jesus Before Men, Matt.10:32 5. Baptized Into Christ, Gal.3:26-27 -----------------------------  Grow And Be Faithful, 1 Pet.2:2  If An Erring Christian : Repent and Pray God, I Jn.1:9

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