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When bad things happen to good people Analyzing evil in the Book of Job Robert Sutherland – Calgary, AB Robert Sutherland – Calgary, AB.

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Presentation on theme: "When bad things happen to good people Analyzing evil in the Book of Job Robert Sutherland – Calgary, AB Robert Sutherland – Calgary, AB."— Presentation transcript:

1 When bad things happen to good people Analyzing evil in the Book of Job Robert Sutherland – Calgary, AB Robert Sutherland – Calgary, AB

2 The example of Job: Job is described as a blessed man by God. Job is described as a blessed man by God. Satan challenges God what a believer would do if he wasn’t as blessed. Satan challenges God what a believer would do if he wasn’t as blessed. So God tests Job and takes it all away…. So God tests Job and takes it all away…. Satan wants Job to “break” to prove people love God only for what they can get from him. Satan wants Job to “break” to prove people love God only for what they can get from him. Job continues to ask “why”, but God is silent. Job continues to ask “why”, but God is silent. Raises the question of the right to know and when we should know it. Raises the question of the right to know and when we should know it. Job decides to not condemn God prematurely so that he can be justified or vindicated (Job 40:8) Job decides to not condemn God prematurely so that he can be justified or vindicated (Job 40:8)

3 Issues raised from the Book of Job Satan challenges God of his authority to judge Satan challenges God of his authority to judge Satan challenges God that God has erred in creating humankind. Satan challenges God that God has erred in creating humankind. Satan challenges God that humans are incapable of selfless love Satan challenges God that humans are incapable of selfless love

4 The issues of “rights” raised in Job Rights can never be given up, taken away, deferred or overridden WITHOUT human nature itself being harmed or destroyed. Rights can never be given up, taken away, deferred or overridden WITHOUT human nature itself being harmed or destroyed. Eg: The right to life….Causes much debate when deciding punishment. Capital Punishment, abortion – these are all inflammatory because they affect the “right to life” Eg: The right to life….Causes much debate when deciding punishment. Capital Punishment, abortion – these are all inflammatory because they affect the “right to life”

5 So now what is the “right” in the book of Job The right to know the “truth”…. The right to know the “truth”…. but what are people’s right to know WHEN one will know the truth? but what are people’s right to know WHEN one will know the truth?

6 Three interpretations why evil exists: Augustine – Evil as punishment Augustine – Evil as punishment Irenaeus – Evil to develop character Irenaeus – Evil to develop character Hegel – Evil as a necessary means to the higher good of selfless love. Hegel – Evil as a necessary means to the higher good of selfless love.

7 Montag as a modern day Job The test is never ending. Will Job continue to demand answers for evil in the world when he is well off? The test is never ending. Will Job continue to demand answers for evil in the world when he is well off? The question Bradbury is putting to the reader….Will we continue to demand answers when we are well off? The question Bradbury is putting to the reader….Will we continue to demand answers when we are well off?

8 New Reading for Montag Now it’s your turn to find something memorable/meaningful to read to Montag; don’t think just “plot” or “action”, but literature with deeper messages. Now it’s your turn to find something memorable/meaningful to read to Montag; don’t think just “plot” or “action”, but literature with deeper messages. / novels/. Or other on-line lists for some books that have “stood the test of time”. / novels/. Or other on-line lists for some books that have “stood the test of time”. / novels/ / novels/ Everyone will sign up for a selection to defend as part of Montag’s library. Everyone will sign up for a selection to defend as part of Montag’s library.

9 Montag’s Library: Make a poster with the book cover, date published, author Make a poster with the book cover, date published, author Include : Include : 1. A brief plot summary 2. Themes/message in the book 3. A descriptive passage from the book. 4. Why would this be a good choice for Montag?

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