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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Higher Education Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University College of Computer and Information Sciences Chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Higher Education Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University College of Computer and Information Sciences Chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Higher Education Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University College of Computer and Information Sciences Chapter 2 Markup Language HTML (Part 2) Information Systems Department

2 IS Department Frames FRAME template Defining rows and cols in a FRAMESET Common FRAME and FRAMESET attributes Nested frames Targeting a document to a named FRAME cell 2 Outlines

3 IS Department Definition and Purpose  Frames can be used to split a web page so you can load multiple HTML files or pages into one web page.  This will cause the web browser to display multiple pages at one time.  E.g. display an index of a document on the left side of the browser window  Not all browser support frames.  NOFRAMES element is used for this situations 3

4 IS Department Frame Template HTML 4.0 Frameset Document Title 4

5 IS Department FRAMESET Attributes  COLS  COLS : Splits the window horizontally into a number of columns specified by one of:  A number of columns  A percentage of the total window width. EX: COLS="10%".  An asterisk means the frame will occupy all the remaining space. It will divide the space evenly between frames if multiple frames are specified with the asterisk.  ROWS  ROWS : Splits the window vertically into a number of rows specified by one of:  A number of rows.  A percentage of the total window height. EX: ROWS="10%".  An asterisk means the frame will occupy all the remaining space. It will divide the space evenly between frames if multiple frames are specified with the asterisk.  A comma-separated list of pixel values, percentages, and weighted remainders  FRAMESET entries should always specify at least two rows or columns.  Examples 5 FRAMESET Attributes......

6 IS Department FRAMESET ROWS, Example 6... See Example 19

7 IS Department FRAMESET Attributes (Continued)  FRAMEBORDER  Indicates whether borders will be drawn between frame cells  YES or 1 specifies borders; NO or 0 specifies no border  Can be overridden by FRAMEBORDER settings in individual FRAME entries  Often used in conjunction with BORDER=0 and FRAMESPACING=0  BORDERFRAMESPACING  BORDER (Netscape), FRAMESPACING (IE)  Specify the thickness of the border between cells  Apply to outermost FRAMESET only  BORDERCOLOR  Sets the color of the border between cell, using either a hex RGB value or color name 7

8 IS Department FRAME Attributes  SRC  URL of the document to place in the frame cell  NAME  Defines the name of the frame. The name will be used in element (Anchor) as a reference to place various object in the frame  FRAMEBORDER, BORDERCOLOR  MARGINWIDTH, MARGINHEIGHT  Specifies the left/right and top/bottom cell margins, respectively  SCROLLING  Indicates whether cells should have scrollbars  NORESIZE  Disables the ability to resize the frame cells 8 FRAME: Specifying Content of Frame Cells

9 IS Department Frame Example 1 Frame Example 1 Your browser does not support frames. Please see non-frames version. 9

10 IS Department Frame Example 1, Result 10

11 IS Department Frame Example 2 Frame Example 2 Your browser does not support frames. Please see nonframes version. 11

12 IS Department Frame Example 2, Result 12

13 IS Department Targeting a Frame Cell  Specify the cell in which to place a page referenced by a hyperlink  The NAME Attribute of FRAME  The TARGET Attribute of A HREF TARGET 13

14 IS Department Predefined Frame Names  _blank  Load document into a new browser window  _top  Causes the linked document to take up the whole browser window  Document will not be contained in a frame cell  _parent  Places document in the immediate FRAMESET parent  Same as _top if no nested frames  _self  Place document in current cell  Only necessary to override a BASE entry 14

15 IS Department Summary Frameset DOCTYPE  Frames require a Frameset DOCTYPE for validation  A FRAMESET can be divided either into columns or rows  To create both rows and columns use nested FRAMESETs  By giving a FRAME a name, documents can be targeted to the named frame cell   There are four predefined frame names  _blank, _top, _parent, and _self 15

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