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Web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 Frames A section of the browser window capable of displaying an entire web page Display multiple web pages on the screen.

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Presentation on theme: "Web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 Frames A section of the browser window capable of displaying an entire web page Display multiple web pages on the screen."— Presentation transcript:

1 web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 Frames A section of the browser window capable of displaying an entire web page Display multiple web pages on the screen simultaneously Ease of navigation for the visitor Important information always available Dividing the browser screen into unique, separate, browser windows Reference: Figure 5-1, page 5.03 Figure 5-2, page 5.04 Selection (link) from left side of browser window opens a new web page in the right side of the browser window. 5.02

2 web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 Design Concerns for frames What information in each of the frames Where should the frames be located on the screen Size of each frame Static or changing frame Initial pages to display (home pages) Access the Internet Go to http://www.mfulcher.com Not using frames: Click on the “RMS Titanic” web site Using frames: Click on “The Fenton Hotel” web site Reference: Figure 5-4, page 5.06

3 web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 5.02 Basic FRAME format sometitle frame definition

4 web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 FRAME Rules Set attributes of the tag Rows attribute (HEIGHT of the frame) rows=“row1attribute, row2attribute, etc” (Create file: frame_rows.htm) Frames - rows Top ROW is 160 pixels high Second ROW is 25% of the entire screen space * Is what ever screen space remains undefined

5 web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 FRAME Rules Set attributes of the tag Columns attribute (WIDTH of the frame) cols=“col1attribute, col2attribute, etc” (Create file: frame_cols.htm) Frames - rows Left COLS is 160 pixels high Center COLS is 25% of the entire screen space * Is what ever screen space remains undefined

6 web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 FRAME Rules Set attributes of the tag Rows and Columns Frameset defines Rows OR Columns – NOT Both Nest Frameset to divide into rows and columns Frames – rows and columns Row is HEIGHT Column is WIDTH

7 web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 FRAME Rules Set attributes of the tag Rows and Columns Frameset defines Rows OR Columns – NOT Both Nest Frameset to divide into rows and columns Frames - rows and columns

8 web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 Attributes Allow/disallow a scroll bar scrolling=“ yes ” or scrolling=“ no ” Control height of the frame marginheight=“ somevalue ” Control width of the frame marginwidth=“ somevalue ” Allow/disallow user to resize the frame margins resize (default) or noresize Name a frame (as a target for other pages) name=“ name-of-the-frame ” Color of frame border Width of frame borders 5.14 5.15 5.17 5.19

9 web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 The Fenton Hotel - A very special place in time

10 web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 Link a page into a framed area Set default for all links to load in a specific frame Reserved Target Names Special actions _blankopens a new full window _selfloads new page in ‘link’ page 5.20 5.21 5.24

11 web111a_chapt05.ppt HTM: Section 5 Homework/Lab Assignment Case 1. Doc-Center Copiers Page 5.39 Files are at the following location F:\Assign\Fulcher\web111a\doc-center-copiers\

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