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計概實習 Week 7. A bit, just a bit… * *,, * *, *,, * : Defines header cell * : spans this cell for x columns * : spans this cell for x rows * : table border.

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Presentation on theme: "計概實習 Week 7. A bit, just a bit… * *,, * *, *,, * : Defines header cell * : spans this cell for x columns * : spans this cell for x rows * : table border."— Presentation transcript:

1 計概實習 Week 7

2 A bit, just a bit…

3 * *,, * *, *,,

4 * : Defines header cell * : spans this cell for x columns * : spans this cell for x rows * : table border * : space between cell content and cell border * : space between cells

5 * : divides screen into x rows or y columns with set px, %, or * * : defines a frame from source src within a ! takes up the ENTIRE ‘screen’!

6 * An “inline” frame that does NOT require * Styling with CSS is recommended * Attributes: width, height, name …

7 * Specifies where to opened the linked document * _blank : new window/tab * _self : in same frame (default) * _parent : in parent frame * _top : full window * frame name : in a specified frame name

8 * It’s a complicated issue! * Formats * Plugins * Browser compatibility * HTML version * Use if possible

9 *

10 :O


12 * id selector: # id1 {} * Used for unique elements * #div1 {text-align:center} * Class selector:. class1 {} * used for multiple elements *.center {text-align:center} * {text-align:center} *

13 * font-family * “Times New Roman” * font-size * small, medium, large, x%, … * font-style * normal, italic ~ oblique * font-weight * normal, bold, …

14 絕對路徑 Absolute Path 網址 完整的檔案位置 C:\Users\Victor\Site\index.html /home/usr/r01725042/index.html

15 相對路徑 Relative Path index.html AAA aaa.html 與 index.html 在同一層資料夾 photo 與 index.html 在同一層資料夾 bbb.png 在 photo 資料夾底下

16 助教沒教!怎麼辦? Html 語法博大精深 Tag Attribute Value 自己上網查 Nothing but Google!

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