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Status report: 1MV post insulator in HVD1 In the transmission lines of the high voltage power supply procured by JADA, 1MV post insulators manufactured.

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Presentation on theme: "Status report: 1MV post insulator in HVD1 In the transmission lines of the high voltage power supply procured by JADA, 1MV post insulators manufactured."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status report: 1MV post insulator in HVD1 In the transmission lines of the high voltage power supply procured by JADA, 1MV post insulators manufactured by HITACHI Ltd. are used to support 1MV conductor inside the tank of the transmission lines, where SF6 insulation gas at 0.6 MPa is immersed. In the HVD1 procured by F4E, the same type of post insulator used in the insulation gas is required to support a 1 MV bushing of the HVD1. They are to be manufactured by Siemens, however Siemens would like to purchase the 1MV post insulators from HITACHI. HITACHI declined Siemens’s request. NB Heating Tech. Gr, JAEA

2 History of discussions In the interface meeting in Feb/2015, F4E informed us that Siemens wants to use this post insulator to the support of the bushing of HVD1 procured by F4E, and requested JAEA to ask HITACHI to sell this 1MV post insulator to Siemens. To fulfill F4E’s request, JAEA has pushed this request to HITACHI’s power supply division several times, but was rejected each time. In the beginning of April, JAEA visited HITACHI to negotiate directly with the contact person for these post insulators, whom is the leader of the GIS (Gas insulated switchgear) group in HITACHI. However, he was also rejected it because this insulator does not sold by single component and HITACHI worries about the Intellectual property. JAEA reported these situations to F4E and IO on 10/April/2015. Afterwards, there was no information from F4E for a while until the NB program committee in 22/May, where F4E updated us on their situation. To change HITACHI’s decision, we think direct discussions between both companies is necessary, therefore, JAEA proposed to F4E that Siemens contact Hitachi directly. First direct contact has been performed between Siemens and Hitachi last week.

3 Reply to F4E’s documents First, we have thought why Siemens wants to buy the post insulator from HITACHI because Siemens has many experiences of high voltage components. However, the documents from F4E show that Siemens has experiences of 1 MV insulation in air, but not had experiences of 1MV insulation in a gas, and takes 30 months to realize 1MV post insulator in a gas. Therefore, Siemens wants to buy 1MV post insulator using in a gas from HITACHI. In the first direct discussion between companies last week, HITACHI answered to Siemens that HITACHI will not supply the individual post- insulator as a single item selling but can solely provide the completed equipment with built-in such post-insulators. We support with F4E colleagues that a discussion between Siemens and HITACHI is progressed. On the other hands, we have proposed the alternative structure to F4E colleagues. We always open the discussion of the technological solution on 1MV insulation with F4E colleagues. (The following documents were send from F4E in 11/Jun/2015. “2015-06-03-F4E.ppx” and “F4E-OPE-083_-_Note_summarizing_issue_with_1MV_post_insulator.doc”)

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