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Responsibility What Does It Mean To Be Responsible?

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Presentation on theme: "Responsibility What Does It Mean To Be Responsible?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsibility What Does It Mean To Be Responsible?

2  Meaning: being dependable, having a job or duty  Action: do hips and lips

3  Meaning: truthful and fair  Action: put your right hand over your heart and the other hand in the air

4  Meaning: to return things for further use  Action: take your fingers and trace an arrow circle in the air in front of you.

5  Meaning: easy  Action: make a check in the air

6  There are lots of things that are simple for Sam to do. Sam often shows he is responsible by doing his chores. He has also been very honest when he returned his classmate’s lost lunch money. Sam also recycles at home and school, since recycling is a simple thing to do.

7  1. Making my bed is a _________ way to show my parents I can have a _____________ around the house.  2. At home we have a separate trash can for paper, glass, and cans so we can _________.  3. My parents know I am __________ since I always tell them the truth.  4. It is very ________ to walk the dog, but it shows a lot of _____________.

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