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Visual Rhetoric BY: Rachel Fields. Background Information -Stark Communications creates ads for various organizations and companies. -This ad was created.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Rhetoric BY: Rachel Fields. Background Information -Stark Communications creates ads for various organizations and companies. -This ad was created."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Rhetoric BY: Rachel Fields


3 Background Information -Stark Communications creates ads for various organizations and companies. -This ad was created to promote the concept of reduce reuse and recycle.

4 Who is the Audience?

5 Audience The audience is anyone that uses paper or other recyclable materials. This ad pertains to people who are harming the environment by not recycling.

6 What is the Focus?

7 Focus When you first look at the picture, you see the lone tree standing about to be cut down. By showing the lone tree being cut down we see how much destruction deforestation is causing our environment. The one tree being cut down symbolizes how just like the tree our environment can be destroyed by our own means.

8 How is Juxtaposition used?

9 Juxtaposition The juxtaposition occurs in the contrast between the foreground and background. The foreground is filled with the destruction of many trees while the background contains a luscious forest. In this instance juxtaposition is used to highlight how humans hurt the environment. The background is before humans grab a hold of it and the foreground is after humans abuse it.

10 How does the ad use irony?

11 Irony The ad uses irony when it states “We hope this ad never appears in print.” If the ad appeared in print then they would be hypocrites and be using wasteful amounts of paper.

12 What happens when part of the picture is left out?

13 Without the man the ad doesn’t hold humans as responsible for the destruction of the forest. By not holding people responsible for the forest they are not holding them responsible for our own environment.

14 What is the ethical appeal?

15 Ethical Appeal The Reduce, Reuse, Recycle symbol and the Stark symbol both establish the credibility of this ad.

16 What is the logical appeal?

17 Logical Appeal The logical appeal is displayed through the use of juxtaposition. When comparing the luscious green forest to the barren waste land it shows the audience the consequences of paper use. By showing the wasteland the audience believes that they are the cause of the destruction, through their own waste.

18 What is the emotional appeal?

19 Emotional Appeal The destruction of a beautiful forest can be very depressing. By destroying the forest the are destroying the homes and resources of animals as well.

20 References Hope This Ad Never Appears in Print. Advertisement. Coloribus. AdMe Groups, n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. Stark Communications, n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2012.

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