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PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 PoDAG Questionnaire Results Thomas H. Painter National Snow and Ice Data Center University of Colorado at.

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Presentation on theme: "PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 PoDAG Questionnaire Results Thomas H. Painter National Snow and Ice Data Center University of Colorado at."— Presentation transcript:

1 PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 PoDAG Questionnaire Results Thomas H. Painter National Snow and Ice Data Center University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

2 PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 Question 1:What type of user would you expect to have or be in 5/10 years and what data needs would they/you require? How can the DAAC further help to support them? Fused, seamless datasets for model validation (CDRs) “Long time series of multi-variable data sets, that have with clear documentation, meaningful validation results, without gaps, varying resolutions, associated physically consistent methods for interpolation in space and time.” “highly specialized data sets that can be used for model validation” “access multidisciplinary data sets with capability to merge data sets at a keystroke; likewise subsetting.” “data for validation of atmospheric and sea ice models” “Validated products and climate-data-record-quality datasets”

3 PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 Improved data request tools “Graphics and/or tables that portray holdings in a readily appreciated way addressing user needs. E.g. if a user has interest in time series of snow extent, a simple graph could depict, with platforms on the y axis and time on the x axis, the dates of acquistions of all systems that one could use to get SCA over an area of interest. Moreover, if the user could also download the graphics to use and cite in publications, it might provide an improved outreach for the DAAC.” “users who might like tools on the DAAC that assemble or otherwise compile the products” Question 1:What type of user would you expect to have or be in 5/10 years and what data needs would they/you require? How can the DAAC further help to support them?

4 PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 Question 2.What products, services, information, technology, etc does NSIDC not presently have that it should consider archiving and distributing? “strengthen “data endorsement” angle. The multiplicity of data sets available (i.e sea ice) has been confusing and it doesn’t appear to be getting better.” “Update Snow and do other pages like the new Sea Ice ones” “NSIDC should continue to investigate and acquire historical data sets from other countries” “cross-referenced listings of peer preview publications, which used and cited DAAC products” “I can’t think of anything at this time”

5 PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 Question 2.What products, services, information, technology, etc does NSIDC not presently have that it should consider archiving and distributing? “compile integrated data sets for specific field experiments, regions, or case studies. These would include in situ data, satellite data and browse imagery, and model fields in a format that permits integrated studies with minimal effort” An enhanced “State of the Cryosphere” web page/site A compilation of references for various topics relevant to the cryosphere. Near real time AMSR ice concentration (the Europeans can do it, why not nsidc?); see: http://iup.physik.uni- NSIDC has 5-day old infohttp://iup.physik.uni- Descriptions and links to polar data at other data centers

6 PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 Question 2.What products, services, information, technology, etc does NSIDC not presently have that it should consider archiving and distributing? Website scenario: –EG, let’s say I’m a new grad student, and I’ve been asked by my advisor to get some fields of arctic sea ice concentration. Say I’m a biologist studying phytoplankton, ie I really don’t know or care about various algorithm details. So here goes. I click as follows: –“data products & services” –“sea ice” –“sea ice concentration” –Uh oh! Now I’m looking at the really long list of confusing products. Maybe I get lucky and find “sea ice products at NSIDC” link. Maybe I don’t. Also, while I think this was a good try, it’s still not as helpful as it could be.

7 PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 Question 3:How do you envision your role on the User Working Group as benefiting the NSIDC DAAC? Advise NSIDC from my personal perspective and the perspective of the user community I may represent. Learn about data activities in other areas. Listener I envision my role on the UWG as someone who conveys the concerns of these current users and is able to identify better methods of data dissemination Advising on scatterometer data and their use for research and applications I represent the semi-ignorant user I feel that I have helped with the EOS-related issues

8 PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 Question 4:What general and specific thoughts do you have for improving the role and efficacy of the NSIDC DAAC? Data provider (individual group, P.I.) often loose interest and ability in supporting data set once grant is expired. Transferring expertise with data set to NSIDC to provider isn’t always possible. Need to find ways to keep provider interested NSIDC DAAC needs to continue interaction with CliC The consensus that I’ve received from experienced users is a great deal of satisfaction with NSIDC, while the consensus that I’ve received from first-time users has been one of at least some frustration. Second, the display of data catalogs on the NSIDC webpage needs to be addressed with some discrimination of the data acquisition method- remote sensing, in situ field study, or model derived- as well as the spatial and temporal coverage.

9 PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 Question 4:What general and specific thoughts do you have for improving the role and efficacy of the NSIDC DAAC? Third, there has been considerable discussion on the types of data format to be supported. While this continues to be an issue, it is clear that some formats such as machine-depended binary should be eliminated. Finally, NSIDC should continue to enhance and widely distribute NSIDC Notes I am an oceanographer. I use sea ice products, but I also use ocean products. I would like these 2 fields to be better integrated. That means better coordination between JPL’s PODAAC, NOAA’s NODC, and NSIDC Overall, I think NSIDC is doing a tremendous job, and I hardly ever hear anything negative

10 PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 Question 5:How should NSIDC DAAC prepare for the post-EOS era (i.e. when Terra and Aqua are no longer collecting data)? Maintain and Improve Terra/Aqua Products I am sure it will be years after Terra and Aqua stop collecting data until the data from these sensors have been processed into validated, readily usable data sets. Continued Cryosphere Distribution I would see a possible role for NSIDC as clearing-house for data and model results relating to the cryosphere. Look to new roles for data mgt; look to other new NASA initiatives; reprocessing with new algos., multidisciplinary products – e.g. snow + vegn

11 PoDAG XXIV, Asheville, NC November 3-4, 2005 Question 5:How should NSIDC DAAC prepare for the post-EOS era (i.e. when Terra and Aqua are no longer collecting data)? NPOESS/CDRs NSIDC should play an active role in the creation of environmental- data records (EDRs) and climate-data records (CDRs) NSIDC should plan to archive and distribute “value added” snow/ice products from NPP and NPOESS There will be NPOESS. Even if the NSIDC DAAC will not be an official data center for this satellite, it would still be good if cryospheric data were distributed separately at NSIDC

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