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CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 NICE : Plans for Physics Service Impact of Windows 2000 Frédéric Hemmer.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 NICE : Plans for Physics Service Impact of Windows 2000 Frédéric Hemmer."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 NICE : Plans for Physics Service Impact of Windows 2000 Frédéric Hemmer

2 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 2 Outline q Servers evolution q Windows desktop evolution

3 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 3 Server: motivations q Stability q Flexibility q Meet individual divisions/experiments expectations and needs q Serviceability & Scalability q Meeting conflicting requirements (e.g. interventions) q Accommodate for different needs (e.g. disk space, 3 rd party products) q Reduce diversity q Simplicity (easier to understand problems) q Less effort

4 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 4 Servers Issues q Stability q Old hardware q Mixed Ppro@200, PII@300, 256/512 MB, but consistent q Performance problems ? q Complains about slow access (B 112, 197, 73)  Need more analysis q Global organization is division centric q Historical q Does not allow easily to be experiment centric q Changes affect too many people at the same time q Disk space policy q Home directories q “Project” space (divisional servers) q Lack of widespread knowledge of NetWare

5 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 5 Groups q A “Group” here is a collection of people sharing : q the same business cycles (e.g. LHCB experiment, administration) q the same files (e.g. Survey photos) q the same third party server tools (e.g. GDPM for SL/ST) q Special needs (e.g. ISOLDE controls)

6 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 6 Servers restructuration (1) q Go to a “group” structure q Map physical to logical structure q For example SRV_EST\Users\Fred SRV_EST\Survey\Data SRV_EST\Survey\Archive\Photos SRV_EST\P32\… SRV_LHCB\Users\James SRV_LHCB\Controls\… SRV_LHCB\P32\…  Isolation from global server failures  Installed software can be under “group” control  Local structure under “group” control  Allows for easier local administration delegation  But need for a “move user” facility  Decentralization possible (e.g. PS, Isolde) Division centric Experiment centric } }

7 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 7 Server restructuration (2) q hardware rejuvenation (group) q ISP style of rack-mounted servers q External disk shelves  Ease of operation  Scalability q RAID 5  Resilience  Ease of operation

8 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 8 Server OS - Options Options q Do nothing q NW 4.11 -> Client32 q NW 4.11 -> NW 5.0 q NW 4.11 -> NT 4.0 q NW 4.11 -> Windows 2000 Server Problems No IP, 8.3, accents UI, depl., Home, NT, IP OK? Expertise, migration NT client, quotas, BU Too early Effort Zero High Medium ? Huge

9 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 9 Server OS Preferences

10 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 10 NT server : impact q Need to deploy NT client on each W95 q Affect roughly 1/3 of the W95 installed base q Users will have to type their password twice the first time q Uses 360 KB of disk space q Need to discuss structure and medium term needs (e.g. disk) with each experiment or division q Need to migrate users

11 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 11 Windows 2000 Server strategy q Involve users from day 1 q Develop desktop independently from server q Prototype Windows 2000 server gradually as of now q Take into account a HEP-wide structure (HepNT) q Independent servers for different functions  Allows for alternatives (e.g. Kerberos)  Allows for component based introduction q Basis for a managed local apps support (roaming user) q Establish Windows 2000 working group q Detailed plan available this summer

12 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 12 Potential benefits q “Group” independence q Structure mapped to the organization q Failures isolated q Better serviceability/scalability q Resources more easily mapped to individual requests q One Server OS – leading vendor q Reduce diversity q Management tools easier to develop q 3 rd party tools less subject to problems q Windows 2000 Server technologies q Clear statement of direction q Individual needs early taken into account

13 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 13 Physics Service q Would naturally be integrated into the general structure q Would allow for more flexibility q Experiments coordination q Interventions q Software changes q Group controlled changes (e.g. CERNLIB) q Third party server applications q Going away from IPX allows for worldwide access more easily q Windows 2000 server technologies prototyped with experiments

14 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 14 Windows desktop: motivations q Evolving the platform in order to q Meet divisions and experiments expectations and needs (hardware, software, configurations, etc...) q Follow the market q While q Minimizing the changes q Reducing diversity q Being flexible with different needs q Dealing with decreasing effort available

15 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 15 Windows desktop short term needs q Windows 95 q At least Windows 95 Year 2000 software update needed (summer/autumn) q Windows NT q SP4 (Y2K) is being applied … q SP5 (Y2K) needs to be applied (summer/autumn)

16 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 16 Windows desktop Preferences Mainly dictated by manpower available q Skip Windows 98 q Freeze Windows 95 after Y2K SP + few fixes q Propose move to NT for large disk q Provide missing apps on NT (Diane, etc…) q Prototype Windows 2000 (desktop) - Target MS release + 1-2 months (  EOY) NT Issues q Some applications missing on NT (EDH, BHT, HRT ?, but anyway won’t pass Dec. 1999) q USB q Change user perception of NT “slowness”

17 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 17 Desktop local applications q Major effort q Issue is how to manage the installed apps q Mgmt Programs would need to be redeveloped q Home directories access may look slow q This seems to be really solved with Windows 2000 Server technologies (IntelliMirror, SMS 2.0)  Develop local apps with Windows 2000 Server  Allow for monitored local installs initiated by the user  Home directories are cached in W2K

18 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 18 Potential benefits q Clear evolution path (W95/WNT -> W2K) q Reduced support matrix q For application providers q For service providers q Plug & Play, USB, Large disks q Real OS q Can be done early q But not forcing migration immediately q Allows for legacy application support q Training (if needed) can be staged over time

19 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics FOCUS - July 1 st, 1999 Frédéric Hemmer CERN-IT/DIS 19 Summary q Go to IP only ASAP q NT client on W95 for non {EP,IT,PS}|{New PC’s} q NetWare -> NT servers q Rejuvenate and restructure Home/Div/Apps servers q Skip Window 98, focus on Windows 2000 q Offer Windows 2000 Professional ASAP q Offer NT alternative for large disks q With local apps managed by IntelliMirror/SMS later q Prototype a Windows 2000 service architecture q Taking account of a HEP wide structure q Allowing for shared sub-services (e.g. Kerberos) q Allowing for early participation of divisions/experiments  Unified architecture with one PC Windows desktop platform in the medium term

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