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 Notebook running Windows XP Tablet Edition › Revival of pen-based computing idea. › Built-in support for Ink  Draw with stylus, active digitizer 

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2  Notebook running Windows XP Tablet Edition › Revival of pen-based computing idea. › Built-in support for Ink  Draw with stylus, active digitizer  Handwriting recognition  Also support for speech recognition › Unlike a PDA, the Tablet PC runs everything on a normal Windows XP machine  Form Factors › Slate › Convertible  Currently entering second generation of devices › All with built-in wireless capabilities

3  How are instructors using Tablet PC’s today?  Many are using tablets with a projector & Journal or OneNote to replace the traditional whiteboard/blackboard  Benefits › Supports real-time writing; everything does not need to be done in advance, as in PowerPoint  Some material difficult to do in PowerPoint (e.g. equations, Chinese)  Material can still be prepared in advance › Can archive lecture content, don’t need tablet PC to view › Face toward class instead of toward the board › No messy chalk, markers, or erasers needed  Can return to material that would be erased on a board  But do need a projector

4  If all students in the class have Tablet PC’s then interesting collaboration opportunities are possible with the wireless networking › Classroom Presenter  Students submit answers to questions, instructor can select submissions to display to the class › Collaboration via Synchronous Course Management System  E.g. Shared Whiteboard in Blackboard  Possible over distance with systems such as Centra or Elluminate that share audio as well as whiteboard/slide content › Groove Workspace  Shared files, instant messaging, project management, Office integration

5 › Keyboards mostly small › Screen resolution limited on most models to 1024x768 › Software applications limited, but growing › Handwriting recognition average › Clicking a little tricky › More expensive › Requires projector in classroom, may have difficulty using, setting up, smaller writing area than large black/whiteboard › Learning curve, takes longer. › Most require external CD-ROM › Display viewing angles often poor

6 › Digital Ink more powerful than a blackboard  Don’t need erasers, pens, or chalk › Collaboration possible › Some content more easily created › Content can be archived and broadcast › Discipline-specific tools emerging (e.g. Math Journal) › General tools already available (e.g. Outlook) › Tablet PC just as capable as any notebook, plus more

7  Microsoft Tablet PC home  Tablet PC Talk Tablet PC hardware n/tours/default.asp  3rd-party applications  Microsoft Tablet PC newsgroup wsgroups/default.asp  --  --

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