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Finance for Development, tax and Inequality - Private flows.

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Presentation on theme: "Finance for Development, tax and Inequality - Private flows."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finance for Development, tax and Inequality - Private flows

2 Private flows have increased significantly: FlowInReturnsResult Remittances3430 ODA165-25140 FDI490-42070 Portfolio equity18 Loans710-513197 Illicit financial flows Source: EURODAD (2011) -947

3 Foreign direct investments: Rather limited geographical scope; In LDCs, mainly within certain sectors; Limited employment impact; Governance issues;

4 Public-private Partnerships: Expensive mode of finance; High failure rates; For-profit nature vs. Public concerns; Governance issues

5 Other Flows: Loans; Remittances Philanthropic aid

6 Summing up: Aid nowadays only makes up a small percentage of global flows. Private flows are rarely invested in public goods; Flows going from South to North remain much more important

7 Questions we need to ask ourselves: Do we need a modernisation of the DAC- rules? Should certain types of private flows be considered as being ODA? What are the implications on global governance of increased private flows globally?

8 Thanks! - Henrik Nielsen

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