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GOB Topic Review. Carbon: why is it so special? Alkanes: formula, naming, properties Variations: cycloalkanes, halogenation Isomers: Constitutional &

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Presentation on theme: "GOB Topic Review. Carbon: why is it so special? Alkanes: formula, naming, properties Variations: cycloalkanes, halogenation Isomers: Constitutional &"— Presentation transcript:

1 GOB Topic Review

2 Carbon: why is it so special? Alkanes: formula, naming, properties Variations: cycloalkanes, halogenation Isomers: Constitutional & Geometric Alkenes & Alkynes: naming, properties, addition across double bonds Polymerization and common polymers Aromatics: resonance, naming, reactions, role in biology

3 Alcohols, Ethers, and Thiols: naming, properties, polarity! Common reactions: hydration, dehydration, dehydrogenation, thiol oxidation Aldehydes and Ketones: naming, properties, polarity!, oxidation and reduction, nucleophilic attack, Sugars and hemiacetals / cyclization Keto-enol tautomerization Carboxylic Acids: naming, properties, acidity

4 Fatty acids: structure and properties, soaps Decarboxylation Carboxyl derivatives: Esters, anhydrides, and amides Fisher esterification Amides and peptide bonds Polymers: polyamides, polyesters, polycarbonates

5 Amines: naming, properties, basicity, heterocyclic amines in biology Enantiomers: identification, properties, optical activity, multiple chiral centers Chiral reactions and biochemical chirality Carbohydrates: formula, naming, Fisher projections, pyranose vs furanose Sugars to know: Glucose, Fructose, Glyceraldehyde, Dihydroxyacetone Sugar cyclization

6 Glycosidic bonds and polysaccharides: starch, glycogen, cellulose Blood groups Lipids: Triacylglycerols, Waxes, Membrane Lipids, Cholesterol Membrane formation and Saponification Proteins: functions, structure, amino acid structure and chirality Types of amino acids and amino acid ionization: gel mobility and pI

7 Peptide bond formation Levels of structure in proteins: primary, secndary (alpha helices and beta sheets), tertiary, and quaternary Protein mutation diseases: sickle-cell, alzheimer’s, prions Protein folding and denaturation Enzymes: lock and key vs induced fit, enzyme activity, apo-enzymes, enzyme kinetics Inhibitors of enzymatic activity Commercial use of enzymes

8 Nucleotides: structure and properties DNA: structure and properties, discovery, compaction in the cell Central Dogma of Molecular Biology DNA Technologies Catabolism: process of metabolism Glycolysis: overview and products Anaerobic and Aerobic (TCA cycle) ATP Generation Fatty Acid oxidation Protein catabolism and Starvation

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