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 that the sun will rise tomorrow?  that there is life after death?

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Presentation on theme: " that the sun will rise tomorrow?  that there is life after death?"— Presentation transcript:


2  that the sun will rise tomorrow?

3  that there is life after death?

4  that human cloning is morally acceptable?

5  that 7 + 5 x 2 = 24?

6  that the have been alien abductions of human beings?

7  that the practice of male circumcision is a form of physical mutilation?

8  that God exists?

9  that money is the key to happiness?

10  that history can never tell us any thing truthful about the past?

11  that it doesn’t matter if what you believe is false?

12  all bachelors are unmarried men?

13  that your dog or cat can think?

14  that only science can give us a true picture of the world?

15  that Islam is the one true religion?

16  that Freud’s ideas on personality are rubbish?

17  that a beautiful body is the most important quality in a mate?

18  that one can be too logical?

19  that social science subjects are mostly ‘mickey mouse’?

20  that the universe is expanding?

21  that when a woman says “No!” she really means “Yes”?

22  that computers will one day be able the think?

23  that democracy is better than monarchy?

24  that beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

25  that the law of supply and demand is a key to understanding the free-market economy?

26  that the Holocaust never happened?

27  that human beings evolved from apes?

28  that no person can draw a square circle?

29  that smoking causes lung cancer?

30  that the Pope is infallible in matters of faith and morals?

31  Of these statements which you believe, which ones do you KNOW to be true?  How do you know?

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